* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

How many of you are planning to use a tens machine? I'm tempted to hire one.
But as this is my first time, i wanna experience the pain to see what it's like (does that make me sound like weirdo?!)

I am! Didn't get around to it with my first, but as I only needed gas & air I'm hoping it will be really helpful this time.

Did you see my post elsewhere about hiring the Elle TENS for just £3.96 from Toys R Us? It's normally £27.50 if you get it direct from Babycare TENS.
I'm not sure about a tens machine.. Been reading a brilliant book all about how to have a stress free labour. I can't remember what it's called lol but I'll look tomorrow. Had a bit of a low evening. Oh was going on about how, once I'm on maternity and baby is here, he expects me to do all the housework and cook dinner etc. I know he'll be working so it's fair enough but I just feel like it's a lot of pressure. I said I couldn't guarantee id do everything all the time cos I might have bad days or be tired and he said I needed to sleep when baby sleeps - well how can I when I've gotta make the house spotless. I may be overreacting but I just found it all a bit overwhelming and as usual, he couldn't understand why I was getting upset... He's now snoring his head off.. Another night of not much sleep for me by the looks of it xx
Hi ladies, hope you've had lovely weekends. I've been battling the insomnia again, and been busy crafting and reading to try and tire myself out. Haven't had chance to go back and read through all the posts but if anyone wants to add me on Facebook too search for Lucy Trist - not sure how to post the profile link from my phone! ; ) I don't think there's more than one lucy trist but if there is my pic is currently kurt cobain! Xx
Would be interested to know name of that book cherry! Also ignore ur oh, he doesn't know what it's gonna be like so take it with a pinch of salt, u don't need the added pressure. Sooner our hormones are back to normal the better too I say, I'm awful sometimes to my oh, luckily he lets it go over his head then takes the mick out of me haha. But that's not fair of him to say as if he's so sure about how things will be, especially at first. He's just jealous u get time off ;) xxx
That's the thing - he is sure how it'll be cos he's done it before with his dd. Thing is, he always moans about his ex and how she wouldn't sleep cos was so obsessed with tidying - now I think maybe that was his fault. I dunno. It's hard isn't it. He said if I'm not upto it, he'll do it and I'll have to go back to work.. I'm only taking six months off anyway cos that's all I can afford. Starting to dread it tbh... X
Cherry just ignore your oh, screw what his ex did, you are not her, if she was so perfect then he'd still be with her! ;-)
You'll find that some days you'll be able to get a lot done where as others you'll get nothing done, if he doesn't like it, tough tits lol. You and he do not know if baby is going to be a clingy baby or not, a sleepy baby or not etc so just do what you can when you feel up to it; I've always been fortunate with my DS, he is well behaved and does let me get some stuff done BUT he also has days (or even the odd week) where he will not have a nap during the day or will not let me leave the room for a wee without having a paddy, luckily my DH knows better than to expect dinner on the table or the house to be spotless, he's his grateful if and when it does happen. X
Hello everyone xx
33+2 today and everyone is happy for the twins to come now whenever they are ready. They are already measuring great weights. Hopefully they will stay put 2 more weeks though.
My hospital bags are almost ready. We will aim for a natural delivery by delivering 2 breech babies. In case the first one turns transverse it will be a c section. Hopefully not as I want in and out of the hospital in one day as I have one more baby at home too...
The nurseries are not yet done but thankfully we have a room downstairs that the babies will sleep at the beginning until they stop crying all night and wake everyone. Then they can be promoted upstairs to their nurseries lol.
I hope you are all ok xx I suppose babies will start appearing soon though hopefully they will all cook for a bit longer.
Aw twins Hope81! How exciting for you :)!
I've got my 36 week midwife check up today, hopefully it's not too late to change my hospital choice free the disgusting treatment I received in triage last week! Hope you all have a good day girls, well try to on a Monday and miserable weather for us in the midlands!
Hope how is Amelie doing? Bet she's into everything now, not long to go at all for you... My lo is still breech (got another scan Thursday to confirm what they want to do) but was measuring a hefty 5lbs 7oz nearly 3 weeks ago so we'll see how mic chunk he/she has put on.

Gemma I hope it's not too late, what hospital are you under?

My DS's nursery had called, they have a case of chicken pox going around, I don't mind my DS catching it but I don't know if it's going to effect me and or baby (especially if he/she arrives when he has the rash if he does get it)
I'm under Dudley Road City Hosp ATM but wanting to change to Birmingham Womens.
I've been to BWH for scans in this pregnancy with my DS's heart consultant who goes over there from the children's hospital, seems like a really nice hospital. I wouldn't have thought it would be too late, you'll have to chat with your mw or have a call around :-) fingers crossed x
I feel pretty lucky to have a wonderful hubby who pretty much never argues with me lol. I'm definitely the bossy one in the relationship, though not always proud of it lol.

Sometimes my hubby just forgets to do the sensible thing though. When we moved from a busy town centre to out here in the country and I was heavily pregnant, if he was at work or out shopping in town he would often leave his mobile behind or turn the sound off and not notice it ringing. Being my first pregnancy, I had false contractions and got really panicked that I couldn't contact him. He used to come home and find me in a such a state sometimes. He kept making excuses such as there was no signal when I called, the phone didn't alert him to a missed call/message etc.

One time, he went back to our old house (we still owned it briefly while we were renting here) to finish doing it up for sale. I needed to call him, but as usual he didn't answer, so I called our old next-door-neighbour instead. He went round to our house and my hubby wasn't there, so he popped a note through the letterbox. It was a good hour or so before hubby called me having seen the note, totally unaware that I was imagining him having crashed the car into a ditch or something. Turns out he had decided to take some old furniture to the tip instead and was sat waiting ages as the tip was closed for emptying and lots of cars were backed up.

I just don't think men think situations through. They seem to believe we know exactly what their plans are and act surprised when we don't.

so true!! they live in manworld !! and forget how everything they do actually has an impact on those around them.
How many of you are planning to use a tens machine? I'm tempted to hire one.
But as this is my first time, i wanna experience the pain to see what it's like (does that make me sound like weirdo?!)

don't be a martyr!! get the tens, it worked for me before. nice drug free pain relief. went on to gas and air towards delivery but tens can get you a long way.
got physio in the morning first day of school hols and I have to be at docs by 8.30 fgs why so bloody early urrhhhh hope I get some splints for my hands cos it's getting realy bad now and quite painfull god I hope they agree to induce me at 38 weeks I'm so stressed out with one thing and another aches pains can't climb the stairs without beeing in pain and then the anxiety god I'm a nervous wreck and I'm falling appart :-/ xx

hang in there Jo, the time will go quicker than you think. I am just taking one day at a time. good days and bad days, but each day is nearer to the end!!
I'm not sure about a tens machine.. Been reading a brilliant book all about how to have a stress free labour. I can't remember what it's called lol but I'll look tomorrow. Had a bit of a low evening. Oh was going on about how, once I'm on maternity and baby is here, he expects me to do all the housework and cook dinner etc. I know he'll be working so it's fair enough but I just feel like it's a lot of pressure. I said I couldn't guarantee id do everything all the time cos I might have bad days or be tired and he said I needed to sleep when baby sleeps - well how can I when I've gotta make the house spotless. I may be overreacting but I just found it all a bit overwhelming and as usual, he couldn't understand why I was getting upset... He's now snoring his head off.. Another night of not much sleep for me by the looks of it xx

tell him he has got a bloody cheek!! looking after a baby is MORE than a full time job. he will be at work for what, 8 hours or so a day? You will be working hard and on call for 24 hours a day with baby. HE is the one who has it easy and should be helping YOU out with housework and cooking. Give him what for, Cherry!!! and good luck, lol.
Hope how is Amelie doing? Bet she's into everything now, not long to go at all for you... My lo is still breech (got another scan Thursday to confirm what they want to do) but was measuring a hefty 5lbs 7oz nearly 3 weeks ago so we'll see how mic chunk he/she has put on.

Gemma I hope it's not too late, what hospital are you under?

My DS's nursery had called, they have a case of chicken pox going around, I don't mind my DS catching it but I don't know if it's going to effect me and or baby (especially if he/she arrives when he has the rash if he does get it)

have you had chicken pox before?? I think if you are immune, then you and baby are fine, even for a few weeks after baby is born as they have your immunity, esp if you bf. i'm sure I was told this before when I was pg with my daughter, but ask your mw or gp nurse for confirmation.
Morning Ladies, hope you all had a lovely weekend :)

Does anyone have any tips on getting rid of Restless Legs Syndrome or something that helps a little, its starting to really take its tole on me at nights. Sometimes I'm not getting to sleep until around 3 or 4am and since I am still working full time I'm really struggling to get up in the mornings, especially when it gets towards the end of the week and the sleepless nights are catching up on me.

I've had to take my engagement and wedding ring off today, my finger was looking slightly ridiculous and I didn't want to have to get them cut off later on lol. X
FAO - there's apparently a lot if mixed messages on chicken pox, cuz I'm over 36w even though I've had it, I could still get it, if my immunity doesn't cover baby he/she may be born with it, or if my DS does catch it and is contagious when baby is born ten he/she may catch it.... It's a 50/50 so we'll have to wait and see - fingers crossed my DS keeps it away for now x

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