* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Lovely bumps ladies.. the head of my department said to me today "not long now, what is it four weeks?" and I was like "Noooo 8!" mortified.. I'm massive.. at 5ft nothing I look ridiculous :(

I haven't even thought about hospital bag yet!! Or washing clothes! I've put them all in drawers but guess I'll wash them closer to the time.. how big a hospital bag is everyone taking? I think I'm going to need to buy some kind of mini suitcase.. fingers crossed I can have a nice easy water birth (like obem last night) and be home within four hours!! x
Got a bit carried away in the Mothercare sales - half price baby clothes!

EMMAJANESLAPTOP - unnamed (2).jpg
Got my TENS machine in the post today, yay! It is really small. Cost £40 to buy or around £20 to hire, so bought it and plan to use it for my back after the birth if I am still in pain. I don't expect the sjd to turn off like a switch, so the machine could be useful for a few weeks after.

Wish I could use it now for my back pain, but should wait for 37 weeks.

Here is the website I bought if from if anyone is interested in getting one:

http://www.tensmachines.co.uk/ Delivery was fast and I checked that it worked OK. I got the Obi TENS one.
I started my bag yesterday but there's hardly anything in it. I will probably just add to it a little bit at a time. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about washing yet I haven't got much a being team yellow.

It's all getting so excited so close now :-) xx

32 week baby bump :-)
Aw thanks jazzy I don't feel it though! Although I don't feel that big yet still feel like very slow lol. I dread to think what il be like in 8 weeks! Xx
I wish I could say the same Stacey - we've gone neutral mad haha. Only two outfits though, just lots of different babygros and sleepsuits.

I've only washed the baby stuff for hospital bag. Think I'll start washing all baby's other newborn and 0-3 month stuff next week now that the furniture is up :) I'm not washing anything bigger than 0-3, it might just end up smelling not of the washing powder and more of the furniture! Can't wait to hang little things on the little hangers :)

Aww bump pics are lovely. I'll have to get the hang of this iPhone uploading pics. I tried with the furniture yesterday but it wouldn't work. I managed 2 scan pics but I'm not sure how they worked. I've changed the size even! I've got them on Facebook - can I use those? X
Ive got babies furniture up too, but it has since been piled with stuff that needs to go in the attic! deary me! I cant wait to see all his little clothes out on the line!
there are two blocks of houses on my street, 4 houses in my row (of which me and my neighbour are pregnant) and 6 in the next row (and two of those ladies have just announced that they are pregnant too), baby boom in our post code this year!
Hellooooo x I'm a may bump x x baby girlie due 29th may x
Ive got babies furniture up too, but it has since been piled with stuff that needs to go in the attic! deary me! I cant wait to see all his little clothes out on the line!
there are two blocks of houses on my street, 4 houses in my row (of which me and my neighbour are pregnant) and 6 in the next row (and two of those ladies have just announced that they are pregnant too), baby boom in our post code this year!

Must be something in the water hehe same at my school there is loads of us pregnant I'm the first to drop tho and I'm getting sick of hearing you still here aww not long now or poor you ur massive. Bla bla Ffs I still have 6.5 weeks to get pipe down will ya :wall2: I do feel like I may pop at any moment like but dint need ppl telling me this lol feel like baby is running out if room fast movement is grinding and bloody hurting sometimes I wander what the hell it's doing in there lol I have washed everything that I have appart from what I have bought since which isn't a lot few sheets and cardigans that have been knit , the crib is up and ready in my bedroom along with the Chang unit and my bag is packed ready more or less, and my pram is in my living room staring at me taunting me lol I'm desperate to push it around the streets hehe , the only thing I need to do realy is sort my kitchen cupboards and make room for baby bottles milk etc I just cba as I realy hate that job, I have no energy either baby is zapping me must be having growth spurt I just wanna sleep n sit on my arse lol xxx
Welcome mumma87, I've added you to the list.

Aww Jojo I used to get the your huge comments so much with my DS no one has said a lot this time round though.

I'm glad to be in maternity leave as I started to feel like I'm a walking liability although having passed the gestation I had my DS I kinda feel like I'm over due haha. Wonder if I will actually go over with this one lol.
Afternoon Ladies :)

Quick update on the itch, got bloods and urine tested yesterday and bloods were ok so that ruled out obstetric cholestasis. The doctor said my pulse was a little high and there was protein and white blood cells in my urine so that's been sent for further examination. I've been told to get some cooling gel and antihistamines as they aren't sure what's causing the itch/rash, doctor said it looks more like an allergic reaction to something but I haven't changed my diet or powder etc so I'm not sure what could have caused it. Hopefully it passes soon :)

My hospital bag looks as though I'm going to Spain for a week lol its HUGE! It does however have my things, babies things and hubby's things so I suppose that's better than taking a bag each. I managed to get a good little deal on an Animal bag, £20 in the sale. The picture doesn't do the size any justice as before I bought it I was wondering to myself if it would be big enough but now that's its packed I know that I could probably get so much more in if I needed lol.

I've just washed the hospital bag clothing just now, going to do up to 0-3 when I am on maternity leave. For little one I have packed 4 vests (2 small, 2 a little bigger) 2 baby grows that I don't mind getting ruined (size up to 10lbs) . Another baby grow that's possibly going to be a coming home outfit(size up to 10lbs) and then another outfit of trousers and top that is another possibility of coming home outfit(also size up to 10lbs), not sure what I want to put on him or what I'll have left clean (depending how long we are in for) 2 muslins, 2 bibs, 2 pair of socks, 1 pair of mittens, 1 pair of slipper booties, 1 pack of cotton pads and 1 pack of nappies....... oh and 2 hats :)

Hope this helps you ladies who haven't yet packed. The only things I still need to pack is my makeup and a brush (use these daily) . X


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Afternoon Ladies :)

Quick update on the itch, got bloods and urine tested yesterday and bloods were ok so that ruled out obstetric cholestasis. The doctor said my pulse was a little high and there was protein and white blood cells in my urine so that's been sent for further examination. I've been told to get some cooling gel and antihistamines as they aren't sure what's causing the itch/rash, doctor said it looks more like an allergic reaction to something but I haven't changed my diet or powder etc so I'm not sure what could have caused it. Hopefully it passes soon :)

My hospital bag looks as though I'm going to Spain for a week lol its HUGE! It does however have my things, babies things and hubby's things so I suppose that's better than taking a bag each. I managed to get a good little deal on an Animal bag, £20 in the sale. The picture doesn't do the size any justice as before I bought it I was wondering to myself if it would be big enough but now that's its packed I know that I could probably get so much more in if I needed lol.

I've just washed the hospital bag clothing just now, going to do up to 0-3 when I am on maternity leave. For little one I have packed 4 vests (2 small, 2 a little bigger) 2 baby grows that I don't mind getting ruined (size up to 10lbs) . Another baby grow that's possibly going to be a coming home outfit(size up to 10lbs) and then another outfit of trousers and top that is another possibility of coming home outfit(also size up to 10lbs), not sure what I want to put on him or what I'll have left clean (depending how long we are in for) 2 muslins, 2 bibs, 2 pair of socks, 1 pair of mittens, 1 pair of slipper booties, 1 pack of cotton pads and 1 pack of nappies....... oh and 2 hats :)

Hope this helps you ladies who haven't yet packed. The only things I still need to pack is my makeup and a brush (use these daily) . X

That's good news about the itching!

My bile acids were 8 at my last blood test, which I was told at the hospital last night is low and normal. They are still repeating the tests every week for safe measure. Just wish my doctor wouldn't have scared me in saying that I had the condition if the obstetrician I saw yesterday actually told me unless the acid level is raised no further action except weekly testing will have to be done!
Welcome mumma87, your due the day after me :-)

Glad to hear it's not ob Ashleigh but hood the itching calms down for you soon. Midwife told me that with skin bring so sensitive can be something that wouldn't normally bother you can now.

Everyone is making me feel really unorganised! Lol I still have so much to do. Really better get started in babies room :-/ xxx
Gd news about the itching :) I had the itch in my last pregnancy towards the end had all the tests but all clear , was horendous would rive at my skin nothing would ease it I used camomile lotion as it was mostly just on my legs xx
Welcome Mumma87. X

Sinead1989 - I got E45 itch relief cream when I popped out to Tesco earlier so here's hoping! I think that's the cutest 32 week bump I have ever seen lol you are only a couple of weeks behind me and I look like I've eaten you........... probably not that big but I feel it and would look it next to you, do you know what you are having? :yellow:

I don't know why they do that Gemma, they always have you thinking the worst before things are confirmed. Glad your levels were normal though, glad they are testing weekly, hoping your levels stay the same :)

It seems to be all over unfortunately jojo but its only my chest and tummy that are rashing, slightly strange! My legs were horrendous last night when I got into bed, I'm just going to cover myself in cream at night and sleep with a light sheet as it gets worse the warmer I am and that seems to keep me awake. X

Thanks, I hope my levels stay down too! I don't think I can handle the added stresses tbh

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