* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Has anyone seen tonight's one born? Saw some people on fb saying they hope a baby pulls through :/ just put it on channel 4+1 but not sure if I should watch or not....x
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I just watched it. Don't worry your safe to watch as has a happy ending. Has a great water birth on it too xxx
Yeah just saw the water birth - really hope I get to have a birth like that!! Oooh good - thanks for the reassurance :) xx
So got some more painting done last night with the help of my DH who won't obviously let his 35w preggers wife climb a ladder / on a hop up etc (mainly for the fact I'm further in my pregnancy than I've got before lol) this is where we've got to.....


Can't wait to do some of the colour on the ship today when My little man has his nap, the DH can do the 2nd coat round the room tonight while I colour in the sea. Hopefully we can get the skirting on this weekend and buy the door ready for my dad to come cut it to size carpet is already on order.
Ahh love the wall Sprog! And bump too :)

Yes, OBEM was interesting. I recorded it and watched at 10pm so had no adverts. I was temped to forward over some bits - didn't know where they were going with the little boy Conan - I just presumed it wouldn't end well but at the same time I thought they'd showed us too much of the birth etc for it not to have been a happy ending. Hubby was all sad watching it too. He was watching the programme whilst reading my 'pregnancy bible' lol bless him! He learned all about contractions, bathing baby and that, in his words, he has to 'be nice to me' hehe x
Can you all believe that in just a few short hours we'll be able to say our babies are coming next month! So exciting, the end is finally in sight!

I'm 33 weeks today, here's my bump!


Lovely bump :) xxx
Oh! Forgot to say - I had a dream! Lol. Probably due to OBEM. I had a baby boy on the 7th of May! It 'didn't hurt much' is what I said! And then I tried to text friends on my mobile and it just wouldn't work, then I woke up lol x
Wow sproglett! What a fab bedroom your boy is gonna have!

I had cramp down the left side of my tummy last night, every time I woke up to turn over it was still there. Hoping it was just baby moving rather than anymore stretching pains!

Great bumps! Need to do a bump pic for myself today! X
Love the bedroom sproglet and ur bumps ladies :) we are having a baby next month!! Or maybe this month for some of us eeekk bring it on I am so ready to get my body back now :) xx
Thanks ladies :-)

I'm wondering when this one is going to make their arrival as I'm past the gestation I had his/her big brother, I feel like a liability hehe. I really would like baby to come in April although I don't mind waiting till may, as long as he/she is safe that's the main thing and I'd like to get chance for a proper cuddle this time round :-) x x
Hi Ladies,

Sorry haven't been on for a good few days, had a long weekend and didn't manage to get on at all, I hope everyone is well. I need to start getting on at least once a day as I'm missing far too much and I don't have long enough on the laptop to read everything I have missed :(

Hoping everyone is still pregnant and is doing ok, I really think I am going to go early, I don't know why I just have this feeling. Bump has dropped and I'm getting some pressure down below........ I also started leaking this morning (only when I squeeze my boobies)

3 weeks of work left so I hope he doesn't come before I finish up lol. I cant believe I will have a baby NEXT MONTH! Where has time gone, really!?

I hope you all had a lovely mothers day, I got a lovely card, flowers and spa day experience which I plan to use while on maternity leave.

I think the only thing I have to moan about is sleep, what is sleep again? I feel like I've had about 12 hours all weekend. Made it to work this morning though so it will be a chilled night tonight.

I've also lost my appetite a little, I'm not feeling hungry until about 1-2 whereas I would be ready for my breakfast as soon as I woke up at 7-8. Maybe it has something to do with the 2 million rennie tablets I'm eating a day lol heartburn is terrible! X
love the bedroom, sproglett, it is coming on really nicely. keep posting updates i can't wait to see how it finally turns out. wish i was this artistic!

lovely bumps everyone!
Hey ladies, not been on for a while as been having internet issues lol!
Found out last week i have obstetric cholestasis :(
I'm 35 weeks 2 days atm, and am doing nothing but worry about the outcome for both me and baby. His movements and heart rate have not changed, but i just want to know if i'll be getting induced. Got another blood test thursday, results friday and midwife next Monday.
Anyone had this in previous pregnancy? Or have got it?
Sorry to hear that Gemma. I know very little about this condition and no experience of it myself, so cannot help. How did you know that you might have it? just out of interest.
i was itching on my hands and feet but no rash or anything was appearing. Always at night too! i remember it being one of the 'to look out for' things during the last trimester so got a blood test done asap and it came back confirming obstetric cholestasis
Bedroom looking fab sprog, and the bump pics are cute :) im off work today, up all night trying to have a wee, went to docs this morning and I have a water infection so got some antibiotics for it. Slept few hours this morning though and do feel a little better. Scary thinking we could have a baby this month
I imagine that is something quite easy to dismiss, so it is good you spotted it and got tested.

I just have really itchy boobs!!

Is there any treatment they can give you? or is it just a case of getting baby out sooner? Is it really harmful or not?

Sorry for the questions, I am interested to find out.
Yeah, i had a feeling something wasn't right and my extreme tiredness wasn't just pregnancy related.
I've just been prescriped piriton and calamine lotion for the itching but nothing 100% gets rid of it, grr!
I have been reading on nhs related sites that people suffering from it tend to get induced at 37/38 weeks as after the 38 week mark is when it can get dangerous and the bile salt levels can increase in hours!
Oh dear, looks like you will be having an April baby then!

Is there anything you can do to prevent it happening, or is it just one of those things that happens?

Itching must drive you crazy!

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