* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Hi all. I was thinking my bump isn't that big but looked in the mirror earlier and I'm massive. I'm so exhausted all the time now although apparently baby doubles it's weight between 32-40 weeks so that may be why! I'm massively unprepared compared to you all. Not done hospital bag, not assembled Moses basket furniture or sorted nursey.. Been spending so much time trying to sort out my old flat for rental that I haven't got round to any of that yet. Just found out bloody plumber is off on holiday for just over two weeks on Friday so won't be fitting my bathroom until 22nd April!! I really need it all sorted and rented out before baby arrives so we'll actually have some spare cash!! As I write this, I can feel baby digging (what I think is) her bum into my ribs. I find it quite comforting in a strange kinda way!! X
good news that the itching isn't something nasty!

been at work today and even the doctors are giving up their seats for me! lol. I've stolen some annual leave from the end of my mat leave to use to help me get through this month (hats off to you lot still working full time!), just means I'll have a weeks less at the end.
oh I was naughty today too and hoisted a patient even though my risk assessment says for me to do no manual handling!

currently having a cheeky costa coffee waiting for my oh to finish work and pick me up to go food shopping...thinking about what take away/where to go out for dinner so I dont have to cook (cant possibily work, food shop and cook all on the same day!)

all this talk of packing and sorting is making me very excited! though I have my dissertation to finish and another assignment to do after beforebaby is here - it's so bad, but I really don't give a shit about uni work/mark.

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Hi ladies, hope you're all enjoying your last month of freedom! ;)

Well I had my growth scan on Tuesday and what a total waste of time it was. The sonographer measured baby's head and abdomen (which are bang on average) but said it wasn't possible to check how the cord was attached to the placenta.

After that disappointing five minutes (they were running 40 minutes late and I was rushed in and out) I was made to wait to see the consultant. As this was a scan I requested for a specific reason that they couldn't do, I've no idea why this was necessary. I had to wait 30 mins for that too. All the while trying to entertain a very bored 3yr old who just wanted to go home.

I do now booked in for a private growth scan at babybond this weekend. I've been assured they can check for the cord attachment and if necessary do a vaginal ultrasound to check for exposed blood vessels near the cervix. Hopefully I'll get the reassurance I need to proceed with my home birth, though it's going to cost me £99 I'm struggling to find right now.

I depressed myself earlier by going through my to-do list of purchases before baby comes. I've got about £500 worth of stuff yet to buy. Why did I sell so much of my son's stuff lol......
Ah Cherry we still have plenty of time to get sorted! Sorry your growth scan was so unhelpful sufforkmum, can't believe you have to pay to go private! Seems crazy.

I had midwife today and she has refered me for a growth scan tomorrow as I was measuring a little small. I think it was only a centimetre but she said its because I dropped below a centile line. Xx
Saw midwife today for 31 wk check, everything good :) baby still head down (has been since 27ish, better stay that way please!!) , and lying vertical. Had a good listen to HB and recorded it so my fiancé can hear it at last! Got growth scan booked in in 2 weeks, then midwife wk after and consultant early May when I'll be 36 wks! Coming round so quick!! Baba will soon be here! When should I pack my bag??
Oh, and 5 days left at work woohoo!! X
Lou my bag has been packed forever lol, do it when your ready, with my DS I had a funny turn at 32w so it was packed by 33w, this time round it was about 30 just incase lol x
Thanks sproglett, I think I will get some bits washed and make a start once I'm off on mat leave :) xx
I finished work friday, although I've been painting every day since lol x
Thanks Ashleigh I feel bigger than I look I was measuring 2 weeks behind last time so not sure what will happen at my appt next week. I'm team yellow :-) I was a lot bigger with both my boys. I'm sure il probably double in size over the next week. I hope your cream works for you.

Sorry to hear your scan was a waste of time but hopefully baby bond can be better for you and you get the home birth you want. I just couldn't decide if I wanted one or not but think I'm going to go with hospital but really hope your works out for you :-)

Think I'm going to try and get some bits done in babies room tomorrow doubt il get very far with my litter one 'helping' xx
Hi ladies,

Suffolk, have you tried throwing a tantrum to the consultant to get the scan and put your mind at rest? Might be worth insisting they do it if it is causing you stress.

Lou, glad your checks were all OK.

Cherry, you need a new plumber, lol!

Jazzy, look after yourself and no more lifting!!

Well that's my advice for the night done, haha!

My news? I've been posting this week on some PE threads, and sods law my legs have swelled up tonight for the first time. Bloody jinxed myself, didn't I?
Hi ladies,

Suffolk, have you tried throwing a tantrum to the consultant to get the scan and put your mind at rest? Might be worth insisting they do it if it is causing you stress.

Lou, glad your checks were all OK.

Cherry, you need a new plumber, lol!

Jazzy, look after yourself and no more lifting!!

Well that's my advice for the night done, haha!

My news? I've been posting this week on some PE threads, and sods law my legs have swelled up tonight for the first time. Bloody jinxed myself, didn't I?

I thought of that lol, but to be fair to the consultant I saw initially, she didn't think there would be a problem getting the placenta looked at. It's the sonographer who said no and I honestly don't think she knew what to look for anyway. At least having a private scan, I can be more demanding as I'm paying for it lol. I'll find out roughly how much baby weighs too (bloody NHS sonographer refused to tell me that either!).

Don't worry too much about leg swelling, especially if it's around the calf/ankle area. Mine swelled up so much in my last pregnancy that I joked I had tree trunks for legs lol! It's really weird how your feet go all squishy too!
Fao funny you should say that, my legs ballooned yesterday too, fingers crossed it's nothing to worry about x x
Hey ladies, sorry to hear the swelling has started! :(
I'm starting to panic about not having time to get stuff sorted, mainly because I'm so lazy these days I just can't get myself motivated! I started my hospital bags at about 20 weeks but have since emptied them to wash the baby clothes! Got them all in an ironing pile which I'm slowly working my way through (I don't bother ironing normally but wanted a nice fresh drawer of baby clothes - it won't last!!). Got to sort through it all too to see what we actually want to keep out as theres so much (hand me downs) that we won't need it all, and some of it is bigger sizes so will be sticking some of it in the loft out the way. Want to pick up some hospital bag snacks soon too, just in case!! X
Awww cornishfairy, I totally know what you mean about running out of time, I've still got to get skirting, architrave, a door and carpet down in my DS's room before I can get him out the nursery, meaning I have nowhere for any of baby's things at the moment, my crib is still at my friends house from when she borrowed it last year but I have no where to currently put it as there's stuff all over the place right now lol.

I'm sure we'll all be ready when our babies do make their appearance, I was hoping to be ready well before now as I want my DS settled in his new room before I have sleepless nights with a new born but this is obviously not supposed to happen lol.

I'll get there, oh yeah this is how far we have got now

Sprog - that looks beautiful! Well done you.

Rebecca - sorry to hear about the scan - that's not on! I hope Babybond one goes well.

Lucy - definitely get those snacks in ;)

Ashleigh - I'm pleased the itching is nothing to worry about.

Rachel - sorry to hear about having to have growth scan though I'm sure all will be fine. You'll see your little one again too :) I'm sure those measurements are just daft!!! Not my professional opinion but there we are!

Lou - hoping your baby stays head down!

I've been really struggling with severe headaches but it's easing a bit now I think. Was going to ring doctor today but it's just niggly. Midwife on Tuesday - plenty to tell her. No point ringing her now to say I have throbbing headache, I'm seeing spots and lines, the room is all slanty and spinning and I keep going hot and faint! She'll be sending me to doctors or hospital, but that was my daily life over a year ago so whatever baby is doing or hormones or whatever, it's causing it again :( x
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I've been really struggling with severe headaches but it's easing a bit now I think. Was going to ring doctor today but it's just niggly. Midwife on Tuesday - plenty to tell her. No point ringing her now to say I have throbbing headache, I'm seeing spots and lines, the room is all slanty and spinning and I keep going hot and faint! She'll be sending me to doctors or hospital, but that was my daily life over a year ago so whatever baby is doing or hormones or whatever, it's causing it again :( x

Oh no, that's sounds awful hun. Maybe you should call your GP and see if you need to go in earlier than Tuesday? I'd hate for you to have undiagnosed pre-eclampsia, especially as it can strike quite fast. Or maybe call the labour ward and see what they recommend? xxx
I second what Suffolkmum says. I had PE in my first pregnancy and you shouldn't ignore the signs.

That is why I shall keep a close eye on my swelly legs, but thankfully they are not too bad and went down overnight. I know how bad they can get with PE, so I know what to look for. Headaches though are no trivial matter, and with lights/visual disturbances being a sign of high bp (the real danger) then you should go get your bp and urine checked today Vic. no harm done if all fine, but potentially lots of harm saved if not.
Sproglett that is looking so good! You're a clever lady :)
Vic, I agree with the other ladies, worth getting checked as my mw asks if I've been seeing spots or any other visual disturbances whenever I tell her I've been feeling a bit woozy, seems like that is one of the main things they worry about with PE, I know you've suffered before with these things anyway so it's not as unusual for you but may just be worth double checking. Xx
Vic. I agree with above, pleased get checked hun, tuesday is still 5 days away. Better to be checked than not. They do say to with your symptoms xx
sproglett, I love it! You are very artistic! My talents will go as far as a slap of paint and a few wall stickers....I wish I was creative! x
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