* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

my current bump :)


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    35 eeks.jpg
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Yeah, looks like littleman will be here in a few weeks! Unpreventable, and in some cases heriditary
my current bump :)

Lovely bump sorry to hear about the ob. My friend had it in both her preg her 2nd from 20 weeks. She was induced at 37 weeks with no problems to her or baby :-)

Sorry I'm rubbish with posting in here! Hope everyone is well. Can't believe out babies are due next month!! Even though I have got 8 weeks to go!

Definitely starting to feel more tired now and short walks I'm struggling with! Lol I was hoping I would have a little more energy for a bit longer. Xxx
Hi ladies, I just watched last night's obem and blubbed most of the way through! I can't believe we'll be having babies next month, although to be fair its still about 2 months for me, pretty sure baby will be late and come in June! But I live in hope ;) x
It's crazy to say well hav our babies next month isn't it... I can't wait... :)
Sorry to hear about the obstetric cholestasis, I hope the itching calms down and you get baby out nice and safe.

Its just made me think though..... I've been super itchy on hands and arms but no rash and super itchy on chest and tummy and I'm covered in tiny pimples (similar to attached pic) I tried to google pregnancy rashes and everything else but couldn't find anything that looked like what I had, I just assumed it was the heat at night as I now get really warm when I'm trying to sleep and that's when its most itchy. I've just googled obstetric cholestasis and found the picture below that looks like what I have :eh: I'm now considering phoning the midwife for an appointment as soon as she can, I don't see her again until the 11th. X


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Awww Gemma I really hope they give you some more answers soon and you and baby are both ok, thinking of you :-(

Fao will deffo keep posting Jacob's room piks, I feel I'm missing out in nursery decorating this time round so needed something to keep me busy lol x
It's a lovely sunny day here, just sat outside to eat my lunch at work. I can't believe I only have 15 working days left! I found out today that they are advertising for maternity cover for me after all which makes me feel a bit odd and a bit jealous! I know we all moan about work, but being at home will be such a big change for me after all these years, I think I'm going to be a bit possessive about my job when it comes down to actually finishing for maternity leave! So looking forward to baby coming though and a lazy sunshine summer at home :)
Sorry to hear about the obstetric cholestasis, I hope the itching calms down and you get baby out nice and safe.

Its just made me think though..... I've been super itchy on hands and arms but no rash and super itchy on chest and tummy and I'm covered in tiny pimples (similar to attached pic) I tried to google pregnancy rashes and everything else but couldn't find anything that looked like what I had, I just assumed it was the heat at night as I now get really warm when I'm trying to sleep and that's when its most itchy. I've just googled obstetric cholestasis and found the picture below that looks like what I have :eh: I'm now considering phoning the midwife for an appointment as soon as she can, I don't see her again until the 11th. X

Thankyou, I hope it calms down ASAP.
If you do match the symptoms of OC, definitely let your doctor or midwife know so they can test you ASAP. It might not be as I have been told its uncommon but it's better to be safe. I'm so glad I went to my doctors last week and didn't put my itching down to bio oil lol
Fingers crossed for you Gemma, did you see your doc or midwife? If I cant get appointment with midwife I'll just go and see the doctor.

kautostar I have 13 left, not long for either of us :) my mind is already off work so I defo wont be worrying about who will be doing my job lol I just want to hurry up and finish :)

How are you ladies getting on with your hospital bag? I packed mine yesterday while I had the day off, feel a bit more relaxed now! X
Fingers crossed for you Gemma, did you see your doc or midwife? If I cant get appointment with midwife I'll just go and see the doctor.

kautostar I have 13 left, not long for either of us :) my mind is already off work so I defo wont be worrying about who will be doing my job lol I just want to hurry up and finish :)

How are you ladies getting on with your hospital bag? I packed mine yesterday while I had the day off, feel a bit more relaxed now! X

As my midwife is only available on Mondays I contacted my doctor, they were very familiar with the condition luckily enough.

I packed my hospital bag on Saturday and it made me a little bit emotional lol! Damn hormones
Aww Gemma, sorry up hear that. I was tested for it in first trimester - midwife was on the ball and immediately took blood from me! Luckily I was just itchy! Hope all is ok xx

Hi Ashleigh! I'm on here everyday and still can't keep up ;)

My hospital bag is nearly packed. I've been packing it for a few weeks now lol. Baby's bag is finished but mine still has a few things to go in - like loose/maternity clothes I'm wearing them all still lol! I like to have a bit of variety but have my favourites so they'll have to wait a few weeks. Same for make up etc though I have all my toiletries as I've got all sorts of miniature stuff! I've got a spare brush but need to buy a comb- I might forget it if I'm in a rush. I'm not vain by the way, just have long hair and can't bear to not wash it! Saying that I've just has my hair cut and a little fringe put in again lol at the stupidity) so I'll need to add hair clip to my hospital bag list lol.

How many babygro/sleepsuits are you taking? X
I've put 4 sleep suits in and 4 vests. Two in a small size and the others a little bigger. My bag weighs a ton! LOL :shock:
Thank you :) yes that's how many I've got of each! Mine is full and it's not finished! I may have to move stuff to a bigger holdall bag haha! X
Hospital bag packing, oh geeze! I've just put some toiletries aside at the moment. Haven't washed any baby stuff either yet, was gonna wait till beginning of May, but you guys are already packing?!
I'm all packed up and have been for a few weeks now but that's because of being high risk of prem labour which is looking less and less likely now :-) x
I've even packed my outfit and little ones for coming home in! I think I've done well to be so prepared :)
Have you all done the mass wash? Have you washed everything?
I was just planning on washing the clothes up to 3 months, towels, blankets, muslins and bedding. Does that sound about right? X

P.s I'm feeling like a barrel with legs this week.
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I've got my bags packed, just coming home clothes to put in for me but I haven't a clue what to wear. Also done all baby's washing and put away, Gemma that's everything I've washed, so glad it's done. Hopefully this is the start of nicer weather so you can hang it all out to dry, love that smell :) xxx
I hope it doesn't get too bad for you Gemma.

Here is a bump pic of mine - actually my first!! Me at 35 weeks. (Hope this works)

EMMAJANESLAPTOP - bump 35 (2).jpg

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