* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Afternoon Ladies,

Itching wasn't too bad last night, didn't have any on legs or chest, just an itchy tummy, chest is a bit itchy today but I'm just applying my cream and trying not to scratch .......... easier said than done:wall2: !!

Cherrybelly - I hope my baby has already doubled then, there is never enough room in there for him still to double, I sometimes feel like his feet are just going to pop out the sides or something, he must be getting less room therefor he can't get as coufy, its quite painful sometimes!

Jazzy.fizzle - Please be careful with your hoisting, yours and babys health comes first! I hope you make it through this month, maybe by the end of your maternity leave you'll be glad your going back a week early lol never know! After today I have 11 working days left - the countdown is on!!! Its out takeaway night tomorrow, we normally get Chinese but I kind of fancy a chippy - not sure, it'll probably have changed again by the time tomorrow comes lol.

Suffolkmum - That's not good that you have to fork out £99 to make sure everything is ok!:eh: hope you get the result you hoped for. Are you buying brand new or second hand? You might save yourself some money looking on eBay etc... depending on what it is you still need.

Fao - Hope your swelling goes down and its nothing to worry about.

Cornishfairy - I've also done my hospital snack bag, I probably sound super organised but I have always been like that. If I didn't have to wash things by bag would have been packed at 12 weeks lol I just love organising, slightly OCD I would say! Everything needs to be perfect and I would probably have a meltdown if anyone was to touch or fiddle with my bag now, I have it the way I want it :)

Whats everyone taking in their "snack bag" if you are taking one?

Sproglett - That décor is gorgeous! You have really done a good job, well done you! So talented.

Vic - Get looked at and let us know, better to be safe than sorry. Hope everything is ok :thumbup:

If anyone is interested in becoming facebook friends then feel free to add me - https://www.facebook.com/Ashleigh5x

Enjoy the rest of your day ladies!

Well I've been to midwife today exactly 34 weeks and I'm 4/5 engaged which probably explains why I keep walking funny lol!!!

Not that it means anything as she could I engage just as quickly lol!!!

Is anyone else due on the 15th?

I still don't have a labour buddy :( x
That's very organised Ashleigh! I've been making a list of things I want to take, mostly things I can face when I feel a bit icky. So far the list consists of Polo's, Fruit Gums, ready salted crisps, dried fruit, fruit juice cartons and bottled water (as I heard someone say it's handy to have some cold bottles in a cool bag rather than room temp water).
Hi ladies, thanks for the advice. I rang GP earlier and they said they didn't have any appointments, so I got a telephone conversation and GP told me to come in within the next half an hour. I went and urine and blood pressure is fine ( not sure what bp was though) he was very thorough and said it must be a series of migraines. He felt my neck and said might have pulled that somehow too. He's a relatively new doctor to the practice and he asked me when my next consultant appointment is, or appointment with my specialist. I looked confused and he said oh are you just midwife led care? I said yes. Well! the bemused look on his face! He said we'll delve into my dizziness once baby is born. He was keen to know if I wanted to re referred for tests (because of headaches) though he didn't feel it was necessary, but it was nice he asked! He asked if I was happy with how I'd been dealt with today, which was nice! Still have pain in my right side, near ribs but he mentioned PE and said it was a bit high for that. Naturally the pain is lower down now but if my bp and urine are fine I can't complain. Must be just my stupid body! X
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That's good news Vic, and it's always good when you get a nice doctor, makes you feel much happier that things really are OK! Hope you feel better soon hun. x
Hi ladies, thanks for the advice. I rang GP earlier and they said they didn't have any appointments, so I got a telephone conversation and GP told me to come in within the next half an hour. I went and urine and blood pressure is fine ( not sure what bp was though) he was very thorough and said it must be a series of migraines. He felt my neck and said might have pulled that somehow too. He's a relatively new doctor to the practice and he asked me when my next consultant appointment is, or appointment with my specialist. I looked confused and he said oh are you just midwife led care? I said yes. Well! the bemused look on his face! He said we'll delve into my dizziness once baby is born. He was keen to know if I wanted to re referred for tests (because of headaches) though he didn't feel it was necessary, but it was nice he asked! He asked if I was happy with how I'd been dealt with today, which was nice! Still have pain in my right side, near ribs but he mentioned PE and said it was a bit high for that. Naturally the pain is lower down now but if my bp and urine are fine I can't complain. Must be just my stupid body! X

Glad you got checked out hun and that everything appears to be OK. Lets hope it stays that way!

Sounds like you have a good doctor there too who might be able to help you get some answers to your long-term dizziness issues. Definitely take him up on his offer for further testing!
Suffolkmum - That's not good that you have to fork out £99 to make sure everything is ok!:eh: hope you get the result you hoped for. Are you buying brand new or second hand? You might save yourself some money looking on eBay etc... depending on what it is you still need.

I prefer to buy new where I can, both for hygiene reasons and because I like having a warranty in case something goes wrong. One of the more expensive things I need to buy is a swing. The one I like is on ebay quite often, but I've heard reports of the motor failing, so don't want to risk secondhand. Then I need to buy a breast pump, bottles breastpads etc, all of which I want new for hygiene reasons. Can't remember what else is on the list, but there's plenty lol.
Thanks girls. Yes I will! He doesn't need to know all the ins and outs as to where I've already been referred - though he can look on the screen! My other doctor is convinced I have ME/CFS but I saw an ME consultant about they a year ago and she said I didn't have it. Despite that, my usual doctor refers to me as 'having ME' so if I'm labelled with that we can't really go anywhere. I'm hoping the dizziness will settle down a bit after baby is born so I can feel comfortable looking after the poor little thing lol. Speaking of the 'poor little thing' I don't know what he/she is up to this afternoon. Kicking me sooo much! It's really high up and lots of twinges, I've just jumped and let out a little scream - very weird! I think it's seriously on the move! Doesn't seem very happy at all! X
Vic, so glad you got checked out and all is OK. You can't buy peace of mind!!

GP sounds good too, maybe this will be the one that really helps you long term. Take advantage of any help or referrals he offers! GPs like that are hard to find.

Sproglett - that room is looking amazing. Hope you are really proud of yourself.

Ashleigh - thank you. Swelling down by this morning and have put feet up for most of the day, so OK now. Glad your itching is not too bad now. I think my itchy boobs are down to increased blood flow and heat to the area, perhaps yours is the same?
Well I've been to midwife today exactly 34 weeks and I'm 4/5 engaged which probably explains why I keep walking funny lol!!!

Not that it means anything as she could I engage just as quickly lol!!!

Is anyone else due on the 15th?

I still don't have a labour buddy :( x

Hey TT - happy to oblige if you want! Just message me.
I'd love a different plumber but he's my oh's mate and we've already paid for materials :( Glad you got a nice dr Vic.

My oh's gran passed away yesterday and we've gotta go to blackpool (a 6-7 hour drive) for the funeral. I'm trying to look at it like a mini break lol but I think it's gonna be exhausting!!! Xxx
Sorry to hear that Cherry. Make sure you take lots of breaks on the journey.
Aww sorry to hear that cherry, take snacks and stop for wee breaks!

I'm sat in the bath eating strawberries, I like eating in the bath! Lol.
I'm deffo packing Pringles in my hospital bag! X
Had this weeks blood tests back. My bile acids have gone up from 8 to 10. Hopefully they stay where they are, doc says anything over 14 they discuss induction. Glad my doctors are on point with the testing! Back again next Wednesday, fingers crossed they stay below 14. If not I guess I'll get to meet my little man very soon
Yes I think we'll have to stop every hour for a wee break! Popped to h&m this eve and they've now got a maternity section :) bought two long tops and a dress and they're actually quite nice!! So much more comfy than my pre preg clothes I've been squeezing myself into!! Xx
Glad you got checked Vic and all seems ok. Hope your feeling better soon. Gemma really hope they stay down for you. Ohhh haven't even thought about food for my hospital bag I'm sure I didn't bring anything before might have to start stocking up!

Anyone else breech but still get lots of pressure down below? I know I would still get a bit but seems a lot head not being down. Was thinking maybe he/she has turned. Will find out in Monday. Xxx
I haven't thought about food for my hospital bag either lol! Ill have to grab a few high energy snacks to stick in x
Sinead, I get pressure on and off down below, and was definitely still breech when feeling this, I'm currently 35+5 and have a scan next Thursday to check in baby, fingers crossed he/she will then by then.

I've not packed food, if anything was to go off plan, re baby is still breech and they need to do an emergency cs, I don't want to risk having food in my system, I don't take well to anaesthetic anyway, also last time my labour was 9hrs 5, and I didn't think about food or drink throughout lol x
This one was breech with his feet up by his face at my midwife appointment last week and I have no idea if he's turned!

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