* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Wow you're lucky!! I asked this morning if baby had got me anything and he said no lol... Have spent the day doing housework but feel better for it, although oh and his dd just came in and are trashing the place lol... X
I must say I havnt given oh the. Easiest ride and he's a real plonker sometimes but he does really care bless him!!!! Now he's at work so I'm changing beds and need to sort wedding invites x
Yeah TT, I drew it. Just in te process of drawing a island on the other side of the chimney breast, then to do all the painting, hopefully the room will be ready before baby comes along so I can finally move my big boy out the nursery x
Happy Mother's Day to you all (I believe we're all mummies as soon as we get pregnant lol).

Bit of a boring day here to be honest as hubby is really behind on work and we have a product launch this evening. He's promised me a meal out tomorrow though, which I prefer as it will be less busy.

My son brought home a handmade card and hand painted tile from nursery which was lovely. I also had a box of ferrero rocher which hubby made the mistake of giving me early, so they are all gone now lol.

I think baby knows it's Mother's Day as he's been trying to erupt out of my tummy this afternoon! Wish I could catch it on camera, but I don't even bother trying as I know he'll stop moving the instant I start filming lol.
Happy Mother's day ladies! I haven't had any treats from the bump but didnt expect to; hubby is very excited that fathers day comes first in our babies first year on the outside!! We've had a lovely weekend, we had a voucher for 2 nights in a hotel for xmas so we used that, went up to exeter and just pottered around the shops, ate too much and sat in lots of pubs to rest my weary bones ;) I slept better in the hotel than I have at home for weeks, so thankfully I didn't disturb hubby too much - its weeks since we last shared a bed. Treated myself to some totally unnecessary bits and bobs and on the way home we stopped off at dunelm mill to pick up a throw to protect our new sofa and while I was there I treated myself to a memory foam pillow; hope it helps with my sleeping at home! Also nipped into hobbycraft and got a mr men and little miss cross stitch alphabet sampler kit. I haven't done cross stitch since primary school but fancied having a go at something to put on the wall for the baby. It'll take months for me to do so I'm not expecting to have it done before the baby arrives but thats ok, I doubt it'll be ready to learn the alphabet immediately ;)
Hope you've all enjoyed your weekends. Ooh hubby surprised me at the weekend by telling me he's booked tomorrow off work as holiday too so we get an extra day :) Going to head over to our allotment and get some seeds in the soil :) x
Awww glad you've had a good weekend Cornish, lovely to take a break!! Our weekend has been ok, had a good tidy up today, took oh's dd back to her mums and then saw my mum for a bit and came home and chilled. Really don't want to start all over again tomorrow! I won buggy wars though and it's staying in our hallway. I can't stop staring at it. Did you ladies with the graco evo get the carrycot? I'm starting to think I may want it for the first few weeks as baby might be a bit uncomfy in the car seat and although the buggy folds flat, I won't want her facing her away from me either Xx
I haven't got the carrycot, if baby seems uncomfortable in the normal bit laid down then I'll order an cushioned insert to put underneath him. Mines still in its box! X
I haven't got the carrycot, if baby seems uncomfortable in the normal bit laid down then I'll order an cushioned insert to put underneath him. Mines still in its box! X

If the Evo doesn't have an official insert available, you could try this one: http://www.mamasandpapas.com/product-sola-city-newborn-liner/159246200/type-i/

It's designed for the mamas and papas sola, but I'm using it with my baby jogger and it seems fine.

We didn't get the carrycot as we don't really have room for it, but the pram bit should lay flat facing towards you anyway. I know ours does as I had a good play with it ;) xx
Oh hang on, according to the website, you make make it parent facing lol, I'll have to have a fiddle with it!! X
Thanks Cornish, do you literally unclip it and click it on the other way??? X
Yep, it really is nice and simple, think there are clips under the bit where it fixes on that you just push in and lift it off. Oh thinking about it you know that anyway probably as you'd have to take that off to put the car seat on! Brain not in gear here tonight... I need a chinese! X
Hi, not been on much recently as brother been over from Oz, was lovely to see him after so long, sad he's gone though but will be back in October for my wedding! :)
Got treated yesterday, met my friend at a spa and she paid for me to gave a pregnancy massage and a posh dinner, she also brought me loads of stuff that she no longer needs from when she had her little boy, am completely overwhelmed :)

Hope all you ladies are well. Not long now for all of us!
Hi girls, sounds like you're all having fun getting those last bits and pieces organised! :D

I've just booked my placenta encapsulation. I had severe baby blues and mild post-natal depression last time, hoping this will prevent it second time around. I'm also having a placenta smoothie soon after birth. Sounds yucky lol, but it's mixed in with lots of fruit and apparently you can't taste it.

I saw the midwife yesterday. Everything is bang on average - fundal height is 33cm at 32+4, urine fine, baby's heart rate 144bpm and my bp was 110/65. I see her once more in the office in two weeks and then she'll visit me at home to do a home birth check - exciting!

I have my growth scan on Tuesday. It's really just to check the cord attachment and placenta, but officially they don't do that lol.

I'm also still getting over yet another cold (one of the perks of having a child at nursery lol). The nasal congestion is annoying me and I'm having to use a medicated spray so I can breathe. Plus I get pregnancy rhinitis at this stage, so I'm probably going to be bunged up and miserable until I deliver this baby lol.

Hmmm placenta pills? Not for me! Good luck with that though! Interesting idea.

Glad to hear all the checks are fine. It's good to have your mind put at rest with these checks. I sympathise with the nose! I have had a cold for about the last 3 weeks proper, and so fed up with trying to sleep propped up just so I can breathe!
Made a start on my big boys feature wall :-)


That looks really cool! Is it a stencil, or a sticker, or did you draw it??

Edit: just seen your reply to TT!! Amazing art skills btw!
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Thanks hunny, hoping to get the island and palm trees drawn today so we can get some more painting done in there x
Baby keeps pushing his head out this morning, it's right up above my belly button in between my ribs! Then I get kicks to my right side....keep imagining a little baby trying to do a summersault but failing miserably (like when you try and do a forward roll in the swimming pool!), at least that's what I think he's doing!

I hope he sorts himself out in time, do fancy the pressure of trying to get a baby to turn, x
Awww hun, mine is breech still, his/her head is always sticking out and also he/she keeps pushing their spine out right down the centre of my belly lol x
Mine is just all over the place! Kicks down there! Buldging to the left side! Kicks to the left and right, budging at belly button, bum or head at ribs, kicks/flutters at ribs! I have NO idea how the baby is lying. I can only imagine they're moving around each day and it's just pot luck where the baby is at a 15 minute appointment! Mine was head down, then transverse, then head down. Well see a week tomorrow!

SPD is getting worse in bed so it's worse all day now. Argh! I've had some period pain and sharp twinges 'down there!' - a feeling I really haven't missed. I'll not go into the dizziness, niggling headaches, stiff neck, nose bleeds/clots in my mouth and heartburn! Xx
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