* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

So nervous for today and tomorrow.... Must remember 1 day at a time after tomorrow though new milestone of 37 weeks x

Sorry I did not get online yesterday. Big row with OH but that's another story.

So, we are 34+6 today!! Yay!! :pompom: :yay:

35 weeks tomorrow!
Yeah I know the stuff you mean, will have a try, I think they're just naughty lol x x

Still here anyway... My friend just had her baby, 2 days overdue :-) bless her.
I've been fine emotionally all the way through my pregnancy and have recently had small bouts of extreme depression, feeling really down for about half an hour at a time. I feel really silly because its always over stupid things like spots on my face, or the fact my hairs a mess. Very trivial. I'm guessin this is normal? Next 5 weeks can hurry along!! Xxx
Happy Friday everyone!

I've had a lovely day off having lunch with my mum and one of my aunties.
My mum thinks that my bump is rather low, she bets that I won't make my due date. (That would be nice!)

Looking forward to my osteopath appointment tomorrow.
Happy Friday!! Just got home from work and am sitting listening to oh read his daughter George's marvellous medicine. Is it wrong that I find that really sexy? It's a sign of getting old I guess lol! Thinking of going to a nct nearly new sale tomorrow, has anyone else been to one? Fingers crossed we all go at about 38 weeks huh jazzy!!! X
38 weeks would be lovely cherry, need to make sure baby fizzle understands this! Lol. X
Ooh 38 weeks! That's scary! That's just over 5 weeks time for me! But a great thought :) x
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Haha yes!! Glad you got the car seat ok Vic, even if you did have to deal with that grumpy man again! I'm so sleepy I'm thinking about heading to bed.... Busy day tomorrow! X
Sleep well Cherry. Same to all of you! xx
I've been fine emotionally all the way through my pregnancy and have recently had small bouts of extreme depression, feeling really down for about half an hour at a time. I feel really silly because its always over stupid things like spots on my face, or the fact my hairs a mess. Very trivial. I'm guessin this is normal? Next 5 weeks can hurry along!! Xxx

I have spent a lot of time crying during this pregnancy. Totally not like me. Everything seems to have more significance now. If my OH is being horrible, I think how am I going to cope with that when I have a newborn baby! If the house is dirty...if I am too tired to cook...if family are arguing... etc. You get my drift? Pregnancy is such an intensely emotional time. They just don't understand!

I feel for you Hayley, and I know it will all calm down when baby is here. Prepare yourself for the 3 day baby blues though. That can hit you like a whammy, when hormones take a sudden nosedive. Its all totally normal! Hope tomorrow is a good day for you. And the skin/hair behave, lol!
Well ladies..... I made it......


Congrats sproglett!l slept really well last night! Didn't even wake up when oh got up with his dd. I woke at 8ish to a knock on the door.. Buggy, car seat and isofix base have arrived! Gonna open the boxes once I've had some breakfast :) oh says delivery man was really cheerful too
- must differ in different cities!! X
Thanks ladies and congrats on the delivery and cheery delivery man cherry. My isofix and seat are successfully sat in my car awaiting baby's arrival lol x
Ooh Sproglett! Yay! You're looking fab! Xx

That's good Cherry! Pleased you got your stuff cheerily ;) xx
Just opened the buggy box and it's in lots of pieces. Now I'm up, oh has taken the opportunity to have a nap (we take it in turns to amuse his dd lol - she's no trouble, just drawing one of the cats) so I've put it (as best I can) back in the box. Why do these things never fit back in properly! Can't be bothered with DIY first thing in the morning and I'll only shout a lot and wake oh up all grumpy... Really pleased with the colour though :) xxx
As long as she doesn't start drawing ON one of the cats!!!!! ;) oh yes it's in lots of bits! Ours is currently lying on the floor in the nursery! We put it up to check all was ok. Pleased you love the colour. We almost went for the lime when we saw it again as we liked it more than when I'd seen it before, but decided on the black! xx
Looking gd sproglet : ) happy 35 weeks , happy 33 weeks to me here is my bump for this week


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Did you get the evo too cherry? Its not too bad to put together, looks worse than it is I seem to recall! I did it in a few minutes although I struggled to fit the rain cover on properly, dunno where im going wrong - tried it both ways round and it didnt seem to come down enough to do up under the handle or whatever bit it was the velcro was near (can't remember now, just folded it up and shoved it in the shopping basket! ) xx
Haha was it pretty easy to put up then? Do you need a screw driver or anything complicated? Awwww you should have got the lime green one :) xxxx

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