* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Hey ladies. Sending good sleeping vibes to you all tonight!

Only a few weeks to go before something else entirely keeps us awake all night! Oh well...
Yeah fao been on the tonic water and keep a bottle by the bed. Tonight seems the worst by far, I cannot get comfy to get to sleep. I'm exhausted having only had 4 hours sleep since Tuesday. I wish we could take sleeping pills, I'm getting really fucked off with it all. How on earth i'm going to make it to the end without murdering someone I do not know! Up until now my bump has been the only thing not making me uncomfortable but now that's reached a point where it's uncomfy too so I just feel like screaming. I cannot wait for this baby to arrive. I dont want to be pregnant any more! How anyone has more than one child is beyond me! I get really annoyed at how much I've hated pregnancy too, after trying so hard for 3.5 years for this baby I'd hoped that it would be a joyful experience after tri1 but apart from a couple of weeks before xmas feeling ok I've hated it! Sorry little baby in my belly but you're proving to be a bloody nuisance already! X
Thanks sproglett. We could all do with better nights by the sound of it!

How is your little soldier, btw?

Omg at your dogs! Are they puppies?

Got a better night last night, little man woke up about 11, just wanted a cuddle and went straight off, he's slept through the night since he was 10 weeks so it's a bit of a shock to the system getting up with him, but at least it's getting me back into practice for peanut's arrival.

He's doing really well thanks, healing well, not showing any sign of pain, only occasionally grabs his nappy if e wees and hasn't drank much as obviously it can sting, other than that he's been brilliant bless him.

If only my dogs were puppies it would be understandable, they're just very mischievous 9 & 6 years olds.... They are usually really good, just pushing their luck at the moment!
So nervous for today and tomorrow.... Must remember 1 day at a time after tomorrow though new milestone of 37 weeks x
Hope you're ok sprog, I'm sure everything will be fine this time around. Not gonna be long until we're at the 37 week mark, when do you leave work? Would be typical to end up going over, fingers crossed it goes your way :) xxx
Hello ladies, hope you're all well! Got my first physio apt today for SPD. NHS had about 5 week waiting time so booked privately at a place that seems to specialise in SPD and get good results. Fingers crossed!! My sisters friend got 100% relief when she went. Xxx
Fingers crossed Sprog. I'm sure all will be fine.

Oh Lucy, I had similar sleeping pattern due to restless legs and arms for weeks and weeks and I think my body just got to the point where it was so exhausted I finally got some sleep and body got itself out of that awful routine. It must be so awful for you. It's a weird feeling to be so aware of your arms and legs when you're lying still. I still get it occasionally. I stopped reading and looking at my phone while I'm in bed just before I go to sleep. I don't know if you do either of those. Hope your body snaps out of it. Like you I wasn't uncomfortable because of bump and I'm still not, so I told people I was struggling to sleep they just presume it was bump when actually it was restlessness and now it's SPD - I swear I thought my pelvis had split apart totally last night! Who knew turning in bed uses so many muscles? It's ridiculous!

Good luck with your appointment dooeyona - I hope you get something for some relief. Hopefully they'll be 'hands on' physios unlike the ones at my hospital

Ooh Vic it's miserable isn't it. I tend to read in bed as that usually sends me to sleep, but as soon as my eyes droop and I turn the light off I'm wide awake. Last night was an all time record; I was literally awake all night until after 7am! Managed about 3 hours this morning though. Thank goodness I work from home otherwise I'd have called in sick numerous times lately! X
So far so good ladies..... Waters still in tact :-)

Hayley_may I finish work tomorrow, I think I'll go over too haha (guessing 40+6 lol)
Ooh Vic it's miserable isn't it. I tend to read in bed as that usually sends me to sleep, but as soon as my eyes droop and I turn the light off I'm wide awake. Last night was an all time record; I was literally awake all night until after 7am! Managed about 3 hours this morning though. Thank goodness I work from home otherwise I'd have called in sick numerous times lately! X

Oh bless. Yeah reading sends me to sleep too but what was happening was I was reading til my eyes started going then I was asleep for a couple of hours, then wide awake. So I stopped reading and just shut my eyes and it has only happened once since! I think as I was reading my legs were so restless that I moved them constantly and when it came to trying to get to sleep I struggled. Maybe try not reading? I really hope your body lets you sleep soon xx
Ooh Vic it's miserable isn't it. I tend to read in bed as that usually sends me to sleep, but as soon as my eyes droop and I turn the light off I'm wide awake. Last night was an all time record; I was literally awake all night until after 7am! Managed about 3 hours this morning though. Thank goodness I work from home otherwise I'd have called in sick numerous times lately! X

Oh bless. Yeah reading sends me to sleep too but what was happening was I was reading til my eyes started going then I was asleep for a couple of hours, then wide awake. So I stopped reading and just shut my eyes and it has only happened once since! I think as I was reading my legs were so restless that I moved them constantly and when it came to trying to get to sleep I struggled. Maybe try not reading? I really hope your body lets you sleep soon xx

I'll give that a try, thanks Vic.
Sproglett, glad to hear those waters are still where they should be! X
Morning ladies. I can't sleep!! Hope you're all well. Been awake stressing since about 4am cos have lots to do today. A few mins ago, in my anxious state starting thinking baby wasn't moving but I rolled on my left side and she's now jumping all over the place lol phew.

Had a very productive day yesterday, bought a new freezer, did a massive food shop, picked up some baby grobags off a woman on a selling page on Facebook (bargain), bought a microchip cat flap, moved the guinea pig from my old flat to ours and went to work all evening! Exhausted.

My neighbours annoyed me yesterday. I was carrying the shopping from the car to the flat up our steps (had about six bags and a 20L bag of cat litter) and they stopped at the top of the steps waiting for me to struggle up so they could come down... Thanks for your help!!! How rude.

Got a busy day awaiting deliveries sat - buggy, freezer and carpet man all due! Vic, did your car seat turn up yet? X
Awww cherry how rude of your neighbours! Some people!!!!
Did have a productive day and saturday sounds like fun :-)

I'm now on 36+6 the gestation I had my son! So once I have got through today, this will officially be my longest pregnancy :-) roll on midnight, then my next milestone is 37weeks.
Woop! Congratulations sproglett! It must be a good feeling! Roll on 37 weeks :) xxx
I can't sleep either Cherry! Very frustrating when I know I have work soon. Glad you had a productive day yesterday. Very rude neighbours! I was waiting for my oh in next changing rooms the other day and all seats were full and no one offered to let me sit down : ( I would always offer a preggo lady my seat.

Glad you have reached such a big milestone Sproglett, fingers crossed you will hang in until at least 37 weeks xxxx

Bring on the weekend! Not sure how I am going to limp through the working day! Xxx
Morning ladies. I can't sleep!! Hope you're all well. Been awake stressing since about 4am cos have lots to do today. A few mins ago, in my anxious state starting thinking baby wasn't moving but I rolled on my left side and she's now jumping all over the place lol phew.

Had a very productive day yesterday, bought a new freezer, did a massive food shop, picked up some baby grobags off a woman on a selling page on Facebook (bargain), bought a microchip cat flap, moved the guinea pig from my old flat to ours and went to work all evening! Exhausted.

My neighbours annoyed me yesterday. I was carrying the shopping from the car to the flat up our steps (had about six bags and a 20L bag of cat litter) and they stopped at the top of the steps waiting for me to struggle up so they could come down... Thanks for your help!!! How rude.

Got a busy day awaiting deliveries sat - buggy, freezer and carpet man all due! Vic, did your car seat turn up yet? X

Oh Cherry, I'm sorry you were having trouble sleeping and those neighbours! Nice! Some people can be so rude.

Yes it has :) it arrived yesterday afternoon! Same miserable delivery driver haha. I was upstairs putting some washing out and I saw him pull up. Made sure I answered the door in enough time lol. He was still grumpy and when he gave me the little silly machine to sign he said "write something in the box" I thought well, I can think of a few things to write! Lol
Also it's silly how I still didn't get a dispatch email and had no idea when delivery was coming, even a day! And to send them in two parts (luckily we realised in the invoice from the pushchair) before we rang to complain! Anyway, they're here now :)

Hope all your deliveries go smoothly! Xx
Morning! We had our 2nd NCT class last night and it was interesting! There were drawings of baby during 16 different stages of labour and we had to put them in the right order (which was quite tricky!). Anyway I started getting all squeamish and really hot and nearly passed out! Had to go outside for fresh air! Felt utterly pathetic, thank goodness I'm not going to have to look at my insides during labour lol! Then we talked about signs of labour which was really useful, average times of labour stages and when to phone the midwife and to set off for the hospital.
Yeah fao been on the tonic water and keep a bottle by the bed. Tonight seems the worst by far, I cannot get comfy to get to sleep. I'm exhausted having only had 4 hours sleep since Tuesday. I wish we could take sleeping pills, I'm getting really fucked off with it all. How on earth i'm going to make it to the end without murdering someone I do not know! Up until now my bump has been the only thing not making me uncomfortable but now that's reached a point where it's uncomfy too so I just feel like screaming. I cannot wait for this baby to arrive. I dont want to be pregnant any more! How anyone has more than one child is beyond me! I get really annoyed at how much I've hated pregnancy too, after trying so hard for 3.5 years for this baby I'd hoped that it would be a joyful experience after tri1 but apart from a couple of weeks before xmas feeling ok I've hated it! Sorry little baby in my belly but you're proving to be a bloody nuisance already! X

Oh Cornish, sorry you had another bad night. Lack of sleep can really get you down can't it. Certainly makes me less able to cope with everything else. Just take each day/night at a time, and the rest of the pregnancy will not feel like it takes so long. You will forget all about this horrendousness when baby is here!

This is my last baby, so despite agonising hip and back pain, I am trying to enjoy and savour it, cos I know I will never have another baby in my tummy again. That makes me a bit sad. But I know I could never do this again, not least cos of my age!
Thanks sproglett. We could all do with better nights by the sound of it!

How is your little soldier, btw?

Omg at your dogs! Are they puppies?

Got a better night last night, little man woke up about 11, just wanted a cuddle and went straight off, he's slept through the night since he was 10 weeks so it's a bit of a shock to the system getting up with him, but at least it's getting me back into practice for peanut's arrival.

He's doing really well thanks, healing well, not showing any sign of pain, only occasionally grabs his nappy if e wees and hasn't drank much as obviously it can sting, other than that he's been brilliant bless him.

If only my dogs were puppies it would be understandable, they're just very mischievous 9 & 6 years olds.... They are usually really good, just pushing their luck at the moment!

Glad little man OK.

Lol at dogs - the little buggers! Maybe they are playing up in response to upheaval and stress in household? I mean about the hospital visit, etc. Dogs can sense our emotions and tension even before we do sometimes. Not a dog psychologist, but have had dogs all my life (except now, sadly). We got a plug in device to calm our cats when they were stressed by some new cats in the neighbourhood, and it really worked. It is called feliway for catscats, but there is a dog one, can't remember what it's called. It releases dog pheromones into the air and makes them feel happy and chilled out. Worth a try? Vetuk website sells them.

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