* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Afternoon ladies,
Just back from my 31week appointment and....my normal midwife is on holiday! Horay!
This midwife was a bit annoyed that I got bumped off by the physio with a tubigrip, tells me to go to gp is I want stronger painkillers. Apparently my bloods showed a raised white cell count but drs weren't worried. Measuring 31 weeks, she even gave me a tape measure! Showed me babies heart rate, she thinks baby is now breech with his feet up by his face (I'm not sure coz I'm feeling movement down low and bu my ribs, unless he just moved for the appointment). X
Glad it went well Jazzy.fizzle. My doctor didn't say anything about my bloods, I think he forgot to do that bit! Oh well.
Pleased your appointments went well girls! Xx
I hope you get a name picked soon Suffolkmum, well in the next 8 weeks lol! I found boys name a lot harder than girls tbh. There is only 1 name that hubby and I have agreed on so that’s the one we are sticking too. We have been settled on this since about week 23 and we already call him it. I have to be careful I don’t say it in front of people as we are keeping it a surprise. Around people we have to go back to calling him “baby” or “bump” lol!

That’s good lozexpecting77, the hospital tour for our local has been cancelled for the past couple of years, they used to do it and it was very popular but they don’t do it anymore. They do however have a video tour on their website which I watched so I wasn’t completely missing out :)

Pram is lovely jojo3972, glad it’s in the condition you wanted! I’ve been getting a lot of pressure down below, midwife mentioned at last apt that his head was very low so I am assuming that’s why.

It was delish vic30. I hate when they make you sit in a full day :( I got a call to say my pram is ready for collection along with swing. I will go with my mum to pick it up when I am on maternity leave, she wants the pram at hers as she said its bad luck to have it in the house but I will take the swing and car seat home with me.

I’m hoping for a better sleep tonight, last night was terrible. Woke up about every hour and done a lot of stirring and tossing, its not that I am uncomfortable I just can’t seem to get into a deep sleep. I’m also having dreams about things that have happened in real like so I wake up thinking am I dreaming? Or am I lying here awake thinking about these things? Then its pee time and rennie time while hubby is snoring away, before I know it its time to get up for work and I haven’t slept a wink :(

On a brighter note, tomorrow is my last day of work until Tuesday – long weekend so I think I will be trying for a long lie on Friday morning! Its my sisters 7th birthday this weekend. I can’t believe she will be 7 already! Makes me realise how quick my little one is going to grow up when he arrives. X
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I did a lot of waking up last night, think I was awake between 3 and 6. Not fun! Think it's more to do with my arm at the moment. Whooping cough jab has definitely made itself known! So we open the pushchair box and there's no car seat! So they're obviously coming separately! Great! Bound to be out. Shocking that it's 8am-6pm and just 'any' day! I didn't even know the pushchair was coming today! Grr! X
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I know Cherry. Well pushchair is here! Thanks to the miserable UPS man! I was still in bed (had an awful night) though I was awake and just about to get up. I heard a knock at the door, struggled to get my wreck of a SPD pain and dizzy body out of bed, made worse by hardly being able to put pressure on my right arm due to whooping cough on Monday! I put dressing gown on and went to the front door. There he is, next door about to get neighbour to sign for it! Now I wasn't that long! I was also awake so he didn't knock twice! Why don't they give people a chance? I stood there like a lemon (house next door about 6 metres away) I said Erm hello! And laughed. He sighed, shook his head at the neighbour (who he was laughing with) now I didn't even waste time putting glasses on but wish I had as I'd have seen facial expressions! He went back in, picked up the box, came and dumped it in house, said "sign" "bye" and that was it! I thought, well if you did the usual knock, wait, knock and wait any normal person would do i'd have been at the door! So now I feel yuck (I have to get up slowly with dizziness) but at least I have our Graco Evo! Sorry, all I do is complain about feeling poorly or delivery men! I just wish people would think a bit more about why people might not immediately get to the door. I would!

This happened to me the other day. Didn't get to the door quick enough. Turns out I missed the Jehovah's witnesses!

Mine has been on my right side the whole of the pregnancy, and today all of a sudden my bump sags over to the left and I feel SO uncomfortable and my left sides solid! Little tinkers head best still be down xx

These big side to side movements are really weird! I don't remember this from my prev pgs. I think they are stretching out and turning somersaults as its their last chance to do so! Next couple of weeks and they will be stuck in one position.
Awww, Vic and Ashleigh, sleep is such a luxury! I have hardly had a good night recently, until a couple of nights I slept through about 4 hours except for just ONE toilet trip!! Not good though as I was dehydrated and had orange wee, and was really stiff in hips and back due to lying in the same position for too long. So its a choice between morning pain and dehydration, and sleep! Baby needs me to drink enough and spd pain is a bitch, so bye bye sleep!
Thanks fao, sorry your getting sucky sleep - my dogs decided to wake me at 1:30 this morning by scratching the crap out my kitchen door, (obviously resulting in me needing to get out of bed for a toilet break) followed by chewing the wall at 4 and waking my DS, I'm so annoyed at them at the moment I just don't know what to do with them, they are becoming so naughty!
Sounds like a few of us aren't sleeping then! I honestly can't remember the last time I had a decent nights sleep. For weeks now I've been kept awake by aching arms and now aching legs too, I don't tend to be able to drift off til after midnight, sometimes later, I have a few wee wake ups but usually go to sleep again until the 3am/4am wee when I then lie there tossing and turning and almost crying with frustration at my leg and arm cramps, usually not drifting off until hubby leaves for work around 8am. So annoying. I can then usually get an hour or so (thank goodness for working from home!) but this morning I couldn't drift off for a morning nap so I feel even more dead than usual!
I've tried every remedy it seems for these cramps and nothing seems to really help. The midwife tried to reassure me by saying not long to go but 9-11 weeks more of this feels like a life sentence!
Needless to say hubby permanently sleeps on the sofa bed in the lounge now as he'd never get any sleep in our room with me wriggling around. We're going away this weekend for a hotel break and i'm really worried now neither of us will sleep! I find I need to stretch out across the whole bed to stand a chance, and my endless leg and arm rubbing keeps the mr awake so we could end up totally pissed off!!! Hey ho. Time will tell! X
Ladies I forgot about my pregnant belly today, in the middle of a ward and I tried to squish through a gap between a bed and the tea trolley and got stuck, nearly knocked the whole teapot onto the floor! Oh dear, provided entertainment for everyone though!

other news, I've booked in with an osteopath Saturday morning, see if they can work some magic!

I'm joining you guys on the sleep deprived train, when ever I wake up to turn over I then need a wee, or baby is sticking his legs out and waking me up, can't get comfy, deffo need a bigger bed too, my oh keeps elbowing me in the face in his sleep! X
Oh dear everyone :( I'm not sleeping that well either what with all the tossing and turning and constantly needing extra space!! I end up getting really cross in the middle of the night haha.. Finally get paid tomorrow.. it's been such a long month!! Can finally buy a few bits for baby.

Rubbish about the car seat Vic!! Who knows when that'll turn up.. hopefully you'll be in!! I hope mine are bundled together as I've paid for Saturday and will be really cross if it's only one thing!!! xxx
Jazzy, I too keep getting elbowed in the head/face in my sleep!! My oh seems to be all elbows and knees at the moment.. I wonder if its a new thing or if we're just lighter sleepers now so notice??!x
Cherry I am so glad that I always have my v pillow protecting my tummy, I would of been knee'd several times in the stomach by now!
I'm pretty sure it's not a new thing, he sleep talks as well! Might put him in the other room when baby is here! Haha! X
I make a point of laying my tummy away from him or I'd definitely have been knee'd by now!! I've spent a few nights in the spare room recently cos of his sleep muttering and duvet stealing!!! x
uh men! they don't make it easy for us do they!
just spent a fortune in asda, extras including tommee tippee disposable breast pads, gym ball and cotbed fitted sheets. don't think I actually bought much food! x
Lol i'm terrible if i go to asda!! I reckon that's how they manage to be so cheap, they catch you with all their other things!! I'm currently trawling ebay for baby things as I get paid tomorrow (woohoo). Have decided on an owl theme for the baby's half of the nursery/oh's dd's room so looking at lots of cute accessories lol :)
Thanks fao, sorry your getting sucky sleep - my dogs decided to wake me at 1:30 this morning by scratching the crap out my kitchen door, (obviously resulting in me needing to get out of bed for a toilet break) followed by chewing the wall at 4 and waking my DS, I'm so annoyed at them at the moment I just don't know what to do with them, they are becoming so naughty!

Thanks sproglett. We could all do with better nights by the sound of it!

How is your little soldier, btw?

Omg at your dogs! Are they puppies?
Sounds like a few of us aren't sleeping then! I honestly can't remember the last time I had a decent nights sleep. For weeks now I've been kept awake by aching arms and now aching legs too, I don't tend to be able to drift off til after midnight, sometimes later, I have a few wee wake ups but usually go to sleep again until the 3am/4am wee when I then lie there tossing and turning and almost crying with frustration at my leg and arm cramps, usually not drifting off until hubby leaves for work around 8am. So annoying. I can then usually get an hour or so (thank goodness for working from home!) but this morning I couldn't drift off for a morning nap so I feel even more dead than usual!
I've tried every remedy it seems for these cramps and nothing seems to really help. The midwife tried to reassure me by saying not long to go but 9-11 weeks more of this feels like a life sentence!
Needless to say hubby permanently sleeps on the sofa bed in the lounge now as he'd never get any sleep in our room with me wriggling around. We're going away this weekend for a hotel break and i'm really worried now neither of us will sleep! I find I need to stretch out across the whole bed to stand a chance, and my endless leg and arm rubbing keeps the mr awake so we could end up totally pissed off!!! Hey ho. Time will tell! X

Poor you, Cornish. You have got the worst of it, it seems. I have had the odd twinge of a cramp but nothing full blown...yet. I do hope it gets better for you. Have you tried tonic water before bed, for the quinine?

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