* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Ooops sorry Cornish, didn't see your post! Yup we got the graco evo too :) xxx
Hi girls, sounds like you're all having fun getting those last bits and pieces organised! :D

I've just booked my placenta encapsulation. I had severe baby blues and mild post-natal depression last time, hoping this will prevent it second time around. I'm also having a placenta smoothie soon after birth. Sounds yucky lol, but it's mixed in with lots of fruit and apparently you can't taste it.

I saw the midwife yesterday. Everything is bang on average - fundal height is 33cm at 32+4, urine fine, baby's heart rate 144bpm and my bp was 110/65. I see her once more in the office in two weeks and then she'll visit me at home to do a home birth check - exciting!

I have my growth scan on Tuesday. It's really just to check the cord attachment and placenta, but officially they don't do that lol.

I'm also still getting over yet another cold (one of the perks of having a child at nursery lol). The nasal congestion is annoying me and I'm having to use a medicated spray so I can breathe. Plus I get pregnancy rhinitis at this stage, so I'm probably going to be bunged up and miserable until I deliver this baby lol.
Urgh really annoyed. Was meant to be going to an nct sale today and I'd arranged to meet my friend at 1pm. We've got a freezer being delivered so I'd agreed with oh last night that he'd take his dd out in the morning, come back and I'd go to the nct sale whilst he waited in. He had a long nap in the end and they haven't gone out. He just had a massive go at me saying he's bored and he wants to take her out and it's not fair I'm going out etc. I fought my side but gave up eventually and now I've had to cancel my friend so they can go out. He doesn't understand why I'm upset... X
afternoon ladies just has a session being pulled about by an osteopath, I think he's just given me a bloody good massage with elbows and everything to try and loosen bu my overly tight muscles due to having a weak part of my spine. apparently I might ache for a few days! x
JoJo and sproglett - lovely bumps!

Woohoo to 35 weeks too sprog!!!!
Just built the pushchair to cheer myself up. Was very easy!! It looks so lovely sitting in our hall :) xxxx
Aww cherry, its so exciting isn't it? I built mine then put it in the loft. Should think about getting it down soon!
My oh will prob moan about it being there when he gets home and make me take it to bits but it's safely out the way so u want it to stay there!! Xxx
That's rather mean of your OH CherryBelly. When you've already agreed plans with him, he really should honour them.

Glad you enjoyed putting your buggy together. Don't let him make you take it apart, he owes you. I don't think my hubby would dare be like that to me at my current stage, not if he values having his testicles still attached anyway lol!
My oh genuinely doesn't get it. He talks to me as if I'm about four sometimes. Earlier he made him an his dd a sandwich but not me and when I asked why he said it was cos I hadn't washed up yet.. They've been out for hours and are having a lovely time in the sunshine - is it wrong that all I can think is "what about me?" Delivery man has been so I went to the last half hour of the nct sale but there wasn't loads left, then I took myself for lunch but they'd stop serving food so settled for a magnum.. I really don't want to go home cos I know if I act upset or mention it he'll not understand so there's no point. He told me he only had £7 so was wanting me to pay for his dd's violin lesson but he's spent a lot more than that this arvo. When I asked where the money came from he refused to justify. There's no way I'm paying for her lesson now... X
Hey ladies, been busy the last few days so haven't messaged. Draws are getting done so I can finish nursery.

Despite not kissing or going near my oh early last week I have no got his cold and sore throat and feel like sticking a tampon up my nose it's so annoying. A lady asked if I was nearly due today because I'm low but I think I could still be much lower! Not that I would mind if she wanted to come a week or two early may lol!!!!

I've booked some holiday days to make my weeks easier so although it's 4 weeks til I finish it's only 14 working days so I'm excited!!!!!

Good to hear about the buggy I wanted to go to my parents to collect mine but I know it's still early just to have it clogging the house so I'm delaying myself!!!

How's everyone's Saturdays??? I feel like baking!!!

I'm touchy at the moment so if it was my oh I would of killed him lol!!!! I feel a tad mean hahaha!!!!

O and here's bump at 33+3

Lovely pic TT!

Sorry to hear about OH being a pain Cherry :( I'd be so angry. But yay for the pushchair! Xx
Cherry, it sounds like he needs a good talking to. He needs to start thinking of you first for once. Tell him clearly how you feel, cos men are bloody useless at seeing hints or mind reading, lol.

Also a tip, try not to get upset when you talk to him. All my selfish OH thinks at the moment is that my hormones are making me upset all the time, when it is bloody well him and his behaviour!
There's no point talking to him about it cos he doesn't understand and we'll just have a row. I made a point of staying out in the sunshine for a few hours to feel better and then went home like everything was ok.

Would highly recommend NCT nearly new sales btw!! X
Happy Mother's Day mummies! We've timed it all wrong, the dad's get all the nice bits on Father's Day instead!

Ooooh sproglett, very arty! Like the colour too!
Happy Mother's Day and Happy Mother's Day to mummies to be!

You couldn't be more right there Jazzy! I was telling hubby the same thing the other day! Baby will be here before Father's Day! Plus it's the his birthday the month after! Tut tut! Lol x

Still I've had a few friends texting me to say Happy mum-to-be day which is sweet of them :) xxx
Hi girls, sounds like you're all having fun getting those last bits and pieces organised! :D

I've just booked my placenta encapsulation. I had severe baby blues and mild post-natal depression last time, hoping this will prevent it second time around. I'm also having a placenta smoothie soon after birth. Sounds yucky lol, but it's mixed in with lots of fruit and apparently you can't taste it.

I saw the midwife yesterday. Everything is bang on average - fundal height is 33cm at 32+4, urine fine, baby's heart rate 144bpm and my bp was 110/65. I see her once more in the office in two weeks and then she'll visit me at home to do a home birth check - exciting!

I have my growth scan on Tuesday. It's really just to check the cord attachment and placenta, but officially they don't do that lol.

I'm also still getting over yet another cold (one of the perks of having a child at nursery lol). The nasal congestion is annoying me and I'm having to use a medicated spray so I can breathe. Plus I get pregnancy rhinitis at this stage, so I'm probably going to be bunged up and miserable until I deliver this baby lol.

Pleased all is ok Hun and really hope that cold clears up soon. Hope you're having a lovely Mother's Day xx
Oooo I like the wall it's very nice. Did you draw it yourself?

Happy mummy's day to you all. Oh got me cream cakes for later and made me bacon sarnies in bed as a mum to be day!!!

Head is so blocked up with cold it's rubbish. Do you fink it's safe having a lemsip?


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