* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Yes I've like Ava from the start but I don't think oh is totally sold lol!!!

Initially I wanted Ava May Blake x
Yeah I like all of them except Brooklyn lol.. Ava is lovely but very popular. My 14 mth neice is called Ava and there are about six more in her nursery! Evie and Ellie are lovely too - what about Elsie? I like older names too. We're calling our baby girl Iris which I think is beautiful. Old and classic but not too popular :)
Vic30 – Vic my subway was delish, it wasn’t anything exciting, just plain old cheese, ham, lettuce and mayo but when you’re pregnant and starving anything will taste good right? I went “house stuff shopping” mad lol, my house is looking better though, not too sure about my bank balance!! Your weekend sounded busy. My brother and sister in law have bought me that bath set J X

Frankie247 – wow exciting news about the pram, bet you can’t wait! J X

Jazzy.fizzle – Melt downs are 100% aloud right now J I know how you feel, I have 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of leggings that I can wear and I always have to plan my outfits ahead of time and make sure I know which one I want to be clean for that outing. I’m the same as Rachaell though, with less than 7 weeks left I can’t bring myself to buy anything else maternity. Hope the headache didn’t last too long. X

Rachaell – I’m the same, I got a lovely voucher for Mother’s Day (I got it early) ;) it’s a spa day at our local hotel, it includes a treatment plus full use of all the other spa facilities. I can’t wait to book it, I was thinking of maybe booking it the week after I start maternity leave, I will be about 37/38 weeks by then. X

Jojo3972 – I’ve heard my local Primark have just started doing maternity, I really don’t want to buy anything less as I don’t have left to go but maybe I could pick up some cheap bits and bobs in there. Wow your pram is gorj and great deal J. X

Cherrybelly – That’s good news that you got your pram, also good that they are going to let you change it if you decide on the yellow. There is so much choice nowadays that pram shopping has turned into something very complicated lol. X

Dooeyona – Wow that was nice of them, I’m also proud of you that you managed to get your hubby to go into Mothercare alone, even more so that it would something to do with boobies :P X

Sproglett – Sorry to hear you’ve had a tough couple of nights with the little one, hopefully things will change soon. Your bump is looking fab. X

TT254 – That room is fab, love love love the wall art!! I like Ellie May Blake the best I think. X

Hayley_may – Time is flying! Less than 7 for us now. I saw nice wall decals on eBay. You should have a look on there. Hope you find something J. Great bump, looks quite similar to mine. X

What’s everyone’s name choice if you have one? X
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Well the appt with consultant went well. Or should I say his registrar lol. I forgot that consultants rarely do the dirty work of seeing patients. :D

I have my scan booked for next Tuesday. Officially, it's a growth scan, but the registrar told me to ask the sonographer about the placenta and cord attachment while she's there.

Please don't mention names lol, I've got the worst headache thinking about one for my little boy. 8 weeks to go and I'm still none the wiser as to what to call him.

Oh and in random other news, I've started leaking colostrum lol.
Had my 31week midwife appt today ... Baby gone head down , hoping she remains there now although midwife says she could flip back lol !! Baby bump measuring 31cm so bang on size ;)
Also me & bf went to hospital tour which was great ... I feel kinda like I know what's going on now :) xx
Lol with my DS the tour I had booked to be on went past the ward I was on when my contractions had started, won't be going to the tour this time either as using the same hospital :-)
Suffolkmum I know what you mean about names it's only the last 3/4 weeks we've agreed on our final ideas x
I got my pram!! I'm in love with it it's gawjus not a mark on it and spikes still on the wheels :) love the bag is so girly and looks like a hand bag plenty room in it aswel :) so roomy inside and very padded very comfy indeed :) , Ava and Evie is very common round here , we are having a right chew with names just cannot decide what we like best and it's driving me nuts!! And baby is also driving me nuts giving me very uncomfy fanny daggers ouchy ouch anyways here is my pram in my living room :)


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Oh Ashleigh! That's my Subway of choice! Haha. Ham, cheese, lettuce, cucumber and olives with mayo on Italian bread! Random I know. Oh I can taste it now lol. Yes it was a busy weekend! Very pleased with the bath set. Looking forward to pram arriving but not sure which day, they just said 8am-6pm!

That's great Loz and Suffolkmum! Pleased your appts went well. Exciting news about the colostrum too ;)

We have our names picked but not sure if I want to share haha! X
I got my pram!! I'm in love with it it's gawjus not a mark on it and spikes still on the wheels :) love the bag is so girly and looks like a hand bag plenty room in it aswel :) so roomy inside and very padded very comfy indeed :) , Ava and Evie is very common round here , we are having a right chew with names just cannot decide what we like best and it's driving me nuts!! And baby is also driving me nuts giving me very uncomfy fanny daggers ouchy ouch anyways here is my pram in my living room :)

It's lovely Jojo - so pleased it's in good condition xx
Hi All!

So many posts since I logged on yesterday, I can't keep up!!

I will just do a quick update then: had my 34 week midwife appt. Bp is textbook, baby heartbeat perfect, nothing bad in urine. Hips are still buggered but mW didn't seem bothered. Bump measuring 39cm, but some of that is me, not baby! Head down and bum to my right, so a bit diagonal lying. Baby has been doing some mad major movements this week, turning over from side to side and up and down again. Feels like my insides are being wrenched out and it makes me feel sick. He seems to be happy though! Just getting comfy, mum!

On names TT, I always tried out my girls' names in my head in the following scenario: where the name fits her in an office or other workplace where she is a manager or director, or some career high flyer where people respect her and she is an independent, confident and strong woman! Not the scenario where she is a cute toddler being called the name in nursery, etc. This exercise led me to reject some names that didn't suit what I wanted for her in adulthood. Hope that helps you decide!
Morning everyone! Nice to see it getting busier in here as we all get closer to d day! I can feel the excitement.

I'm off to deliver training for the next few days, feels like a lot at this stage - but it's another of the
Big things to tick off my list before annual leave and maternity leave.

Hope everyone has a good day x
Yeah Vic the mothercare delivery policy is pretty pants, we're out most days so paid £6 to get it guaranteed for Saturday. Can't be doing with the hassle of rearranging couriers!! X
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I know Cherry. Well pushchair is here! Thanks to the miserable UPS man! I was still in bed (had an awful night) though I was awake and just about to get up. I heard a knock at the door, struggled to get my wreck of a SPD pain and dizzy body out of bed, made worse by hardly being able to put pressure on my right arm due to whooping cough on Monday! I put dressing gown on and went to the front door. There he is, next door about to get neighbour to sign for it! Now I wasn't that long! I was also awake so he didn't knock twice! Why don't they give people a chance? I stood there like a lemon (house next door about 6 metres away) I said Erm hello! And laughed. He sighed, shook his head at the neighbour (who he was laughing with) now I didn't even waste time putting glasses on but wish I had as I'd have seen facial expressions! He went back in, picked up the box, came and dumped it in house, said "sign" "bye" and that was it! I thought, well if you did the usual knock, wait, knock and wait any normal person would do i'd have been at the door! So now I feel yuck (I have to get up slowly with dizziness) but at least I have our Graco Evo! Sorry, all I do is complain about feeling poorly or delivery men! I just wish people would think a bit more about why people might not immediately get to the door. I would!
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I'm going to tour our delivery ward April 19th, hopefully she'll still be in then haha, an awful lot of people are telling me I'm very low now. Keep waking up around 2:30am and not being able to get back to sleep for an hour or so, then up for work. Very tired. Our prams ready to pick up gonna get it next weekend.

Name wise, we think we've decided on Heidi smith. So difficult to decide though cx
Hi All!

So many posts since I logged on yesterday, I can't keep up!!

I will just do a quick update then: had my 34 week midwife appt. Bp is textbook, baby heartbeat perfect, nothing bad in urine. Hips are still buggered but mW didn't seem bothered. Bump measuring 39cm, but some of that is me, not baby! Head down and bum to my right, so a bit diagonal lying. Baby has been doing some mad major movements this week, turning over from side to side and up and down again. Feels like my insides are being wrenched out and it makes me feel sick. He seems to be happy though! Just getting comfy, mum!

On names TT, I always tried out my girls' names in my head in the following scenario: where the name fits her in an office or other workplace where she is a manager or director, or some career high flyer where people respect her and she is an independent, confident and strong woman! Not the scenario where she is a cute toddler being called the name in nursery, etc. This exercise led me to reject some names that didn't suit what I wanted for her in adulthood. Hope that helps you decide!

I've thought of this regarding names too! It's a very difficult decision!
Oh dear Vic, what a douche!! I hate delivery men but at least you were in when it arrived :) Sorry you're feeling crap :( I start work at 1pm and can't seem to drag myself out of bed today.... X
Ow very jealous of all your pram deliveries ladies, enjoy! Mine has been delayed until mid April! I had another very poor nights sleep with acid and things and so ended up calling in sick to work today. Feel very bad but ended up sleeping until after 1 andi normally wake before 6 so I think I must have really needed the rest. Feel much better now.

My baby is still being a scamp and changing position every week, think she is transverse again at the moment so will have to see what the midwife says next week. I guess I shouldn't worry as she is obviously still able to turn herself.

Glad everyone's appointments are going well : ) xx
Mine has been on my right side the whole of the pregnancy, and today all of a sudden my bump sags over to the left and I feel SO uncomfortable and my left sides solid! Little tinkers head best still be down xx
Pram delivereries! How exciting, my OH's mum is supposed to be ordering ours at the end of this month. I think they have it in stock so no delays touch wood. Have gone for the Babystyle Oyster due to the mix and match colour packs and because its quite compact (we have a very narrow hall way!).

Just back from 31 week apt with doctor and whooping cough jab which was fine. No adverse effects so far! Bump is measuring exactly right at 31cm. Heartbeat was 140.

Saw loads of babies on the walk back home, can't believe I'm actually going to be having my own one soon. I feel so lucky :)

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