* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

fab bump sprog, can't help bug picture baby sat in there like a buddah now!
lovely nursery TT! The basics of mine is done, just waiting to wash bedding and make final decisions on the feature wall.

I've had a busy weekend, popping here and there! 2 really poor nights sleep too, where I just can't get comfortable, ended up on my back for a bit last night just so I could actually get some sleep!! Hopefully tonight will be better, grumpy Monday's are always 100 times worse!

one of my mummy friends suggested the vibrations might be baby farting! lol, probably is if he's anything like his father!
Yes Vic I love the furniture and our extra parts for the chest should be here this week fingers crossed!!!

I think I wanted to paint so I knew it was my unique wall. The owls are because my oh is called an owl at work, long story lol!!!

It's all slowly getting there. Less than 8 weeks to go eeeeek!!!! And only 5 weeks of work thank goodness lol x
Fao mid / late April will do me fine,

Tt beautiful nursery - reminds me of mine a little, although with Jacob in there currently I can't get any new decent piks of it just yet (I do have a thread on here from 2012 though with a pik on)

Jazzy I keep seeing a Buddah now, might paint one on my belly and take a pik lol.

Thanks for the bump compliments, I wish I'd had on my other bra though, the boulders look really saggy lol x
Goodness me its just dawned on me our baby is due in less than 6 weeks :o very exciting! How's everyone feelin today? When do you all finish work? 2 weeks on Friday for me woohoo!

Loving the photos of nurseries, mines all done just need some wall decor, pictures or wall stickers etc, anyone seen a nice range anywhere for a little girl? Xx
Oh that wall painting is beautiful! I'm still getting nursery envy, just shoving a moses basket in the corner of our room really isn't very exciting! Ah well. Xxx
Awww Cornish, I kind of know how you feel as our baby will (eventually) be sharing with oh's dd, who only stays 3 nights out of 14. Consequently, the rooms already full of all her stuff and posters etc and he's not really letting me change anything which is driving me insane!!! X
Ooh no cherry! That is a shame when it'll be the baby in there most of the time. I'm putting up a couple of shelves in the corner of our room over the moses basket to put some baby books, toys etc to make it feel a bit baby-fied. We've got to get rid of our bedside tables when we need a cot as it's the only way we can fit one in next to the bed. Goodness knows where we're gonna put the contents of them or the bedside lamps! These babies don't realise how much we have to change to accommodate them! We've already got rid of our 3 seater sofa and downsized to a 2 seater so we have room on the floor for the baby bouncer chair, play mat etc. Not very guest-friendly but people coming round to visit will just have to put up with it! X
Not done a pici this week of bump but I feel like a hippo and I'm struggling walking now :( , on a gd note just had my scan and placenta has moved woohooo so I'm pushing this baby out hehe he/she is measuring around 4lb at 32 weeks and estimate 6.12 born which is a nice weight not big not small just right :) I had to have a dildo cam cks baby head was in the way so head down and sotprt of curled up on self hands n feet at face and baby was playing with cord was funny watching lol also I am pretty sure I seen the 3 lines to suggest girl but we shall see , nk at 37 weeks for another scan and to discuss my options re sweep and induction as I dint want to go over due to my age and anxiety about something going wrong xx
Not done a pici this week of bump but I feel like a hippo and I'm struggling walking now :( , on a gd note just had my scan and placenta has moved woohooo so I'm pushing this baby out hehe he/she is measuring around 4lb at 32 weeks and estimate 6.12 born which is a nice weight not big not small just right :) I had to have a dildo cam cks baby head was in the way so head down and sotprt of curled up on self hands n feet at face and baby was playing with cord was funny watching lol also I am pretty sure I seen the 3 lines to suggest girl but we shall see , nk at 37 weeks for another scan and to discuss my options re sweep and induction as I dint want to go over due to my age and anxiety about something going wrong xx

That's excellent news Hun :) yes that seems like a lovely estimated weight to have! x
Yes, fab news. My bump is also huuuge and I now have a few stretchmarks :( Got 31w mw appointment tomorrow so we'll see how she's measuring. Been feeling quite crampy today but baby's moving around fine so I guess I'm just stretching or whatever.. x
This evening I am frigging starving! Oh has gone out for a run whilst I cook tea, just drank two glasses of water to stop me eating prior to tea! Only been home two hours and eaten banana on toast and a pocket of crisps (I had lunch and breakfast and 4 biscuits thought the day!)
I'm feeling huge too, all bump I actually nearly got stuck after I sat on the floor earlier, just can't bend in the middle any more. midwife Wednesday will be interesting to see her guesstimate of the baby. 6.12 sounds like a lovely weight Jojo!
Who's going to the nhs mat classes?
I have mw tomorrow too, not been able to tell baby's position before so I'm hoping she can tomorrow as I want to know if it's shifted from being breech! I'm just about to add my recent bump pics to tri3 bump thread and my journal. No stretch marks to report....yet ;)
I also can't stop eating Jazzy, given the Bourbons a right hammering today.
We've got our 2 NHS antenatal classes booked, one on 11th April and one on 2nd May. Quite excited about those!
I'm starting pregnancy yoga tomorrow for 6 weeks. Dreading it a) because I won't know anyone and I hate situations like that, I just can't talk to people I don't know! b) because I've never done yoga before and I'm crap at exercise and c) because I'm slightly concerned I might let rip in the middle of it! My bum has a mind of it's own! x
Haha Cornish! I've been doing a pregnancy Pilates for the core muscles on YouTube at home, much safer!

My midwife tells me I have to decide if I want to go to them by this week, I'm considering going to the breast feeding one, but not that keen on the labour one, should I really go to both? X
We're going to 3 classes, one a week from 9th April. I'm very excited about about it :) Been feeling really down the past few days and keep bursting into tears. Gonna talk to my mw about it tomorrow cos I don't think I'm coping very well :( xx
No classes here I've not been to any in all my 7 pregnancies lol, I've never stopped all bloody day till about 7 ish most I sat down was 30 mins if that , once I did sit down I seemed to seize up my hip just locked into place :-/ and then the baby decided to kick the shit out of me lol it's finally gone bk to sleep ahhhh peace lol, I'm so excited to get my pram tomoro hehe oh also ladies if u have a bargain madness they sell crib/pram sheets soft fitted ones 2.99 for 2 bargain I thought and they also sell so gd lovely blankets and some very cute baby grows and vests but gender specific no gd to me, I also got a car seat given by a friend the joie one it's almost bran new soooo that's me done more or less hehe but I'm gonna go to nct sale Saturday see if I van grab a few bargains monitors maybe and play gym pram toys and the like or watever else that takes my fancy oh I need a sun brolly for pram I just fancy a mooch hehe ha baby woke bk up little tinker is hurting me tonight il be glad wen I crawl into bed lol xx
ooooh where were the sheets from?
baby is wriggling around whilst im watching obem as if to say 'hope your paying attention? see what I'm gonna inflict on you!' currently dragging his legs across the front and side of my tummy making me feel really weird. x
I love OBEM, last night reminded me of my DS's birth, the lady with 'Evie' who was taken off to neonatal, my son didn't have breathing difficulties, he had other problems and was kept in for 12 days, it just bought it back home to me.....

I don't care if baby comes naturally or by section; All I want when my baby is born is big cuddles and no one to take them away from me. With my son I had him at 9:05pm, I'd had pethadine (due to fever couldn't have epidural) it wasn't till 3am in the morning it hit me that my little boy wasn't with me, u felt so alone, all the other moms had there baby with them and mine was in an incubator. I really need this ones birth to be different!


In other news I had mw appointment yesterday, bump measuring 35cm which is good, blood pressure is good, midwife was really pleased with me as my nerves are kicking in the closer to 34+5/+6 I'm getting. Baby is still breech but she's told me not to try turning him/her yet as baby will more than likely turn back due to spending my whole pregnancy the wrong way up. Got a consultant appointment and scan in 2 1/2 weeks if I get that far lol.
That's really good news Sproglett. Me and hubby watched OBEM too and it was awful watching the little girl have to be taken away. The mother seemed to be shaking or having some sort of, well something! But I know it's very edited.

Cherry - hope your appt goes well today x

Jojo - well done on the shopping and enjoy your mooch around :) ooh a sun brolly - need to get one of those!

Well I had whooping cough jab yesterday and my arm has been sore since before I went to bed. Very aching overnight - I thought I might escape the 'you won't be able to lie on that arm' bit! Our surgery are hilarious though. Nurse said "Hi Victoria, so you're here for your flu vaccine?" Erm no!!! Ridiculous! X
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