* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Oh, and in our area we have a one morning Nhs preparation to parenthood class - ours us Sunday the 13th April at 9:30am! Lasts 3-4 hours! Cheers for that! X
Hey all. Had mw appointment this morning. Baby is well, bump now measures 30cm and (for the time being) she's head down. Mentioned feeling low etc but got the standard 'speak to your gp' response. Ah well, it was worth a try :) xxx
Thanks Vic, it is one of the worst feelings ever having your child taken away, I really felt her pain.

Wow your nurse sound ace lol - really helpful.

Prep to parenthood sounds fun lol, the only one I attended was the antenatal class when I was expecting my DS, it covered the birth, breast feeding etc etc etc, it went on for hours and the woman running it was deluded. We left early as it was my nephew's birthday party! X

Glad the appointment went well cherry x
Yeah I'm really not sure what happens at this course. I was told breathing, labour and changing a nappy lol! Possible tour if the ward - now that I'm interested in lol!

Yeah she just said, no that's not right, but would you like the flu vaccine? What I wanted to say was that I'd like her to tell me she knows what I'm here for before I answer your question! She was already getting the needle and injection ready do I'm hoping I got the whooping cough jab! She told me all about i the vaccine so she must've just been confused because of the alert which comes up on the screen to say I haven't had flu jab!

Pleased baby is measuring good and head down! Yeah suppose midwife would say that but I'm not sure about how helpful she could've been - probably more so as you should be able to talk to her about feeling low in relation to pregnancy. Are you going to see your gp about it Hun? X
Just had my 31w appt, measuring 30.5cm and she said bump was very neat (hoping that's code for small baby!!). All the usual tests came back ok, she thinks baby is head down at the mo which is a relief as although I know it can change a lot, I was convinced it had remained breech since my scan so that gave me hope that it does know what to do ;) Glad yours was ok too cherry. I had a moan again about my cramps but there isn't really anything else they can do, she just said well at least the end is in sight! I ordered myself some gaviscon on prescription too, I don't have much trouble (yet!) but I thought it was best to get myself a bottle in ready in case I suffer later on as baby grows. Plus its free so might as well ;) x
Sheets were from bargain madness and realy nice ones to in cream they had no white, so I have 6 sheets for crib and pram think that enough as il be also using Muslins aswel , glad ur app went well and baby is now head down Lucy , must be awfull giving birth n having baby taken away like that was bad enough after having the spinal and couldn't move to get to baby or them taking her away so I got rest felt like my arm was missing :-/, all looking ok you so far sproglet :) xx
I might go see my gp.. I've also got a bit of thrush (nice) so makes sense to get a free prescription than pay.. Depends how soon I can get an appointment and I could mention it whilst I'm there. Doubt there's a lot they can do though.

Nice to hear how other peoples 31w appointments compare. Glad yours went well too, Cornish. She didn't say my bump was neat lol but yes, hopefully that means small baby! There's only 0.5cm between us so that's gotta be a good thing.

Just saw an advert on tv saying argos have half price on baby and nursery - May be worth a look online :) xx
That's great Lucy - all sounds very good. I was measuring 30cm at 31 weeks too Cherry hopefully that'll mean smallish too! Lots of people have called me 'neat' but I think that's because bump is high and I look all bump!

Ooh I'll have a little look at Argos. We don't NEED much more but it's always nice to have a look ;)

Yes you could mention it at your appointment Cherry, it's worth a try, then at least they know x
I'm so interested to see what my midwives guesstimate is tomorrow, last time she said he was fair sized (code for baby elephant??) and plotted him waaay over the 90th centile on my chart even though I was only measuring half a week ahead!
Hopefully she'll of had her coffee and won't yawn the whole way through too!

What is it with these midwives? Do they not understand that they actually contribute to our whole pregnancy experience?
I would so rather have my appointments with my gp, he's much nicer! X
Fair sized! That's helpful! I haven't even thought to ask! I thought scans only showed a weight guess. I think a scan around the 30-34 week point should be compulsory! Lol

The midwife I'm registered with is a bit scatty and always late. I've only seen her at booking in and 25 weeks. Saw a random at 16 weeks then the last 2 - 28 and 31 weeks I've seen the same 'stand in' midwife who is lovely - cheery, seems to genuinely love her job, smiles when she hears the baby's heartbeat and seems almost excited! She explains exactly what she's doing and what's going up happen at the next couple of appointments even though she probably thinks she won't be there and I really want to see her next time! My 'regular' midwife seems to like to be on holiday on Tuesdays when she's due to be at our doctor's surgery!
Afternoon girls. :) Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I haven't watched last week's OBEM yet, will try to this evening. I know what you mean Sproglett about those shows bringing up old memories. There was an episode where the baby had to be resuscitated and you didn't hear him cry for ages. I felt quite emotional as the same thing happened to my son and it felt like an eternity. My hubby actually thought for a split second that he was stillborn.

Anyway, can't be focussing on the negatives. Just because it happened before doesn't mean it will happen again. Talking of which, I'm off to see a consultant later to talk about having a scan to check for an abnormal cord attachment. My son had this, though it's not screened for and was only picked up after I had delivered the placenta.

Quite nervous as I've been told this consultant doesn't have a good bedside manner. Just want him to give me the scan or I'll have to pay for it privately. :/
Glad to hear the appointments went well! Hope your consultant one goes well too Suffolkmum.

I have my 31 week one tomorrow with the doctor and then the joyous whooping cough injection with the nurse straight afterwards. I seem to have developed carpal tunnel in my right hand the past week, it's all tingly and feels weird! Can't wait to tell the doctor about that, the hideous snoring that is keeping the street awake and the glamorous subject of constipation and the painful you know what's that accompany it! Argh, no dignity anymore lol!!!
Awww kautostar, bless you. Hope the whooping cough jab for well.

Suffolkmum good luck for your consultation, hopefully the consultant isn't as bad as you've heard and yes we both need to focus on our current pregnancies not the negatives in our past ones x
This is me at the minute, 34+3 and very sleepy haha
Glad to hear the appointments went well! Hope your consultant one goes well too Suffolkmum.

I have my 31 week one tomorrow with the doctor and then the joyous whooping cough injection with the nurse straight afterwards. I seem to have developed carpal tunnel in my right hand the past week, it's all tingly and feels weird! Can't wait to tell the doctor about that, the hideous snoring that is keeping the street awake and the glamorous subject of constipation and the painful you know what's that accompany it! Argh, no dignity anymore lol!!!

Hope your appointment goes ok and I hope your whooping cough injection doesn't leave your arm aching like mine! Argh!
Awesome bump!!! My line manager said phwoar your bump looks massive today!! I could have sworn he said 'bum' lol!!!!

My extra missing nursery parts were delivered to mums today so I can get them at the weekend :D fingers crossed it's right this time!!!

Mamas and papas said the travel system is in too!!! It's all coming together yay!!!

How's everyone else getting on???

Opinions ladies on the following names? Me and oh are really struggling!!!!

Evie May Blake
Ellie May Blake
Brooklyn Ava Blake
Millie Ava Blake???????

Evie May Blake
Ellie May Blake
Brooklyn Ava Blake
Millie Ava Blake???????

I love the name Evie. I really like those old fashioned names. Millie is lovely too, well they all are!
I like Ellie the best out of those first names, though Ava is my favourite including all the first and middle names you've written there! :) x
My girls name choice is Evie so I'll give a very bias answer lol x

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