* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I feel sorry for you and Vic cherry, that graco evo is giving you a right runaround!

I've got this weird feeling this morning under my rib where baby's feet normally are, like a vibrating sensation, it's not my lungs because it's still doing it when I hold my breath! Any one else had it?

P.s hope my jeans are dry! What a plonker I was last night! X

Thanks Jazzy, bloody mothercare!! Not sure about your rib, maybe the baby is moving a lot? Hope your jeans are dry!! X
Well he can bargain with the salesperson then hopefully! ;) let us know when you've got it! :)

jazzy - not sure about the rib thing. I don't have the vibration thing but do have parts of baby sticking up there at times lol when I eat usually! I had a bump, presumably head or bum right round my left side in line with my hip earlier, it's amazing where they go! X
My hubby was in mothercare yesterday to get a breastfeeding support kit. Normal price was £150 but it had been on offer for ages at £100 and just gone back up to £150. The woman in the shop checked the offer dates and said because it had only gone back up on Wednesday they'd honour the price and gave it to him for £100! Maybe worth trying to get the same deal out of them with your pram? Xxx
I've got this weird feeling this morning under my rib where baby's feet normally are, like a vibrating sensation, it's not my lungs because it's still doing it when I hold my breath! Any one else had it?

I get a sensation like pins and needles under my boobs, but only when I'm lying down. I think baby is pushing on a nerve or something. Sometimes the area goes completely numb. It's very annoying!

I've had a mild cold for the last couple of days. Having to use my oxymetazoline nasal spray though as I panic if I can't breathe through my nose. Hate using it as it's not recommended during pregnancy. :(
Buggy is being delivered next Saturday :) Had a wobble on colour when I got in as they had the new mineral yellow one out but didn't have a lime one out. The mineral yellow one is really nice but I decided in the end to go with the lime one as that's the one I've wanted all along. They said that if it gets delivered and I decide I prefer the yellow, I can swap it. I'm still not sure hahahaha.

They wouldn't do anything on the price sadly as they're now doing the free car seat which is obvs a better deal than £50 off. My dad seemed quite happy though, even let me have the isofix base thing :) Its a really lovely pushchair and so easy to change about, fold down etc. I'm very excited for next Saturday!!! x
Glad you got the pram you like :) I got a call to say mine was in store ready, going to pick it up next week, I went for the m&p sola city and got a decent bargain with the maxi cosi car seat xx
Buggy is being delivered next Saturday :) Had a wobble on colour when I got in as they had the new mineral yellow one out but didn't have a lime one out. The mineral yellow one is really nice but I decided in the end to go with the lime one as that's the one I've wanted all along. They said that if it gets delivered and I decide I prefer the yellow, I can swap it. I'm still not sure hahahaha.

They wouldn't do anything on the price sadly as they're now doing the free car seat which is obvs a better deal than £50 off. My dad seemed quite happy though, even let me have the isofix base thing :) Its a really lovely pushchair and so easy to change about, fold down etc. I'm very excited for next Saturday!!! x

So exciting :) xx
I feel sorry for you and Vic cherry, that graco evo is giving you a right runaround!

I've got this weird feeling this morning under my rib where baby's feet normally are, like a vibrating sensation, it's not my lungs because it's still doing it when I hold my breath! Any one else had it?

P.s hope my jeans are dry! What a plonker I was last night! X

I've got a vibrating baby too! I keep feeling what seems like a fast and strong version of the early butterfly flutters! Mine is near the top of my uterus as well but I've never felt kicks or movement up there otherwise; mine has always felt breech from the movements (and was breech at 20 w scan). My placenta is at the top. Goodness knows what the vibrating is, it's very odd! X
Glad everyone's getting their prams they wanted :) I tried the sola city hayley, it's great isn't it! I looked at it while we were away though before we were pram shopping and we don't have a m&p anywhere near us, but we got the graco evo as it seemed similar. Both are fab in my opinion :) Can't wait til we can put babies in these things!! X
Soo soo tired, my DS had had a rough couple of nights, in fact last night he woke at 11-12, 1-3:30 then was up at 4 and wouldn't go back down, the night before was similar, he's developed a cough since his op so has now been out in antibiotics too. He's ok in himself but changing his nappy hurts and he doesn't want us to do it at all.

In other news here is my 34w breech bump - only 6days off the gestation I had my son (nervous much)

Sprog, sorry to hear your little boy is not well. Hope he gets better soon and sleeps better! You must be cream crackered.

Great bump pic. That little one has more cooking to do, so I'm sure when you get over the 34+6 milestone you will feel more confident. There is no reason to suggest this one will be early is there? My 3 all came at different times.

I am feeling huuuuuge at the moment. Can't bend to do up shoes, can barely wipe my bum, lol. Although that is prob more due to the sjd than just the baby. He feels like a massive thing in the way all the time though, lol. And only lots more growing to do! I will be a great white whale by the end of April. If I get there. I had a dream baby came 2 weeks early. Just me panicking of course. Or if Hosp get their way and induce me at 38 weeks (not on your Nelly!). My DD has forbidden me to have the baby on her birthday in April, so sod's law...... Haha.
Soo soo tired, my DS had had a rough couple of nights, in fact last night he woke at 11-12, 1-3:30 then was up at 4 and wouldn't go back down, the night before was similar, he's developed a cough since his op so has now been out in antibiotics too. He's ok in himself but changing his nappy hurts and he doesn't want us to do it at all.

In other news here is my 34w breech bump - only 6days off the gestation I had my son (nervous much)

Sorry to hear your little man is having trouble. Hope he recovers quickly.

Your bump makes it look really obvious there's a breech baby in there lol. I can just imagine baby sitting with his bum pushing out the bottom of your bump! :D

I am feeling huuuuuge at the moment. Can't bend to do up shoes, can barely wipe my bum, lol.

Not just me then lol! I have hubby do up my laces. Can't say the same for wiping my arse though lol, I prefer to deal with that indignity myself! :D
Lol at suffolkmum!

Yeah, I'm managing. Can't say I can envisage ever asking OH to do it for me. Would rather put a tissue on a stick or something, to try and reach, haha.
Lol, to the butt wiping comments :-)

I feel like bump has dropped a little, I've also had lower back pains and the odd twinges etc similar to the ones I had
The week or 2 coming up to Jacob's arrival, so we'll have to see what this one intends to do.

Fao I am high risk of prem labour due to having pre term labour after my waters spontaneously ruptured with Jacob, the chances are increased by 30% as it suggests I may not be able to carry full term, also as I had to take proestrogen at the start of Jacob's pregnancy and this pregnancy to make my body hold on to them that also suggest my body doesn't "agree" with pregnancy, but we'll see as there may have been other reasons undetected that Jacob was early?!

It's all just a big waiting game lol x
Oh I see sprog. Well so far so good, eh? I really hope you don't have the same issues this time. But we are a fair way in, aren't we, and baby is healthy and big enough, so all should be OK either way I hope. I understand the worry though.

Perhaps we will both have April babies??? End of April would be fine, lol!
Lovely bump there Sprog! I feel like mine has grown overnight!

Hope you all had a lovely Sunday. Mine has been busy but a lot better than last night! Woke up at 2am with a banging headache, awful indigestion, then felt and tasted a blood clot, got up to split it out, suddenly needed the loo and there was blood from straining! Nice! Then I went back into bedroom, tripped over a bag, hubby said 'what are you doing?' More in shock than anything! and I just burst into tears. Oh dear! Made cupcakes for a coffee shop this morning, then went to Mothercare to order pram :) went for Graco Evo Pitstop and also bought a new bra and the 'loved so much' baby bath and top and tail bowl set. Came home and iced cakes then went to my friend's for tea! Pleased to be home now! SPD is worse grr. Hubby built the cotbed and dresser this morning! So exciting! 32 weeks today eeeek! Whooping cough injection tomorrow though argh!

Hope you're all ok xx
Hey Vic, sorry you had a bad night and glad to hear you got your pushchair - hope you got the free car seat!! Hope you're feeling better now? We've had a busy day sorting out my old flat and then oh fell asleep for four hours, woke up, put walking dead on (which I hate) and demanded tea.. The cheek of it!! Gutted it's Monday tomorrow - back to the daily grind!! Xxxx
I had a busy weekend too as I worked yesterday and starting to notice that I'm warn out much more quickly.

Keep having weird nights sleep too and having very strange back pains when I breath.

On the plus side I done my wall painting! Slightly spooky looking in the photo but I'm fairly happy with it!!!

Did indeed get the car seat Cherry! :) the assistant showed us how the car seat fits in with just the seatbelt - it looks ok to do! I feel a little better but the headache I've had since Thursday is still there. It'll go soon! The cheek of your OH! What a tinker!

TT that wall is beautiful! And obviously I'm biased as to the cot as we've just received ours :) very pleased with the quality so far. Just the wardrobe left to go up. And I see what you mean about the off white rather than white white! It really is lovely x

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