* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Great news sproglet,

I managed to get lactulose and haemorrhoid cream from mw this morning for my little issue. I also managed to get myself a £60 parking fine!!! Happy blooming Friday!!! :wall2:

Bump is measuring well and baby is head down and in the correct position, here's hoping he doesn't move!

Are we doing anything exciting this weekend then? X
Delivery men are a pain, however the ones I had from mother care were very good, put all the boxes upstairs on the landing for me. I don't get the two man delivery thing though when they carry a box each!

Off topic: anyone want a cat? My is driving me insane with his constant meowing and begging for food. Picture of HRH Toby in his robe attached.


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Ooh no ashleigh! Nothing more annoying than a parking fine. Glad you've got some medication from the mw though :) Can the mw do a prescription for gaviscon? I know the mw said at my booking appt if I need any to get a prescription rather than buy it in the supermarket, but wondering if I need to make a docs appt to get a prescription or if the mw can do it when I see her.

Oh jazzy, my cats a pain like that too! He's terrified of kids so I bet he won't be so clingy when the baby comes ;) At the minute he's permanently squaking around my ankles for no reason in particular. I'm sure he'll soon get over his child phobia once he realises the baby is one of us. I hope he does anyway! X
Ooh no ashleigh! Nothing more annoying than a parking fine. Glad you've got some medication from the mw though :) Can the mw do a prescription for gaviscon? I know the mw said at my booking appt if I need any to get a prescription rather than buy it in the supermarket, but wondering if I need to make a docs appt to get a prescription or if the mw can do it when I see her.

Oh jazzy, my cats a pain like that too! He's terrified of kids so I bet he won't be so clingy when the baby comes ;) At the minute he's permanently squaking around my ankles for no reason in particular. I'm sure he'll soon get over his child phobia once he realises the baby is one of us. I hope he does anyway! X

Especially on a Friday, hubby said I'm not getting a Chinese tonight anymore since I got that (he is joking) :D

I think they can yes as the mw asked me if there was anything else I needed, could have kicked myself as I had just bought 100 rennie tablets, 2 boxes for £6 in superdrug! I probably could have got some for free from mw. No harm in asking, save yourself some money :). X
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Will have to remember to be brave and ask the dr for some of that special cream on prescription when I go next week! I hope he won't ask to have a look though lol!

Had our first NCT class last night. It was fine and much as I expected really. A total of 6 couples, we are the last but one couple due date wise. Lots of discussions (girls split into one group, boys in another) and writing down and sharing with the group. The other couples are nice but not really our kind of people. Hoping I'll make some friends though as I don't know anyone in the area. One of the exercises consisted of deciding what things the baby will need essentials wise, luxury items, not needed and need later. Typically enough all of the things everyone else classed as luxury items were the things we'd just bought this week! (like baby monitor, playmat and groegg thermometer.) I think they're pretty essential really.

My OH's mum has been going into overdrive, she's driving me a little crazy. She keeps buying tons of stuff. We have about 10 packs of nappies now, 20 packs of wipes, about 10 knitted cardigans (for summer baby!), about 10 lots of moses basket sheets, just everything you can think of she's bought it. I know it's all useful stuff, but I want to choose my own things! I'm 39 and have waited a long time for this baby! My own parents are getting a bit miffed about it all and said they don't feel as if there's anything left for them to get. Makes me feel really sad and I keep telling them they can get whatever they like. This week she gave us a cheque for £250 for nursery furniture (which my parents wanted to get!) and she's already paying for whichever pram we choose. I know she's being kind but the woman is shopping crazy! It's not as if we haven't got tons of other relatives who want to buy things and hand things down either. I know we're lucky to be so spoilt really, but its a bit overwhelming!
That's great about bump behaving Ashleigh but not about the fine :( oops how annoying! Enjoy your Chinese tonight :)
We're having more work done on our extension tomorrow so the morning will consist of me making tea and bacon sandwiches for the workers! (father in law and his handy builder friend! Hubby will be at work but probably just til lunchtime as he'll want to help with the extension. I'm off out for lunch with a few friends, one of which is about 14 wks pregnant so it'll be nice to hear her news in person :) on Sunday we're pram shopping and I'm picking up some nursing strappy tops from New Look as I had an online voucher! Probably a quick visit to in-law's before I pop round to a friend's house for tea on the e night! I'm not usually busy at the weekend! Hey ho! Enjoying these last baby free weeks! Well, trying to!

I know - they really can be miserable can't they? Fair enough if it had been just one of them, but both weren't happy! Again I'm pleased they put the stuff in the room we need it but they can't complain if they carry them individually. Each box sats two man job on it! Anyway can't wait for hubby and I to look at them tonight. Fingers crossed it's all in tact!

Jazzy - your cat looks all snuggly! You can keep him :) I've got enough with mine - she's a tinker of the highest quality! Love her though, so affectionate despite being annoying lol. Not sure how she'll react when baby arrives. She's had one toddler stroke her and she was terrified at the little hand!

Kautostar - pleased class was ok. I reckon that definitely the monitor and some sort of thermometer are essential! Play mat will be so handy too! It is lovely that you mil is being so generous but I can see how it could be overwhelming

Lucy - sounds like my cat! Clingy at the moment - keeps rubbing my bump with her head! I'm hoping she won't feel left out. I'll still have time to cuddle her too? Haha! I'll have to make time! X
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Will have to remember to be brave and ask the dr for some of that special cream on prescription when I go next week! I hope he won't ask to have a look though lol!

Had our first NCT class last night. It was fine and much as I expected really. A total of 6 couples, we are the last but one couple due date wise. Lots of discussions (girls split into one group, boys in another) and writing down and sharing with the group. The other couples are nice but not really our kind of people. Hoping I'll make some friends though as I don't know anyone in the area. One of the exercises consisted of deciding what things the baby will need essentials wise, luxury items, not needed and need later. Typically enough all of the things everyone else classed as luxury items were the things we'd just bought this week! (like baby monitor, playmat and groegg thermometer.) I think they're pretty essential really.

My OH's mum has been going into overdrive, she's driving me a little crazy. She keeps buying tons of stuff. We have about 10 packs of nappies now, 20 packs of wipes, about 10 knitted cardigans (for summer baby!), about 10 lots of moses basket sheets, just everything you can think of she's bought it. I know it's all useful stuff, but I want to choose my own things! I'm 39 and have waited a long time for this baby! My own parents are getting a bit miffed about it all and said they don't feel as if there's anything left for them to get. Makes me feel really sad and I keep telling them they can get whatever they like. This week she gave us a cheque for £250 for nursery furniture (which my parents wanted to get!) and she's already paying for whichever pram we choose. I know she's being kind but the woman is shopping crazy! It's not as if we haven't got tons of other relatives who want to buy things and hand things down either. I know we're lucky to be so spoilt really, but its a bit overwhelming!

Oh I hope he doesn't, but yes get some cream! Your class sounds much better than mine, we were the only couple so no chance of meeting anyone, not that I would want to, no offence but the area my classes were in I'm not sure if I want friends from there, not to sound snobby as I am not that kind of person but they just aren't my sort of people if you know where I am coming from lol.

Wow she has contributed a lot by the sounds of things, I know they are just excited but its maybe time to say please don't buy anything else as other people are now struggling for what to get me. When she offered the cheque I would have just said something like thanks for the offer but my parents have already said they will buy the furniture. I know its nice to be bought things but like you said you have your own taste and half the things you get might not be your style which is a shame to waste when someone has paid for it but sometimes its better to just say, hope she calms down on the shopping :). X

That's great about bump behaving Ashleigh but not about the fine :( oops how annoying! Enjoy your Chinese tonight :)
We're having more work done on our extension tomorrow so the morning will consist of me making tea and bacon sandwiches for the workers! (father in law and his handy builder friend! Hubby will be at work but probably just til lunchtime as he'll want to help with the extension. I'm off out for lunch with a few friends, one of which is about 14 wks pregnant so it'll be nice to hear her news in person :) on Sunday we're pram shopping and I'm picking up some nursing strappy tops from New Look as I had an online voucher! Probably a quick visit to in-law's before I pop round to a friend's house for tea on the e night! I'm not usually busy at the weekend! Hey ho! Enjoying these last baby free weeks! Well, trying to!

I know - they really can be miserable can't they? Fair enough if it had been just one of them, but both weren't happy! Again I'm pleased they put the stuff in the room we need it but they can't complain if they carry them individually. Each box sats two man job on it! Anyway can't wait for hubby and I to look at them tonight. Fingers crossed it's all in tact!

Jazzy - your cat looks all snuggly! You can keep him :) I've got enough with mine - she's a tinker of the highest quality! Love her though, so affectionate despite being annoying lol. Not sure how she'll react when baby arrives. She's had one toddler stroke her and she was terrified at the little hand!

Kautostar - pleased class was ok. I reckon that definitely the monitor and some sort of thermometer are essential! Play mat will be so handy too! It is lovely that you mil is being so generous but I can see how it could be overwhelming

Lucy - sounds like my cat! Clingy at the moment - keeps rubbing my bump with her head! I'm hoping she won't feel left out. I'll still have time to cuddle her too? Haha! I'll have to make time! X

I know it did dampen my Friday a little but I made it up to myself by getting a subway for lunch and also grabbing a lovely top from Topshop Maternity which was reduced from £28 to £10!!

Better to keep yourself busy, time goes quicker :) I have about 2 weekends from now until due date when I have absolutely nothing on. I'm never this busy either lol this weekend I am off to Glasgow tomorrow for some new housey purchases,
I feel that with the nice weather coming in and me getting to my "nesting" stage I want to sproos the house up a little so I've saw some lovely items I want to go and get. Then my little brother (6) and sister (8) are coming for a sleepover. On the Sunday I'm out for lunch to celebrate my dads birthday (think I will wear my new top) ;). 1 year away from the big 50!!
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Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, finish work for the weekend in 1 hour! Clock watching! :lol:

Just counted and I only have 18 working days left or work before Maternity Leave starts, YAYYYYY!:dance: X
Ooh a Subway! Ooh! Haven't had one of those for a long time! Well done on the sale purchase :)

Happy weekend! That hour has gone! ;) enjoy your house stuff shopping and Sunday lunch! Wow nearly the big 50. My dad has recently turned 65! Scary thought! X
Have a good weekend everyone.
This time next month I can pick up my pram :)
I just had a full on melt down, I wanted to get out the house this evening so suggested to oh that we go for a drive maybe get something to eat. I put my mat jeans in the wash today and they aren't dry, therefore trying to find something to wear other than jogging bottoms sent me into melt down! Hyperventilating bawling my eyes out the whole works! No other pair of jeans will go over my thighs!!
(Oh I can't wait to get my body back and stop feeling fat and frumpy, and have baby in my arms instead!)
Boo hoo, I've even given myself a headache from crying! X
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Ah bless you Jazzy! I know the feeling, its getting harder to get out of the house looking respectable. I keep thinking maybe I should buy some more bits but with only 7 weeks left it seems a bit pointless and I keep looking and seeing nothing!

I have been deliberating today about booking some beauty treatments for before the baby. I have got a Mani, pedi and facial. Would be nice to have it fresh for when I have the baby but don't know when to book it for! Was thinking the Friday before the Tuesday of my due date but then I may already have had the baby. Same about booking in my hair! Its actually worrying what a worry about at the moment if that makes sense! Don't start me on packing the hospital bag and what baby clothes to take!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Oh hugs jazzy. I'm constantly fretting about maternity jeans and leggings and making sure they're clean for stuff. Hope you're ok now and that headache goes quickly xx
Jeggings are fabulous they are gd fir both casual and dressing up with a nice top I had to go and buy a few bits few weeks nk cos I was so uncomfy in what I had they were to tight so off I went to primark and new look for the sale , I shall sell them all on once baby is here :), today I finally found my pram and such a gd price aswel second hand but it's in immaculate condition and the buggy but has t even been used , I was gonna get another one same pram but had a few scuffs on it but it was going for 250 this other one I seen is 285 no marks nothing comes with the bag too so I'm going for that ine and here it is:dance::lol: excited much hehe xx


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Ah I saw that one with cream and pink its so pretty. Unfortunately I have a fiat 500 so no big prams!
We're off to get our pushchair today. Just checked the mothercare website and the graco evo lime buggy doesn't have £50 off anymore :( how annoying!!! X
I feel sorry for you and Vic cherry, that graco evo is giving you a right runaround!

I've got this weird feeling this morning under my rib where baby's feet normally are, like a vibrating sensation, it's not my lungs because it's still doing it when I hold my breath! Any one else had it?

P.s hope my jeans are dry! What a plonker I was last night! X
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We're off to get our pushchair today. Just checked the mothercare website and the graco evo lime buggy doesn't have £50 off anymore :( how annoying!!! X

Oh Cherry :( it was still like that on Thursday. That's so annoying! Still it's been £50 off for a month and not the free car seat so at least you're still saving money as the car seat is £130 I think. They must've just forgot to change the offer when the other offer changed! xx
Jeggings are fabulous they are gd fir both casual and dressing up with a nice top I had to go and buy a few bits few weeks nk cos I was so uncomfy in what I had they were to tight so off I went to primark and new look for the sale , I shall sell them all on once baby is here :), today I finally found my pram and such a gd price aswel second hand but it's in immaculate condition and the buggy but has t even been used , I was gonna get another one same pram but had a few scuffs on it but it was going for 250 this other one I seen is 285 no marks nothing comes with the bag too so I'm going for that ine and here it is:dance::lol: excited much hehe xx

Ooh this looks lovely! Xx
We're off to get our pushchair today. Just checked the mothercare website and the graco evo lime buggy doesn't have £50 off anymore :( how annoying!!! X

Oh Cherry :( it was still like that on Thursday. That's so annoying! Still it's been £50 off for a month and not the free car seat so at least you're still saving money as the car seat is £130 I think. They must've just forgot to change the offer when the other offer changed! xx

Yeah that's what I was saying to oh this morning. Bit annoyed cos my dad (who's buying) loves a bargain and I'd already told him the price with the £50 off. I hope he doesn't now refuse it... He can be a bit grumpy with salesmen if he doesn't think he's getting a good deal... X

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