That's great about bump behaving Ashleigh but not about the fine

oops how annoying! Enjoy your Chinese tonight

We're having more work done on our extension tomorrow so the morning will consist of me making tea and bacon sandwiches for the workers! (father in law and his handy builder friend! Hubby will be at work but probably just til lunchtime as he'll want to help with the extension. I'm off out for lunch with a few friends, one of which is about 14 wks pregnant so it'll be nice to hear her news in person

on Sunday we're pram shopping and I'm picking up some nursing strappy tops from New Look as I had an online voucher! Probably a quick visit to in-law's before I pop round to a friend's house for tea on the e night! I'm not usually busy at the weekend! Hey ho! Enjoying these last baby free weeks! Well, trying to!
I know - they really can be miserable can't they? Fair enough if it had been just one of them, but both weren't happy! Again I'm pleased they put the stuff in the room we need it but they can't complain if they carry them individually. Each box sats two man job on it! Anyway can't wait for hubby and I to look at them tonight. Fingers crossed it's all in tact!
Jazzy - your cat looks all snuggly! You can keep him

I've got enough with mine - she's a tinker of the highest quality! Love her though, so affectionate despite being annoying lol. Not sure how she'll react when baby arrives. She's had one toddler stroke her and she was terrified at the little hand!
Kautostar - pleased class was ok. I reckon that definitely the monitor and some sort of thermometer are essential! Play mat will be so handy too! It is lovely that you mil is being so generous but I can see how it could be overwhelming
Lucy - sounds like my cat! Clingy at the moment - keeps rubbing my bump with her head! I'm hoping she won't feel left out. I'll still have time to cuddle her too? Haha! I'll have to make time! X