* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Ah, I so think another scan at 30 weeks should be compulsory!

Ladies, save yourselves, I think it's too late for me!
Do you pelvic floor exercises! I just sneezed and wet myself! Thank goodness I was at home!
That's great about scan Sproglett and about your strong boy :) and yes that does seem like a good weight :) lovely news and still time to turn :)

Thanks ladies, I know it's trivial but yes you're right I can accessorise the pram! The cosy toes comes with it but I suppose I can add toys and things :) oh it'll be on offer after we choose the black one! But the next offer changes on the 24th of April I think so we don't want to leave it that long, plus the free car seat might not be the deal and it's currently a saving of £130 :) x
That is a gd weight sproglet I would have thought it would have been above the 50th centile like but I guess they go from all the other scans don't they so it's average size for you , I'm reckoning mine beeing about 3.5-4 lb next Monday at 32+2 week see , I've just sent an offer of 240 quid to a woman on ebay selling the pram I want it's not new it's second hand but is in very condition appart from a little scuff on the leather on the base of the carrycot which I can easily sort out with a leather pen thingy , these prams retail at around 700 quid so it's a bargain realy she wanted 275 or make an offer so I did lol http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/-SILVER-CROSS-ELEGANCE-PRAM-PUSHCHAIR-/231184109447 that's it if ya wanna have a peak xxx
Definitely fao, baby seems to have caught up a bit :-)

Aww jazzy lol bless you

Jojo apparently it's not an average?????? I thought it seemed a little high myself tbh but I suppose as it's done buy the national average the odd 13lber that gets "popped out" increases that average lol x
Oh no jazzy!!!! Oh bless you. Like you say - you were home, look for the positives! xx
Ooooh Vic so close!! Works well for me as we're going buggy shopping on sat and I have my heart set on the lime green one. Even the snug safe carseat is free so I can get the whole lot, plus isofix base for less than it was without it :) yay xxx
I was thinking of you Cherry and hoping you hadn't bought yours yet :) we haven't got isofix points in the car so we still don't understand the base stuff, also thinking we were told the other base isn't compatible with our car. So we're going to go in and say that's what we want, that's our car outside, make sure the seat fits properly base or no base! X

Hi Gemma :) xx
Jojo - that pram looks lovely - very traditional!

Hi Gemma - welcome!
Ah, I so think another scan at 30 weeks should be compulsory!

Ladies, save yourselves, I think it's too late for me!
Do you pelvic floor exercises! I just sneezed and wet myself! Thank goodness I was at home!

Jazzy, I feel your pain! I've been very leaky all day today, had to buy some pads in the way home from work!

I've been so uncomfortable the last couple of days. Baby is so big now and likes to lay in awkward positions :( xx
I was thinking of you Cherry and hoping you hadn't bought yours yet :) we haven't got isofix points in the car so we still don't understand the base stuff, also thinking we were told the other base isn't compatible with our car. So we're going to go in and say that's what we want, that's our car outside, make sure the seat fits properly base or no base! X

Hi Gemma :) xx

Awww thanks Vic. My new car has isofix. I don't really understand it but figured if I've got it, I may as well use it!! Yeah def try it out and see what fits xxx
I might have to go get some cherry, I'm gonna be in so much trouble after baby is here, might need to join him in wearing nappies! I think he headbutts my bladder!
Mine feels all elbows down low and feet in the ribs, butt sticking out next to my belly button! Crazy child! X
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Haha I can't tell how mine is laying but I know she's a jiffle bottom and can't stay still. I could see my belly doing waves today. All of a sudden my belly will go completely hard and it makes it really difficult to walk :/ the joys xxxx
No I meant average fir you as u said ur last baby was about the same weight at same stage when born ?, think they gain half a lb a week from. NOw till birth ? Thnx I love the traditional pram as il be walking a lot and only in car on Saturdays maybe Sunday so wanted a comfy roomy pram and this one is ventilated aswel for longer naps and even overnight sleeping , she's accreted 250 :) so if she will hold it for me till next Tuesday then il be getting it :) excited much hehe xx
Awww yay on the pram Jojo, looks stunning.

Ladies talking about the isofix, I got an isofix base for my DS when I had him, and it's good as it means the base just sits there and you just lift the car seat on and off it, I paid £125 for my base as they had only just released the one I needed and I was under the impression it was safer as it connected to the metal of the car, we'll it turns our it is no safer, just more convenient. I will still use it for this lo as like I say it is convenient to just click them in rather than strap the belt round every time you get in and out the car, but I think for the small benefits they are a lot of money!
Yeah I see what you mean sproglett, prob wouldn't have spent the extra £100 but as we're now getting £120 off, it may as well be free :) xxx
:-) fair play...

Oh kiddicare have a big sake on for those still buying :-) x
We still need a car seat but our car is a knobhead and only certain seats are suitable and can't use isofix with help from google the best seat fir our car is the britax but I think we are gonna go to halfords n ask them what seats best and as we only use the seat on a sat maybe Sunday I don't mind using the belt with no base x
Yeah I'm not convinced we're going to get a base. We just want to know that the car seat is a good fit in our car. As long as bubs is safe I don't mind more faffing with seatbelts. We'll see.

Well the nursery furniture is here. I have to say that the Argos delivery guys were the two most miserable guys I've met! I'd opened the garage for them to put the boxes in but hoping that they'd take them up the stairs to the nursery. One guy came to the door with one of the boxes and asked where I wanted them and considering we can't exactly have them in the middle of the living room as there's no space, I said we'd like them upstairs. The reply came "it's just our shoes aren't very clean" I said I didn't mind! All the huffing and puffing from both of them. There's about 6 obviously very heavy boxes but they started complaining that the house was too hot! Nothing to do with the sun outside, they're coming from outside to inside and they're wearing a t shirt, fleece and those bright yellow jackets! They left the mattress downstairs as obviously I could do that or leave it til later, said so politely, "don't worry about the mattress" and one stood at the top of the stairs after using the loo and the other threw the mattress from the bottom of the stairs to the top! I don't think either of them are cut out to carry boxes like that from the lorry to the door! They were knackered, but apparently it was the heat of my house haha. I thought two man job meant they'd help each other with the boxes, no it means sling them over your back and complain! I'd have been happy to have them in the garage but don't see why hubby should have to get his dad round to help carry them up when the guy already had a box in his hands when he first came to the door! I'm very grateful they took them up as they could've got away with saying they don't do that, but honestly, crack a smile! Xx
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Cor what miserable buggers! I never understand why people who deliver furniture etc feel the need to moan about it every time like it's the first time they've ever done it. We had wardrobes from ikea delivered a couple of years ago and the blokes refused to carry the numerous very heavy boxes up the two flights of stairs to our flat because they were blocking the road with their lorry (a very quiet cul de sac, not really an issue! ) som hubby was left carrying them on his own despite the fact they were really a 2 man job because they were so long and heavy; I tried to help but couldn't even lift the end up! We had no choice but for him to do it alone as they were blocking the front doors of other flats but I honestly thought it was gonna give him a heart attack! Lucky he's into weight lifting as no way would he have been able to do it otherwise. You'd think if you hated carrying heavy boxes that much you wouldn't agree to be a delivery driver!
We had a new sofa bed delivered on weds from ikea and I was dreading a repeat of the same performance but made sure it came when I was home alone so they'd see I was a pregnant woman with no chance of shifting it! My heart sank when they pointed out the box was waaaay too wide to fit up our communal staircase but thankfully they took it out the box and brought it up for me in bits and pieces without any moaning. If only they were all like that! X

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