* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

glad all went well sproglett!

im sat om my lunch break with my back absolutely killing me, I haven't done that much today so I have no idea why I'm in so much pain! just popped some painkillers hoping that they actually do something! ive been quite active at home so why it's being a problem at work I dunno! I just wanna lie on the floor with my knees up to my chest!
also feeling half asleep, baby I think has moved as feeling quite front heavy.
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I was like that yesterday jazzy, everyone commented how tired I looked and I'd slept well the night before! My back hurts a lot of the time when I'm at work, poor posture I think. Makes me bit sickly and tired when its bad though. I'm not as bad today thank goodness. Feel like bumps dropped though as not as many kicks up in my ribs, so may have been that too.
Well not quite dawn but he's up lol, he's still very sleepy and feeling sorry for himself right now, some cuddles and juice, and first nappy change since the op, which I think I was more nervous about than him. But he's trying to go back to sleep now x

Ahhhh, bless him! At least mum is there for him.,
Hope everyone's doing ok.

We start our NCT classes tonight! Really nervous and they don't finish till 10pm! Am usually in bed before then lol.
I'm feeling pretty rubbish today realy tired back ache and period type cramps :-( I guess I should be grateful I've avoided back ache till now , won't be doing much today that's fir sure, hope everyone else is ok xx
Ladies, do any of you take anything for constipation? Sometimes I can pass very easily and other times I can be in there 30 minutes and feel like I'm passing baby out my bottom and when I finally pass there is quite a lot of blood (sorry for the TMI) but its very embarrassing during work hours as I can't concentrate as I feel like I really need to go but when I sit on the loo I can be sat there for up to 30 minutes. Thanks :). X
Yer I have lactalose off the doc for this cosmi was the same used to think I was pushing a bowling ball out my butt :-/ used to dred going the loo , it's got better as times passes but still have a bit of trouble so I take the lactolose xx
Its not nice at all :( I have the midwife tomorrow so I'm going to mention and see if she can give me anything. I've also noticed I now have haemorrhoids from the last visit to the toilet, not nice at all. X
Good luck kautostar! Enjoy. I'm sure you won't fall asleep!

Jojo I've got period type pain today, it's not nice and feels weird after all this time! Hope it and the back ache improves for you soon.

Ashleigh I've been constipated with multivitamins/general pregnancy but haven't taken anything. I know how it feels too, I stupidly thought I was hurting my baby a few months ago and seeing the blood isn't nice at all. Hope you get something for it. Mine has improved but I get the occasional bout now, whereas I thought it would be worse with starting the iron tablets but it only lasted a week.

Well I'm on a Mothercare whinge today. I've already gone on so much about the Gravo Evo plum travel system! But we've been waiting since beginning of Feb (we should've bought it between Jan & Feb but it was our first look) for the plum colour to be on offer again with car seat, or money off. Last offer was money off the lime one (it's a bit bright for me) and free carrycot (we don't need that) and so I've been waiting patiently for today when the offer would change again :) the lime is still £50 off and now free car seat yay! The orange, yellow and black are full price with free car seat yay!!!! Saving of £130! Scroll down to the lovely plum one. Full price and no offer! 'Exclusive' yes we know it's exclusive to Mothercare but that didn't stop it being on offer before Xmas and for a month after! So, as I'm not a princess snobby I'll have what I want regardless of the price type of person, we're going for the black (pitstop) one and hopefully will purchase it on Sunday! :) pointless essay - sorry for rant! It's only a flamin pushchair after all, they won't use it forever! I'll just pretend I have the plum one :) hey, I could paint it plum (joking!!!) xx
Had our 30 weeks scan/appt today with the consultant...baby is now 3lbs 9ozs!!!
Vic, I also ended up with a plain black pushchair when I really wanted a bright coloured one, just because the deal was too good to turn down (£900 reduced to £200 inc carrycot). so I got the matching carseat in red! I will also use bright blankets, cosytoes on the pushchair to brighten it up. There are ways!!
Good luck kautostar! Enjoy. I'm sure you won't fall asleep!

Jojo I've got period type pain today, it's not nice and feels weird after all this time! Hope it and the back ache improves for you soon.

Ashleigh I've been constipated with multivitamins/general pregnancy but haven't taken anything. I know how it feels too, I stupidly thought I was hurting my baby a few months ago and seeing the blood isn't nice at all. Hope you get something for it. Mine has improved but I get the occasional bout now, whereas I thought it would be worse with starting the iron tablets but it only lasted a week.

Well I'm on a Mothercare whinge today. I've already gone on so much about the Gravo Evo plum travel system! But we've been waiting since beginning of Feb (we should've bought it between Jan & Feb but it was our first look) for the plum colour to be on offer again with car seat, or money off. Last offer was money off the lime one (it's a bit bright for me) and free carrycot (we don't need that) and so I've been waiting patiently for today when the offer would change again :) the lime is still £50 off and now free car seat yay! The orange, yellow and black are full price with free car seat yay!!!! Saving of £130! Scroll down to the lovely plum one. Full price and no offer! 'Exclusive' yes we know it's exclusive to Mothercare but that didn't stop it being on offer before Xmas and for a month after! So, as I'm not a princess snobby I'll have what I want regardless of the price type of person, we're going for the black (pitstop) one and hopefully will purchase it on Sunday! :) pointless essay - sorry for rant! It's only a flamin pushchair after all, they won't use it forever! I'll just pretend I have the plum one :) hey, I could paint it plum (joking!!!) xx

I felt that too, I felt that because I was straining so much that it wasn't good for baby, turns out I'm the only one suffering. Glad it hasn't got worse for you.

Always typical that the thing you want is always full price and then as soon as you buy something similar or settle for one that has been reduced no doubt the plum will go on offer. Hoping that doesn't happen as that's just cruel but that's normally the case :(.

Like FAO said though there are other way to brighten the pram up :) I've bought a black one and I am just going to accessorize with blue and make it a bit more colourful that way. X

Had our 30 weeks scan/appt today with the consultant...baby is now 3lbs 9ozs!!!

Glad little one is growing well :). X

Vic, I also ended up with a plain black pushchair when I really wanted a bright coloured one, just because the deal was too good to turn down (£900 reduced to £200 inc carrycot). so I got the matching carseat in red! I will also use bright blankets, cosytoes on the pushchair to brighten it up. There are ways!!

That's a fab deal!! Well done on hunting that down, your the kind of lady I would love going shopping with hehe :). X
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Well ladies, had another scan today (33+5) baby's heart looks really good, no concerns at the moment, growing well (current estimate is 5lbs 7oz) baby is still currently breech though, little monkey. Still time to turn though.

In other news my DS is doing well, came home with him yesterday so I'm still trying to catch up on some well needed sleep, although he has other ideas lol, he's on a strong dose of paracetamol and ibuprofen so luckily didn't need the oral morphine, bless him, my brave soldier x
Well ladies, had another scan today (33+5) baby's heart looks really good, no concerns at the moment, growing well (current estimate is 5lbs 7oz) baby is still currently breech though, little monkey. Still time to turn though.

In other news my DS is doing well, came home with him yesterday so I'm still trying to catch up on some well needed sleep, although he has other ideas lol, he's on a strong dose of paracetamol and ibuprofen so luckily didn't need the oral morphine, bless him, my brave soldier x

good news about the scan. mine at 32 weeks estimated 4lb 4oz although I take that as a guesstimate. yours is a great weight! where did that go on the centile chart? my next scan is at 36 weeks, and routine mw apt at 34 weeks. not sure about after that. had a panic the other day that baby will come early. no idea why but made me think I need to get stuff sorted sooner rather than later!

glad to hear your little boy is doing well.Kids are just amazingly resilient aren't they!
Definitely resilient fao bless him.

They didn't plot it as centile chart, but from the readings looks just under 50th...

Definitely resilient fao bless him.

They didn't plot it as centile chart, but from the readings looks just under 50th...


Ooh, that's a good size baby! My son was only slightly over 3kg when he was born just shy of 39wks. If your LO does come early, at least they'll be a healthy weight.
Yeah, when Jacob came at 34w+6 he was 5lbs 10oz so not a bad weight either x
Looks like all in proportion too!!! Yay for no short legs! bet that gives you some reassurance?

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