* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Will be thinking of you tomorrow sproglett, hope everything goes well and your not too uncomfortable xxx
Good luck tomorrow sproglett. Hope all goes smoothly for your little boy.

I remember being outwardly chirpy and really strong for my daughter when she had an op when she was 5 and then crying my eyes out as soon as she was wheeled into theatre. They let me stay with her right up until she left the pretheatre area which was good. I was a wreck until they let me into the recovery area to see her again! Such a soppy cow I am. She was fine and the op went fine. She doesn't know to this day how much I crumpled. But mums are mums, eh! Hope you bear up better than I did! I also had a baby with me in Hosp overnight rather than being pregnant, but no easier. You prob wouldn't sleep well even if they put you in a 5 star hotel with a king size bed, due to the worry of it all. Hopefully you can catch up afterward on sleep. How long will they keep him in after the op?
Fao hopefully it will only be 1 night but we haven't got a time scale, they will need to monitor his heart after the op though, I'm probably not going to be on much over the next 2 days, but I will make sure I get on here at some point to update you all.

Thanks so much for all your support everyone x
Good luck to sproglet hope all goes well. I've got consultant today to talk about home birth. Although midwife wasn't very clear about why I needed to see him so in guessing it's probably going to be a wasted trip.

I feel really unorganised, 30 weeks today and I still feel I have loads to do! Better get my butt in gear! Lol

Hope everyone's well and not to many aches and pains going on. Xxxx
Hope the consultant appt goes ok Sinead :)

I've just had 31 week appointment and baby is head down, back curved round my left side, bum at ribs and all limbs on the right (sounds like my sleeping position lol) and measuring 30cm. I was 1cm behind last time so guessing that's ok. Found out it is my iron stores that are low. Came out as 5.9 and she said they should be between 13 and 300. Ah well I'm hoping these iron tablets have been working. Full blood count which was 14 at booking in appt is now 12.8. Not sure what the normal ranges are for that but suppose it can't be good that it has gone down either. She explained it but now I'm confused about heamoglobin, red blood cells, oxygen and ferritin. Sounded good when she explained it though - doesn't take me long to get confused! Blood pressure and urine fine though. She mentioned whooping cough jab and our surgery does it between 28-36 weeks so as they have some in I've booked in for Monday evening xx
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Hope it all went OK at the hosp today Sprog? Let us know when you get a chance to get online.
Hey ladies thanks for all the support, Jacob had his op today, he went down at 6:20pm (His dad and I were able to stay with him while they administered the anaesthetic - I for really upset though and cried when he started to go) he was back on ward to us by 7:30, surgery went well, they're keeping him in tonight to monitor his heart though. He's just woken up so finally got some cuddles.
Thanks ladies, he's just poked himself with juice and is now snoring his head off, the hospital staff have given me the mother of all recliners to sleep on too haha it's ace! X
Great news it all went well. What a relief for you. Kids just take this all in their stride, it's us that worry. Bet he will be up at dawn bright as a button wanting to play with the toys and other kids on the ward and you will be shattered!
Well not quite dawn but he's up lol, he's still very sleepy and feeling sorry for himself right now, some cuddles and juice, and first nappy change since the op, which I think I was more nervous about than him. But he's trying to go back to sleep now x
I ordered a swiss ball last night from Argos, only £6.99 if you ladies are thinking of buying one, most of the reviews were from woman buying it for Tri 3 of pregnancy, and all reviews were great, can’t really go wrong for £6.99! I tried it out at antenatal the other night and it was really nice to sit on rather than the sofa.

In other news I got a letter this morning from the pram centre to say my pram, car seat, accessories and slumber swing are ready to collect. I am so excited! :) X

Good luck with your apt today Sinead, hope you get the home birth you want :). X

I've just had 31 week appointment and baby is head down, back curved round my left side, bum at ribs and all limbs on the right (sounds like my sleeping position lol) and measuring 30cm. I was 1cm behind last time so guessing that's ok. Found out it is my iron stores that are low. Came out as 5.9 and she said they should be between 13 and 300. Ah well I'm hoping these iron tablets have been working. Full blood count which was 14 at booking in appt is now 12.8. Not sure what the normal ranges are for that but suppose it can't be good that it has gone down either. She explained it but now I'm confused about heamoglobin, red blood cells, oxygen and ferritin. Sounded good when she explained it though - doesn't take me long to get confused! Blood pressure and urine fine though. She mentioned whooping cough jab and our surgery does it between 28-36 weeks so as they have some in I've booked in for Monday evening xx

Sorry to hear you have low iron, hope the tablets help you a lot. Glad your booked in for whooping cough jag, its not as bad as people say honest, all I would say though is if you sleep on one side most then get the jag on the other arm as it is a bit tender to lie on the first night :). X

Hey ladies thanks for all the support, Jacob had his op today, he went down at 6:20pm (His dad and I were able to stay with him while they administered the anaesthetic - I for really upset though and cried when he started to go) he was back on ward to us by 7:30, surgery went well, they're keeping him in tonight to monitor his heart though. He's just woken up so finally got some cuddles.
Thanks ladies, he's just poked himself with juice and is now snoring his head off, the hospital staff have given me the mother of all recliners to sleep on too haha it's ace! X

Glad all went well, I’ve been nagging the hubby to get recliners for our living room but it’s just not happening! I would love that, sounds very coumfy! X
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