* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

One of the wives tales that is true!

Also, eat a curry when bf and baby has awful awful smelly runny poo the next day. Won't do that again!
Yeah there's no harm in having a glass of something now and again in my opinion but I only spent half an hour in view of this girl and she had 3 bottles and 3 fags! Wouldn't like to think what she had the rest of the time! I'm sure her baby is fine! X
One of the wives tales that is true!

Also, eat a curry when bf and baby has awful awful smelly runny poo the next day. Won't do that again!

I'll remember that one lol x
:-) - the curry one... I had a saag when breast feeding, my grandad asked if I'd been eating garlic, he could smell it on my DS's breath lol.

Just reread my post and it sounded a little judgemental, that's not how I meant it at all, I don't judge others decisions to drink etc in pregnancy, I just personally chose not to, :-) x
Ooh Vic that would annoy me too. I have a small beer (or in last night's case a cider - which was very nice btw!) once maybe every few weeks but to see someone knocking it back is just scary. A few years ago we were out in a pub and there was a very pregnant woman in the smoking like a chimney and absolutely rat arsed, drinking neat vodka! Her hubby was with her in a similar state of drunkeness rubbing her belly telling everyone how excited he was to be a dad. No-one really knew what to say! If I'd been the landlord I'd have been tempted to refuse to serve them. It was horrible.
Sproglett I know what you mean about doing everything by the book and things going wrong when others do what they like and its fine, I felt like that with ttc. Hubby & I seemed to be doing everything we could and nothing seemed to work but friends who drank loads, or had just come off contraception after years of using it, and in one case a friend who did drugs every weekend, all fell pregnant by accident or in the first month of trying. Made me wonder if we should have just gone off the rails and had an 'accident'! Ha ha! Still, we got there in the end :) x
Flaming knackered after traipsing around Bristol today. I decided that buying clothes for me was not sensible, so just bought a top from primark. However baby has some nice new gear from the white company, so gorgeous!
But even my feet are throbbing now, so can't wait to go to bed! Xxx
I have a couple of fruity ciders once a month usualy wen we get payed n go for a meal :) a couple now n the. Don't do no harm IMO but blatantly getting rat arsed is just wrong :-/ , I'm so uncomfy I just can't get comfy , baby is starting to hurt when moving now and my uterus is nudging my ribs , I usualy love beeing pregnant but I realy am not enjoying this , I can't sleep I can't walk can't get comfy can't do housework without beeing in pain , god I'm such a moaner and I am so grateful to be here but I am fed up 6 weeks n il be fully cooked and I bet my bloody life it's gonna drag lol sorry for the moany post just had to get off my chest il be right tomoro x
I know what u mean about uterus up near ribs now jojo, I could not get comfy sittin down last night at all, then when baby kicked it felt like she was gonna snap my ribs, not sure if anyone knows how to help with it?!

Also does anyone feel like their bump is smaller? I dunno if I've finally just got used to it being there but it feels smaller, strange. Other than that everything's good and getting very excited, filled her wardrobe with fresh clean clothes yesterday an got bags ready for hospital. 3 weeks Friday to leave work an then 6+5 until due date yipeeee xxx
I am lucky I have a quite long torso so I do t get rib kicks till the very end it's just my uterus is right up at my ribs specialy wen I sit down I feel like it's gonna pop out my throat haha which in turn makes it hard to bloody breath , my annoying kicks are the ones I get low down like pop corn popping right above my foof area I hate that feeling I think it's punches rather than kicks tho cos the kicks I usualy get just around my belly button or in the sides depending which side baby has chose to lay at that point cos he/she changes mind by the bloody hour lol , trying to get through to docs on a Monday is ridiculous just engaged all the time and of course when I do get through there will. Be no apps left as per bloody usual but I need these splints for my hands to help me sleep at night well hopefully anyways lol , on another note a week today and il be seeing my little baba again at growth/placenta scan :) xx
I've been thinking about cider and red wine since we started the alcohol talk :)

Some part of baby or uterus is often up near my ribs on an evening too! Not sure what it is! Not like kicks in the ribs really but rather a big lumps often on the left. I'm think baby is just rolling about and it's a head or bum! Be interesting to see where baby is positioned at 31 wk appt tomorrow afternoon. I've had a lot of movement the last couple of days which makes me flinch and jump - not sure what baby is up to! yes I was feeling like my bump was a bit smaller yesterday!

That's exciting Hayley - you're very organised. I'm washing baby stuff this week but just baby's stuff for hospital bag and my night wear and a few clothes I'll attempt to keep for hospital. Very exciting! It's difficult to know when to do this stuff as if we were unlucky to have out babies early, it's not like you need everything ready at home as baby wouldn't be coming home! On the other hand we'd need stuff for hospital! Just can't predict it though!

Happy 31 weeks Jojo :) x
I am looking forward to sitting out the backdoor in the summer with a lovely Fosters Radler :) I've been thinking about it a lot recently, I lived on them last summer - there so nice to just grab from the fridge and drink from the ice cold bottle on a nice summers night!

I hope y'all had a lovely weekend! 1 week closer ;) X
My mum took all the baby clothes home to wash this weekend and then sent me a really cute picture of them all hanging on the line!

I'd love a glass of wine, but I'm saving that for my after birth treat!

Still not decided on a pram, and time's flying by. Found ourselves borrowing a Sainsburys shopping trolley yesterday to see how easy that is to get through the door as its just a couple of cm short of the pram we think we like (Icandy Apple 2). It fitted but its tight, our front door doesn't open very widely! Thought we'd decided on the Cherry last week but as it doesn't fold with the seat on its not very practical for the bus or train.
May D days are getting so close now!
Won't be long till we are all off work!

Baby has been so wriggly today, some of his movements make me feel sick - it's the sensation of his dragging his arms/legs across the front of my stomach.

My neighbour said about eating really sugary stuff when bf will make baby not go down as well for sleeps!

Oh Jojo, I hope you get your appointment for your splints, can you not use sports splints from a pharmacy for a temporary measure?
I have docs in morning yey never had an app so quick usualy have to either keep ringing up or it's a week away lol , I've also been having some very hurry weird kicks well they ain't kicks they are I'm trying to escape movements lol I van see what looks like an elbow or a knee stick out my belly button lol cos the skin is so thin there my kids get grossed out by it haha I think baby is running out of room already cos I am sure I didn't have this type of movement till around 35 weeks with my others but then again it has been 8 yrs since my last baby and she was tiny only 5.5 born so her movements were very faint and dainty , come on may I wanna meet my precious rainbow baby I am getting impatient now hehe xx
Paid off my pram today and pick it up next month. The shop are storing it for me due to lack of space. I just need to give them 24 hours notice when I want to pick it up. It's a bugaboo donkey
donkey. Cost a small fortune but was my favourite out of the other double buggies I tried.
It is getting really scarily close now.. 30 weeks tomorrow eeeep! I think I'm going to take a week's holiday the week before my maternity leave so I'll go off at 37 weeks. The bigger I get, the more difficult it is to get through the working day and I'm only in an office!!! I keep getting kicks/movements that make me jump too! Weird but reassuring haha xxx
Wow ladies everyone is starting to get organised now :-)
My DS has his op tomoz, which means a night on a camp bed for mummy, sounds comfy at 33w+ but I can't leave him, not even with his daddy, I'd have to then do public transport on my own at about 10pm, when I'm high risk for a premmie and have had problems with my lower back and the odd tightening..... Doesn't sound like a great plan hey??
Wish me luck x
Gd luck with his op tomoro n hope that bed ain't to uncomfy I get to sleep on sofa most nights due to dan snoring so know how u will feel lol xx
It literally looks like a stretcher.... Really not ideal, thank you hunny! The ops not till 3, so got to wait all day for it too x

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