* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Enjoy the passion fruit cider, I'm actually allergic to passion fruit so personally couldn't imagine anything worse lol. The only cider I like is pear, I managed to find some alcohol free the last time i was pregnant, but no such joy this time x
I like the mixed berry one too! Managed to get the alcohol free version in sainsburys at New Years x
If my labour progresses very quickly ( last was only 3 hrs) I might end up with an unplanned home birth!

Same time here lol, luckily I am planning a home birth!

Ooh happy 33 weeks ladies! Not much to report here apart from I'm becoming very grumpy and impatient. I'm having terrible trouble at night. Fine in the day, but as soon as I try to go to bed I start cramping. It was just my arms at first, a touch of rsi possibly as they've given me grief in the past, but now it's pretty much everything apart from the bump that's keeping me awake! I've always loved my sleep and would happily have 12 hours a night if I could but at the moment 3 or 4 is a miracle and that's broken sleep. All good practice for night feeds and all that but I could really use the rest before baby arrives! X

It's really quite cruel isn't it? Everyone always tells you about how newborns don't let you have any sleep, but it would be a darn sight easier if at least you could sleep during the third trimester lol.

Lovely nursery Suffolk! I haven't thought about hospital bag yet either :/

Thanks hun. :)

Ha ha! Oh dear! That's a sure sign you've reached your limit
I'm having a cheeky cider tonight. Hubby is cooking steak for tea and when we were getting him some beers I spotted a passion fruit cider. I'm not into cider much, have the odd one once in a blue moon but I bloody love passion fruit so thought I'd give it a whirl and go wild Just hope itlives up to my expectations! X

Mmm.... Cider. I miss the odd one, not to mention the occasional glass of chianti lol.

Enjoy the passion fruit cider, I'm actually allergic to passion fruit so personally couldn't imagine anything worse lol. The only cider I like is pear, I managed to find some alcohol free the last time i was pregnant, but no such joy this time x

We get the koppaberg alcohol free pear cider in our local supermarket sometimes. I'd be surprised if nowhere local to you does it.

Personally the alcohol free just doesn't hit the spot for me, and I prefer apple cider anyway. Odd that the only alcohol free ones I can ever find are pear or mixed fruit of some kind lol.
Ooh alcohol! I miss the taste of wine. I do like cider too! Ooh it'll be summer soon! Moving on...we're about to have some apple pie! That's the closest I'll get to cider tonight haha!

Ooh yes happy 33 weeks to you as well Sproglett :) xx
Ooh I could get some non alcoholic Becks - now that tastes the same as Becks!!! Xx
I've been thinking a lot about wine recently which is weird cos I never have been as big drinker.. I've never had non alcoholic though. Can you get non alcoholic Pinot Grigiot?? X
I've been thinking a lot about wine recently which is weird cos I never have been as big drinker.. I've never had non alcoholic though. Can you get non alcoholic Pinot Grigiot?? X

That sounds a bit specialist lol. If you could, I'd be wanting non alcoholic chianti! :D
Suffolkmum that's the stuff my local asda used to sell, it's not the same no, but beats nothing... I have an unopened bottle of baileys in my cupboard too, it's my Xmas treat at the end of this year for being a good girl lol. X
Ooh Baileys! I was thinking about Tia Maria earlier!!! Oh dear! I'm actually not a big drinker either. I like the odd glass of wine or spirit but not fussed as much since I've been poorly. I'd probably only manage two glasses then feel rough the next day or it'd make dizziness worse. I just think it's because I 'can't' have alcohol at the moment. I suppose it's not good during breast feeding either!!! X
I didn't do it with my DS so won't with this one, I have friends that have and friends that haven't, it's personal preference, but I know I can't blame myself if I stick to all the rules if something goes wrong or out of the norm x
Same here Vic, I rarely drink but I enjoy it when I do.

We've got some rum sitting in the kitchen, goes lovely with a glass of coke but unfortunately only hubby gets to indulge lol.

Before I started making babies, I would always have a pint of cider when I went out for a pub meal. It was strange switching to orange and lemonade instead.

I tend to only drink wine when having a posh meal, or on special occasions.

Alcohol seems to help me conceive, but not in the usual way lol. If I'm intending to get pregnant, I buy a bottle of wine or cider and tell myself I can't have it until my next period. Cue immediate conception lol!

Maybe I should suggest this strategy to the ladies in TTC. :D
Yeah it is personal preference. I've only ever judged one pregnant girl I saw at a first birthday party last summer. Think she was about 7-8 months pregnant and she was downing a bottle of VK then having a cigarette - another bottle of VK, another cigarette. You get the idea! The way people were looking at her. It was her choice but I couldn't help but be annoyed. A little different to having a cider or wine here and there. Hey, my gp told me it was fine to have a glass of wine a week! I'd rather not but it annoys me when girls like this one didn't seem to be taking into account that they were pregnant, as if they weren't prepared to change for the baby. Signs of things to come when the baby arrives in my opinion, but it's just my judgement!
Lol at all this boozy talk!

It's the forbidden fruit syndrome! I've never wanted pate so much til I'm told I cannot have it.
Haha yum pate oh and soft cheese! Yummy yum....

I know someone who would sit there with a fag permanently attached to their lips in pregnancy, being a n ex smoker I know it is hard to give up but I did, just before I found out I was pg with my DS and haven't picked the habbit back up, the 3 pregnancies before that I stopped when I found out too, (I only started again when I lost those 3)
She would also eat all the foods you shouldn't and drank, sometimes it used to anger me that I stay to the "rules" and lost 3 and have 1 with a genetic "mutation" (we're still to get to the bottom of) and she sat there doing what the hell she wants and has healthy children.

But like I say, each to their own, al least I know I can never blame myself x
I don't see the harm (personally) in having a glass of wine every now and then, I had one at xmas and then a small glass of fizz valentines.
But wouldn't knock back the spirits, or that multi coloured stuff!

old wives tale though bit of brandy when breastfeeding helps baby to sleep! xx

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