* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Aaaaaaggghh I think I'd be getting more rest if I was at work. We have oh's dd and despite me repeatedly saying I need to rest, we have bloody Cartoon Network on full blast and she keeps winding up my elderly cat.. He's tired so when she asks for a drink or something he tells her ill do it - errrr no I won't! I feel like I'm being mean to her - just snapped and threatened to turn the tv off when she threw a toy at my cat for the millionth time and that stopped her. I've just come in the bedroom to escape and I've already heard her do it again once (although he did tell her off). I know she's only six and so it's more his fault than hers but raaaaaaaa! X
Oh Cherry! It's none of my business but no matter how old she is she shouldn't be throwing stuff at animals :( I'd be going mad!!!!!!!! I'd have that TV off sharpish! Then she'll learn! Hugs xx
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I've just put baby stuff in the wardrobe eek. I have pink bottles and booties and loads of clothes although half oh famo have bought boy looking clothes as oh won't tel anyone what we're having!!!!

Think I'm going to stay cream and accessorise with pinks, turquoise a and yellows :) x
The toy she was throwing was a cat toy to be fair so not a lot of harm done but my cat is very easily wound up at the moment!! I just dozed off and woke up to glorious silence. They must be at the park - wooooo! I feel like a horrible person but I just can't cope with it sometimes!! X
Oooh TT I sorted out all the baby clothes yesterday and put them in drawers. Didn't realise I had so much stuff! It's exciting isn't it :) xxx
Urgh chaos is restored. They're back. I heard him say to her "has caroline been in bed all day??!" And then she came in to our bedroom and said "You've been in bed all day!!" To which I said "you know I haven't, you've been here" and burst into tears. I've had a 90 min nap which I'm more than entitled to cos I feel like crap! He's sitting in the front room lording it up with my tv and my sky watching the bloody rugby. My cat sensed I was upset and came through bless her. If not I'd be all on my own in tears... I know I'm being crazy and irrational but I feel totally unsupported right now. I bet she didn't tell him I was crying... X
Oh Cherry :( hugs. I'm pleased you have the cat there with you. I know mine cheers me up! Maybe cat wanted to be out if the way too. Really feel for you.

I can't wait to do baby stuff...when are you washing yours Cherry & TT? Or have you done this already due to putting them in their new home? :) xx
I've managed to stop myself buying baby stuff the last few weeks, however tomorrow I have a shopping trip with the girls...oh dear! I won't be able to control myself!
I'm saving my washing for when I go on mat leave, save me something to do!
I'm not excited for the next 10 weeks, am excited for baby to just be here already though!

Has anyone got any plans to attempt to make baby arrive on time? I think from 36 weeks I'm gonna be on 'project evict'. Xxx
I haven't washed anything yet lol I'll do it once I'm on maternity leave! I feel a lot better now. Came through and oh realised how upset I was and we talked about it. They're now both being really nice. I hate how pregnancy messes your head up!

Yep I reckon I'll be on 'project evict' from about 37 weeks. I'm keen not to have the stress of going overdue (and I want to go see one direction at wembley on 8th June!!) x
Yes I'll be evicting from 37 weeks. I know a lot of it is old wives tales but I'll certainly be bouncing on the ball - gently though (the room goes up and down when I'm not moving) so don't want to get carried away! Oh I was just thinking if doing the washing in a few weeks then thought if I want to start my hospital bag this week just incase I'll obviously have to wash a few bits for baby! I'm keen to do washing you can tell! Not all of it lol - we have way too much and we're team yellow! But a few babygros, sleepsuits, hats and mittens :) xx
33 weeks today though fao :) xxx

Thanks Vic. Me and Sproglett!

I'm not going through anything like you are this pregnancy though. I should stop complaining! I am quite pragmatic about it most of the time, just had a little weepy weak moment last night. Felt better afterwards. You are right, only 7 ( or 5-9) weeks to go!
Hello ladies, sorry for my absence, I've been a bit busy these last few days.

So sorry to hear SPD is being a bugger for so many of you. I'm rather surprised it hasn't hit me hard yet, especially as it started earlier this time. Perhaps all those pelvic exercises really have made a difference!

Jo, I'm sorry to hear about the carpal tunnel. I had it mildly a few years ago and it was unpleasant enough. My friend could dislocate her thumb whenever she was pregnant, so clearly the joints in that area are rather flexible right now.

Today I finished my nursery, yay! Still need to buy cot bedding to match my theme and a changing mat to go on top of the chest of drawers, but otherwise it's pretty much ready for a baby (not that he'll be in there for months lol). Here's a few pics I took today, I'll pop them in my nursery thread as well:


All the pine furniture (except the cot) came from Argos (it's their Scandinavia range). They did cause a small hiccup by delivering one wrong item, but otherwise everything went smoothly.

My next project is to sort out all my son's old clothes in the loft and buy anything that I'm missing.
Ahhh, that's lovely Suffolkmum.

See you have bee stocking up on the wipes a lot!! Lol.

I packed my hospital bag for baby today. Just my bag to do, but half of that will have to go in art the last minute as I need things now. Made it seem a bit more real, and me being more organised!
Ahhh, that's lovely Suffolkmum.

See you have bee stocking up on the wipes a lot!! Lol.

I packed my hospital bag for baby today. Just my bag to do, but half of that will have to go in art the last minute as I need things now. Made it seem a bit more real, and me being more organised!

Yes lol, I still use them with my 3yr old so always handy to have. :D I've got 8 packs of newborn nappies in that unit too, should tide me over for a few days lol.

I haven't even thought about the hospital bag yet! Eek! As I'm planning a home birth, it keeps going to the back of my mind, but I really do need go have one ready in case of hospital transfer or early labour.
33weeks, wow really need to get a bump pik on here. I have a horrible feeling this baby is going to be like his/her big brother and make an early appearance, (please don't be next week when my DS has his surgery!)
If my labour progresses very quickly ( last was only 3 hrs) I might end up with an unplanned home birth!
Ooh happy 33 weeks ladies! Not much to report here apart from I'm becoming very grumpy and impatient. I'm having terrible trouble at night. Fine in the day, but as soon as I try to go to bed I start cramping. It was just my arms at first, a touch of rsi possibly as they've given me grief in the past, but now it's pretty much everything apart from the bump that's keeping me awake! I've always loved my sleep and would happily have 12 hours a night if I could but at the moment 3 or 4 is a miracle and that's broken sleep. All good practice for night feeds and all that but I could really use the rest before baby arrives! X
Lovely nursery Suffolk! I haven't thought about hospital bag yet either :/

Sorry to hear about lack of sleep Cornish! I'm a right grumpy cow if I don't get enough sleep. Just got beaten on mariokart wii and got so cross I turned it off.. Bedtime for me soon I think!! X
Ha ha! Oh dear! That's a sure sign you've reached your limit ;)
I'm having a cheeky cider tonight. Hubby is cooking steak for tea and when we were getting him some beers I spotted a passion fruit cider. I'm not into cider much, have the odd one once in a blue moon but I bloody love passion fruit so thought I'd give it a whirl and go wild ;) Just hope itlives up to my expectations! X

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