* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Quick question for you ladies, sorry if its TMI for a Friday morning lol basically yesterday I had a terribly sore back, lower and middle - I thought at first it was from my chair at work as its not the comfiest and it really hurts my tail bone but after a bath at home and a massage from hubby it was still agony, I thought little one was maybe just lying funny and that's what was causing my pain but later that night I went for a rather larger than normal poo! The pain was gone after that, could my big poo have been giving me back pain lol? X
Lol fao. Bless you. I've stuck with our May group even though I'm high risk to have another premmie, I could pop as early as the end of this month if my son is anything to go by but i don't want to seem presumptuous, lol. Even when baby is here, I'll due a due May 2014 parenting page for us all to stay in touch for those that want to, as even though some will be early, some will be late, we've got to this point together and supported each other through.
I called in sick yesterday for the first time this pregnancy, my back was killing and my lower belly didn't feel brill so decided I could do with the rest, my mom was off work so I went to hers so she could look after my DS for my and I could chill, fingers crossed my back is better today. So far so good but I haven't got out of bed yet. Lol

Happy Friday everyone! X x

that sounds good, Sproglett. let's stick together!

sorry you are not feeling great today. get lots of rest! a hot wheat bag or hot water bottle does more for my back pain than anything else. hope it is better tomorrow.
Nope I'm staying here even if I have an April baby it don't matter I will still stick to this thread :) I know ppl already in due in April anyways so don't need to make friends lol . Wat a shit night sleep I think I was up 4 times to pee! N if it wasn't that it was this dam carpel tunnel my hands are so painfull n feel real swollen now n I have a headache grr gonna pop to see mw at walk in to get checked over , pee n bp just to ease my mind realy al is ok as been having niggly headaches n swollen hands n feet best to be safe I think xx

thanks Jo.

I get tendonitis in my wrists and sometimes need to wear a splint at night to keep my wrists straight and the channels in the joint open. this might give you some relief with carpal tunnel too. you can get wrist splints in large branches of boots. might be worth a try?
I'm a middle of May so doesn't effect me so much! I'm sure I'll be two weeks late like my mum was but oh reckons 10 days early cos she doesn't stop fidgeting!

See midwife who said defo not back to work til Monday earliest if I'm able to hold food in from today. She put me on no food just electrolyte drinks for a minimum of 24 hours which brings me to 10am today. I had no bowel movements since about 11am yesterday and was so hungry last night as this has gone on since Sunday eve. Bugger me I woke and had a bowel movement at 5.30 then again at 8.30 and feel there could be more judging on my belly ache. I'm going crazy I thought if I could wait til about 2pm today I cud try sum dry toast but now I'm thinking 24hours has done nothing!!!!

I'm just so drained!!! X

hope it gets better today TT.
I feel like I'm hallucinating and seeing food!!!!

Oh is going to take me for a drive soon to pick up a cot mattress as he built the cot and wardrobe yesterday! Hoping that will distract me for couple hours and only have to sit still.

Argos have mucked up the nursery stuff as it was delayed two weeks then it's now been delivered with missing parts for the chest of drawers grrrrr. They can't get replacement out til end of march and they will look at a good will gesture once I'm happy with everything.

It's a mamas and papas set and we got it there as it saved a lot of cash. Still need to decide on bedding etc!

Doing anything I can to distract my mind really.

I've officially dropped 8lbs since Monday. At this rate I'll be below my pre pregnancy weight!!!
I'm staying with just May thread, look forward to having the after birth chat thread for us all to share our joys! X

Diagnosed with SPD today :( kind of knew but was in denial :( finally made an apt after burst into tears twice at work today because of the pain. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse. Massively sympathetic to those ladies who have it really bad! Mine's not severe by any stretch but really struggling. Xxx

Sorry to hear you have SPD, it sounds like something I wouldn’t wish on anyone, I feel sorry for ladies who have tough pregnancies as mine is going smooth and I still find things to moan about, feeling guilty now! X

I feel like I'm hallucinating and seeing food!!!!

Oh is going to take me for a drive soon to pick up a cot mattress as he built the cot and wardrobe yesterday! Hoping that will distract me for couple hours and only have to sit still.

Argos have mucked up the nursery stuff as it was delayed two weeks then it's now been delivered with missing parts for the chest of drawers grrrrr. They can't get replacement out til end of march and they will look at a good will gesture once I'm happy with everything.

It's a mamas and papas set and we got it there as it saved a lot of cash. Still need to decide on bedding etc!

Doing anything I can to distract my mind really.

I've officially dropped 8lbs since Monday. At this rate I'll be below my pre pregnancy weight!!!
This made me laugh, I don’t see food but I am constantly thinking about what I am going to stuff myself with next, opened a giant back of kettle chips last night and had to get hubby to hide the small amount I hadn’t eaten as I could have had the full packet.
I had same issue, mine was B&Q. They delivered all my drawers but only half a wardrobe, then told me it was made in Denmark and it would be a while until delivery – now I have half a wardrobe sitting in the nursery! Hate when things don’t just go to plan, hope you get yours sorted out soon.
I’ve gained 2.5 stone since finding out I was pregnant in August, I really don’t know where I have gained it all, I’m not a big girl – I was a size 10 before getting pregnant and can still fit into size 12 jeans at the moment. It must be all bump. I haven’t gained weight in face or arms etc, tiny bit in legs but its mostly bum, boobs & belly! X
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Mines all bum boob and belly with some love handles lol!!!

Yes literally I just cried cos oh are sum toasted muffins for brekkie!

Glad I planned ahead so we have time for mistakes!

We've pretty much got everything but the bedding now and I want to paint some canvases to match once we've decided.

My god if I wait til 2-3pm to eat god I hope it stays in!!!! I might kill someone!!! I'm only usually an 8-10 size but god do I enjoy eating my teeth think I've forgotten about them!!!! X
All ok at mw bp slightly up for me but nothing to worry about baby head down n I'm still measuring 2 cm more than weeks but il not dwell on that it means nothing! I defo have carpel tunnel she reckons so have to make app at gp for some splints for hands n FC that helps :) , hope everyone ok n have a gd weekend xx
Hello lovely May ladies!

Well I'm mid May too so I have no excuse to leave to join another group! Haha! ;) I love this group :) yes it'll be so exciting in a few weeks when we get even closer! It's very scary!

Jojo - pleased your appt was ok - all sounds very good :)

Ashleigh - yes I'm sure a large poo could give you back ache! Isn't pregnancy glamourous? My lower back can hurt when I'm constipated so it wouldn't surprise me!

Dooeyona - nasty SPD - sorry to read this. Hope you get the help you need to manage it. Mine has finally got better since my long outing last Saturday. Just be careful with yourself and rest when you can - but not for too long coz with me this doesn't help either! I've got a gym ball. Not sure it's helping. Maybe give that a try?

TT254 - sorry to read that you've been so poorly :( hopefully you'll be on the mend and be able to eat soon :)

Grr about the furniture too! It's not the Mamas & Papas Vico set from Argos is it? Hope it arrives as it should next time. That's the one we've ordered (as it has gone back in the sale again!!!) and are expecting it next Friday. They only had Friday and Tuesday delivery and I couldn't be in today or this Tuesday so hopefully ours will arrive ok. I haven't heard great things about furniture deliveries on this site to be honest!

We get paid monthly too but my dad has kindly offered to buy the 'transport' as he calls it. My sister dragged him round mothercare the other day so he's now all excited and insisting we go next weekend. He seems to think lime green isn't an essential requirement but I beg to differ!!

Called and booked our antenatal classes today - how exciting - it's all getting a bit real now :/ Also booked my 31wk appointment at the community hospital - if it's the mw I saw the other day I'm going to have all my appointments there from now on!!

Yeah Jojo my carpal tunnel means I get bad pains in my hands and fingers and pins and needle sensations. Not nice but I had physio and got exercise and stuff and now I only have the odd bad day or notice it if I try and grip something too hard *ahem*

Sorry to hear all of you with nasty spd. xxxx

That's exciting about the antenatal classes :)

Ooh that wouldn't be the Graco Evo lime one would it? We're still hoping for a better offer again on the plum or black one. We should've bought it beginning of Feb. Enjoy shopping for it! :) xx
Oh yes, graco evo lime all the way, they've reduced it again in mothercare lol so it's not too bad now.. Only that colour though I think! I also like the cosatto giggle in treet but it's more expensive so I don't think I'll get it.. X
If it's any help, I have the mamas and papas vico in my nursery, got it in 2010 when I was expecting my 1st, didn't get put up till I was expecting my DS though as after my losses I didn't want it in the house so left it at my moms....
We had no problem at all with the delivery etc and the set is beautiful, we have since bought all our DS's new furniture for his new room and all of that has been delivered with no concerns (all from argos) x
Yay for the Graco evo being reduced again! I'm still in love with ours, can't wait to get a baby in it and take it for a ride :) x
Yes it's the white Vico we have done the cot and wardrobe which look lovely no issues it's just annoying they labelled all the boxes wrong!!!!

What colour have you guys ordered we have white although looks ivory which goes with room better anyway! Xx
Yeah according to the website it's the lime one that's reduced by £50. We'll wait a bit longer to see if they do anything with the plum one! Think the red one had been reduced by £100 but the colour scares me a bit lol just personal preference! That's what we want really as with the car seat it's just over £400 and it used to be £190 plus car seat or £280 included free car seat. I wish I couldn't remember that haha! Enjoy your purchase :) so exciting! Xx
Yes it's the white Vico we have done the cot and wardrobe which look lovely no issues it's just annoying they labelled all the boxes wrong!!!!

What colour have you guys ordered we have white although looks ivory which goes with room better anyway! Xx

Thanks Sproglett - nice to know you've had it for a while and it's good :)

Yes we've ordered the white too TT254! I won't be too disappointed if ours looks ivory too as I wouldn't mind that! I suppose with just having done the glossing and ceiling the room is bright white in places but that'll fade with time! xx
Yeh our room was cream already which we haven't changed as it had new carpet with our bedroom an hallway when we moved in last year! Don't get me wrong it's not cream but it's not white white lol

Got a mattress yesterday too so I've just got to settle on colours. I wanted some pink but most bedding is pink and white which will clash with the cream room!

I want to start my canvases though to distract from being ill so I need to just decide!! X
Morning ladies. I'm feeling rubbish today so not gone in to work. Feeling tired, sick and achey. Think I may have overdone it yesterday :( xxx
TT hope you can get some food in you today!

Cherry, sorry to hear you are not well. Get lots of rest!

I had a physio appt and now on crutches for my PGP, so feeling very sorry for myself at the moment. Never expected this. Serves me right for having a wonderful pregnancy up to 28 weeks!
Sounds lovely TT :) and I know what you mean with the not white white! I'm so excited for it to arrive! We couldn't find a set in Mothercare or M&P that we liked all the bits of lol so this one looks perfect! Our room is lemon and green with light pine laminate floor so cream-ish will be fine.

Oh Cherry - sorry to read that. Rest up hun xx

And fao I really feel for you :( I know how bad mine was last sat & sun after doing too much on sat, so I can't imagine having that everyday without triggering it like I did. I know I have enough turning over in bed etc. take care of yourself xx

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