* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Yeah definitely not easy, my outlook is that I stay positive, everything happens for a reason, although I may have had a rough time with some things, 1, there is always someone else worse off and 2, these things are sent to test you and make you stronger. No matter the obstacle that gets in my family's way, we have each other and for that I'm so grateful, my DH, DS and peanut are my world and no matter what challenge I have, I will smile and keep positive because I love then and know they love me and I don't know where I would be with out them. Sorry if that sounds really cheesy.

Not cheesy at all. That's what families are all about. Looking after each other. It is what makes me feel blessed when otherwise I could feel down about something. Mind you, a bit more support from my OH wouldn't go amiss, haha.
No I was worried it will hurt lol!!! I don't think the anti d was bad the nurse had bigged it up and said ooo your skinny so u may want the leg but I stuck to arm and it was fine!! Just didn't look!! I see midwife tomorrow so she may mention whooping cough then!


The jab itself is a doddle. Hardly felt it. Arm just sore the day after for a few days!!
Well the health visitor came out, was a bit disappointing. She mainly talked about breastfeeding, cot death and post natal depression. That was all, filled in front of baby's health file. At hospital today for consultant app after scan I had on mon, 4 weeks tomorrow till leaving work time wooooo xxx
That's okay then. I'm so ill I have a tummy bug and can't keep any food in since Monday and the doc yesterday said most I can take is rehydration drinks! Work must be annoyed as I've now had 3 days sick after holiday last week. Hoping midwife today can suggest something! Do you know if midwifed can do doctors notes at all as I think I may need to get one the way this is going! I've lost 5lbs already x
2 days an il be in in single figures!!! How the bloody hell did that happen please lol it is crazy how fast this pregnancy has gone! Just need a few newborn baby grows my pram yes I know I'm leaving it a bit late but I planned it this way lol and my car seat and I'm done ,started to swell aswel in my hands and feet just pregnancy swelling nothing serious well I dint think it is as I have no headaches or anything but I am gonna pop to walk in mw Friday just for a quick check of my wee and bp just to ease my mind and speak to her about my fingers beeing painfull at the joints specialy after I've had a sleep and not used them and also my hands go numb when I lay down for a nap and then I get pins n needles :-/ think maybe it could be pregnancy carpel tunnel anyone else have this happen ? I'm also bloody exhausted all the time aswel like I was bk in tri 1 just wanna sleep all the time yawnnn lol xx
It is scary how fast it's going ain't it! I'm also getting exhausted all the time. Knackered by 5pm every day. It's my day off today but I've done nothing. Went to morrisons earlier just for a top up shop and I was so exhausted carrying a basket about that I had to come home and nap. I also keep getting really breathless - bloods came back borderline anaemic so I guess that could be why. I'm going shopping for buggys Saturday week so don't worry Jojo - no rush :) I had carpel tunnel syndrome prior to pregnancy and it sounds like that's what you could have.. X
I'm having an afternoon nap and still ready for my bed by 9 lightweight or what lol , we are gonna go get our pram end of April cos we get payed monthly and I must pay summet off our holiday this month and if I have baby before then I don't think il be going anywhere for 2 weeks after it's born anyways as oh is off for 2 weeks and we have car and car seat it will be fine lol I hate getting payed monthly it's shit but oh well no matter no point moaning eh nothing gonna change lol, bloody painfull this carpel tunnel if that's what it is my poor fingers are in constant pain :( xx
Diagnosed with SPD today :( kind of knew but was in denial :( finally made an apt after burst into tears twice at work today because of the pain. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse. Massively sympathetic to those ladies who have it really bad! Mine's not severe by any stretch but really struggling. Xxx
Dooeyona - I have found that doing a quick 10 minute prenatal Pilates workout on YouTube and wearing the tubigrip had really helped my spd in the day time (turning over in bed seems to be my only painful time now, unless I've over done it the day before!).

I nap if I'm not at work during the day and am so ready for bed by 9 too! But am only getting up once (touch wood) about 4am for a loo dash, so it's not as if I'm having a sleepless night! Xx
We get paid monthly too but my dad has kindly offered to buy the 'transport' as he calls it. My sister dragged him round mothercare the other day so he's now all excited and insisting we go next weekend. He seems to think lime green isn't an essential requirement but I beg to differ!!

Called and booked our antenatal classes today - how exciting - it's all getting a bit real now :/ Also booked my 31wk appointment at the community hospital - if it's the mw I saw the other day I'm going to have all my appointments there from now on!!

Yeah Jojo my carpal tunnel means I get bad pains in my hands and fingers and pins and needle sensations. Not nice but I had physio and got exercise and stuff and now I only have the odd bad day or notice it if I try and grip something too hard *ahem*

Sorry to hear all of you with nasty spd. xxxx
Well the health visitor came out, was a bit disappointing. She mainly talked about breastfeeding, cot death and post natal depression. That was all, filled in front of baby's health file. At hospital today for consultant app after scan I had on mon, 4 weeks tomorrow till leaving work time wooooo xxx

Sounds like a welcome and uplifting talk! Like being on the post natal ward and them coming round to talk about contraception!
That's okay then. I'm so ill I have a tummy bug and can't keep any food in since Monday and the doc yesterday said most I can take is rehydration drinks! Work must be annoyed as I've now had 3 days sick after holiday last week. Hoping midwife today can suggest something! Do you know if midwifed can do doctors notes at all as I think I may need to get one the way this is going! I've lost 5lbs already x

I don't know if mw can sign you off sick, but she might be able to get the Dr to sign it if she is based at gp practice? You can sign yourself off for 7 days, and preg related illness does not count on your sickness record.

Sorry to hear you are poorly. Keep sipping small amounts of fluid all day to try and keep up your hydration. Milk is good as its gentle on your tummy and has some nutrition in it. Some swear by chicken soup too!
Is anyone posting in the April or June threads, if due at start or end of May? Just wondered cos I haven't looked at those threads. Feel slightly that it would be disloyal!

Just thinking. I'm due 3rd May but baby could be here in April ( will be if consultant gets her way), but I won't know anybody in the April thread :sad:

Is anyone hedging their bets and posting and making friends in other due months? Is this a no no? Is everyone doing it but me?
Just adding, I love all you May ladies! Please don't think I want to defect!!
Lol fao. Bless you. I've stuck with our May group even though I'm high risk to have another premmie, I could pop as early as the end of this month if my son is anything to go by but i don't want to seem presumptuous, lol. Even when baby is here, I'll due a due May 2014 parenting page for us all to stay in touch for those that want to, as even though some will be early, some will be late, we've got to this point together and supported each other through.
I called in sick yesterday for the first time this pregnancy, my back was killing and my lower belly didn't feel brill so decided I could do with the rest, my mom was off work so I went to hers so she could look after my DS for my and I could chill, fingers crossed my back is better today. So far so good but I haven't got out of bed yet. Lol

Happy Friday everyone! X x
Nope I'm staying here even if I have an April baby it don't matter I will still stick to this thread :) I know ppl already in due in April anyways so don't need to make friends lol . Wat a shit night sleep I think I was up 4 times to pee! N if it wasn't that it was this dam carpel tunnel my hands are so painfull n feel real swollen now n I have a headache grr gonna pop to see mw at walk in to get checked over , pee n bp just to ease my mind realy al is ok as been having niggly headaches n swollen hands n feet best to be safe I think xx
I'm almost positive I'll be late and have a June baby but am staying loyal to May mummies x
I'm a middle of May so doesn't effect me so much! I'm sure I'll be two weeks late like my mum was but oh reckons 10 days early cos she doesn't stop fidgeting!

See midwife who said defo not back to work til Monday earliest if I'm able to hold food in from today. She put me on no food just electrolyte drinks for a minimum of 24 hours which brings me to 10am today. I had no bowel movements since about 11am yesterday and was so hungry last night as this has gone on since Sunday eve. Bugger me I woke and had a bowel movement at 5.30 then again at 8.30 and feel there could be more judging on my belly ache. I'm going crazy I thought if I could wait til about 2pm today I cud try sum dry toast but now I'm thinking 24hours has done nothing!!!!

I'm just so drained!!! X

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