* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Now that you mention it, discharge has reduced a bit the last 2-3 days. It's also (tmi) thinner than before- more watery rather than creamy. X
Phew its not just me! Today there is nearly nothing!

Symptom spotting is driving me insane! X
Well my sweep yesterday doesn't seem to have done too much... No discharge no pains and no waters breaking :-( iv another tomorrow so maybe this will b better lol....
Thanks girls. I've googled it and lots of people went into labour the next day after being told they're not engaged so i guess it's not the end of the world. I was just feeling hot and sticky and fed up! Went for a milkshake with my mum and nan which cheered me up a bit.

Fab news TT and everyone else showing positive signs! Not long now xxxx
Random question I should've thought of before now! What does a sweep feel like/ does it hurt? Or did it hurt you (if you've had one?) x
Cherry- don't worry about not being engaged. As the ladies have said, that can change quickly!

Tt- sounds exciting!!! Really hope things progress nicely for you :)

Vic- Hope your head feels better soon :( swelling is horrible too but not long to go now! 124/88 is a perfect BP - I wouldn't be worried about that at all xxx

I hope not long to go! I'm not bothered about the swelling, just the feet aching. I'm not being very positive at the moment! I guess it comes with vertigo! I'm like a meerkat constantly on the edge! Lol. At least I can laugh.

Yeah, I don't know what bp was when she first took it, I just saw a look of concern! I didn't think the second take sounded bad, think it's because I'm usually in the low 70s xx
Lovely nails by the way! I've got my fingernails done but they're chipping so I'll do them tomorrow, well, plan to! Did my toenails sitting with foot on a stool two weeks ago, it was agony! Managed to get the stuff off the other day with foot up on the bath, so I'm hoping to cut nails and paint again tomorrow. I'm going with dark purple! I'd ask hubby if I wasn't afraid if people touching my feet. I kick out - I could be fun in labour lol X
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Well I'm 3 hours after sweep and reflexology and my contractions are around 40 to 60 seconds every 3-4 minutes!!! And yes they are quite painfull!!!!!

Ouch ouch ouch x
My 2sweeps hurt Vik but 3rd was ok I think she was gentle cos I was 2 cm n bulging waters n didn't wanna pop them lol , gd luck those having pains and in labour FC it's quick for you , and those who can reach feet ur very lucky indeed lol my daughter painted my toes for me bless her she's 8 but didn't do a bad job haha , I've had a 3 hour walk today done some shopping come home tidied up had a nap went to school run Went to my mams not been home long and having yet more braxtons that are getting more and more uncomfy but not regular , resigned myself to beeing induced Saturday now but least it will happen via waters breaking so not to bad :) xx
Vic I had my first one yesterday and it wasn't too bad if I'm honest it's more like a pressure feeling rather than actual pain and I'm a big wimp x
Thanks ladies, here's hoping I won't need sweep!

Exciting stuff for TT! X
Do baby movements slow down before labour kicks off? Bubs hasn't been moving much this afternoon/evening.
No that's a myth babies do not slow down if labour is close , ring up if ur worried that's why they are there xx
I sent hubby to Mr Tesco for some cans of coke and I've had a couple of wee wriggles in the last hour. I'll mention it to the midwife when I see her in the morning. I'm hoping he/she has just engaged more and isn't as able to move as much.
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Congratulations to Tracey on the birth of a gorgeous baby girl born this evening! :) xxx
Seems it's my turn now waters have gone gonna ring hospital soon no pain just tightenings text Lucy let her know but think she asleep bless her she was up late doing kaths ba I shall keep u updated Lucy when I know what's wat :) finaly I'm going to meet my baby :) xxx
Seems it's my turn now waters have gone gonna ring hospital soon no pain just tightenings text Lucy let her know but think she asleep bless her she was up late doing kaths ba I shall keep u updated Lucy when I know what's wat :) finaly I'm going to meet my baby :) xxx

Yay! Good luck! Xx

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