* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I wish my midwives were more on the ball! The first one told me 14 days, the other 13 days. The sweep 5 days overdue, or 7! Make up your mind! I'm hoping if I need the second sweep next Wednesday they can book me in to the hospital quite soon. It's just the not knowing. The more I read on here about sweeps the more I get annoyed that I have to wait til 41 weeks for a sweep! I was originally told Friday and now it's Sunday. Hopefully things wil start moving naturally soon.

Gayle that's what my midwife said - still 2/5 but very far down! I thought eh? But I was so dizzy I couldn't be bothered to ask! X
My midwife said at my last appointment they wouldn't do one at my 40+1 appt so I'd have to wait til my 41+1 appointment. Ugh!! X
Yeah my mw also won't do a sweep until 41w and then if that fails you're booked in for an induction at 42w xxx
That's frustrating Cornish! I kind of wish they had tried last week and perhaps baby's head might not have been as low down and in the way as it was today! I'm going to go for a walk this afternoon and hopefully persuade hubby to dtd tonight to try and kick things off!
Just had 38wk appt....I'm engaged!! She didn't say how many /5 but said baby was very low down, and do I have the constant urge to pee..... Yup I do!! I have a good sized baby, with a good sized bum apparently...her words a chubby little thing!!(takes after her father and I!!)
Check your notes Louj80 and it might say somewhere how engaged or palpable you were.

Ok ladies, tmi now but I need to ask someone and you lot are as good as place as any! As I said earlier, midwife couldn't properly perform the sweep as she couldn't reach my cervix due to the low position of baby's head. She was quite rough with the procedure though and afterwards I felt quite sore. I went for a long walk this afternoon and when I got back I felt quite damp down below but I put it down to a long sweaty walk in the sunshine. I noticed when I went to pee that there was some small white flecks in it. Curiosity got the better of me and I did a quick self examination and I have now got flecks of white thick discharge, almost like cottage cheese texture. It looks suspiciously to me like what the vernix coating on new born babies is like and now I'm wondering if even though the sweep wasn't successful if my waters might be leaking slightly. Anyone experienced anything similar or have any thoughts on whether I should phone triage for advice?
Check your notes Louj80 and it might say somewhere how engaged or palpable you were.

Already checked that, She didn't, she had a student in with her, and wrote everything down except how engaged I was lol.
I've no idea Gayle but it sounds promising! No harm in calling to double check :)

That's annoying Lou! Although after yesterday's stress, I'm refusing to pay attention to all this 'engaged' business as it doesn't seem to mean anything in the grand scheme of things so try not to stress too much xxx
Gayle I'd definitely call to check :-)

Well done to katkin and to TT, can't wait to see piks :-)

I had what sounds like what your describing once my waters had gone.

Fingers crossed x
Morning all :)

I've been awake since about 5am! It's going to be a long day... Was getting really bad back ache and cramps last night but, as usual, they've gone now!!

I've got a busy day ahead - taking oh to work and my little sisters to school (mum's car is knackered), then have a carpet fitter coming to my old flat to give me a quote and then I'm meeting a couple of friends for lunch! I also really need to start looking at my final uni assignment for this year as it's due on 30th May and who knows what will happen before then! (probably nothing lol...) xxx
Morning all! That is so annoying isn't it cherry - since I had what I assumed was some of my show on sunday I've had bugger all happen; it had been that most nights I'd get some cramps when I went to bed which like yours would vanish by the morning, but now I'm not even getting those! And no more blood tinged discharge either. That was a mean trick my body played on me! I'm determined that today is the day I get lots of cleaning done, I'm finally up to date with my jewellery orders so I can get on with some housework without feeling guilty! ; ) x
Yeah it's really annoying. I haven't had any kind of 'show' at all so you're winning on that front :p
It's got to the point where I don't believe any of the symptoms I'm having - I think when I actually go into labour I'll be in serious denial until I'm quite far along!

Urgh, I'm so tired! Roll on this afternoon so I can have a nap! Good luck with your housework Lucy :) xxx
Thanks hun! Yeah I think I'll be the same, until I'm in agony I'll think it's just a trick!! X
Me too! In the evening I think I've got symptoms, crampy and stuff. But then wake up in the morning and bugger all.
Cramps mean anything - need a wee/poo/fart or feeling tired/hungry/grumpy

I agree that I'll be in denial by the time actual labour comes along! X
Morning all! Up from 4am this morning with bad stomach cramps, felt like I needed a big poo out of me...sorry! This has led to contractions now....lasting 1 min, and 7-8 mins apart. Lying here in bed now going through the contractions, too scared to move anywhere lol!
Morning all! Up from 4am this morning with bad stomach cramps, felt like I needed a big poo out of me...sorry! This has led to contractions now....lasting 1 min, and 7-8 mins apart. Lying here in bed now going through the contractions, too scared to move anywhere lol!

Oh wow! Sounds very promising!! :) x
Good luck nmurr hope this pick up for you quickly :-)

I also got woken in the night with mild cramps and back ache! Regular bh are back but don't think there going to turn into much. I've got plenty to keep me busy today anyway so I'm ok. I'm going to do some batch cooking of chilli and spaghetti. I didn't to it with my others and wish I had.

My mums supposed to be coming over tomorrow to help me with bits round the house but haven't really got much to do.

My cousin was induced yesterday she was due 2 days after me so excited to hear the news her little girl has arrived :-) xxx
Does anyone else's hb hurt slot more when there sitting up? I'm thinking it's just because my stomach more squashed up? X
Morning all! Up from 4am this morning with bad stomach cramps, felt like I needed a big poo out of me...sorry! This has led to contractions now....lasting 1 min, and 7-8 mins apart. Lying here in bed now going through the contractions, too scared to move anywhere lol!

Oooh yes, this sounds exciting! Don't be scared :)

I just walked to my polling station which should be about a ten min walk but took me 20 and I had lots of sympathy smiles on my way - do I look that massive??! When I got there, the woman running it said I was 'brave' lol. I'm exhausted now! How will I cope with labour if I can barely do a ten minute walk???

I'm now sitting in my old flat which is weird as it's completely empty and echoey.. I hope the carpet fitters don't take long to arrive - I need a nap! X
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Sounds good nmurr! Fingers crossed!

Cherry - a ten minute walk is good, well I think so with my dodgy pelvis! You'll be fine in labour :) enjoy your nap when you get it.

Well I'm sitting here with my last Easter egg! That's going to help isn't it?! Haha. I've got done ironing and cleaning to do later. My mum wants to do it, bless her. I need to achieve something more positive than coping with nosebleeds and blood clots in my mouth at 5am is not the achievement I had in mind!

Had a sharp pain in my right side last night and a bit of lower backache so who knows. I'm tired of this now! I know it can't be too much longer but I so don't want to be induced. I've just watched this morning from yesterday, the item about pregnancy myths - was quite good. I'm pleased about the hot curry thing - sick of friends and strangers saying that works! Also we shouldn't sunbathe (for us not baby) good job it's peeing it down! And the amount of times I've had to defend myself eating peanuts - that's fine too! X
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