* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Yay! Good luck jojo!
What wonderful news to wake up to, two new may babies! X
Congrats Katkin and TT and looking forward to an update Jojo!! I'm so going to be last - will end up on this board on my own lol xxx
I've had a beautiful baby girl! Born 11.33 pm Sunday 18 May and we've named her Robyn Bluebell. More to follow, xxx
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I've had a beautiful baby girl! Born 11.33 pm Sunday 18 May and we've named her Robyn Bluebell. More to follow, xxx

Woo! Congratulations! Eek they're all popping out now! Looks set to be another exciting day in birthing land!! :) xx
Awk congrats kautostar... I'm not due til the 30th and the way this baby is going it's gonna keep us waiting til then.. I can see me having a June baby... Cry lol x
Congratulations kautostar!

How exciting!

Cherry and Cornish I'm sure you won't! X
Morning all. Thanks for all the well wishes and good luck on my labour thread but I'm still here and still pregnant!! False start for me. I said to Vic that 3rd time round you would think I would know what I was doing but obv not. Lol.

There's been lots of babies over the last week :-) so there can't be that many if us left. Congrats to all the new mummies and good luck to everyone else.

My guess was always tomorrow but we will see... We dtd last night in an attempt to get things going again and it really was just awful so painful and uncomfortable I won't be trying that again. Xxx
Congratulations katou, what a beautiful name! I can hardly keep up with the birth announcements now! Xxxx
Congratulations kautostar - lovely news. Exciting stuff Jojo! Come on baby!!!

Well I think I might be June too! Lol. Not lol actually! Argh!
Awk congrats kautostar... I'm not due til the 30th and the way this baby is going it's gonna keep us waiting til then.. I can see me having a June baby... Cry lol x

I wouldn't be disappointed with a June baby if I was due on the 30th. Hoping your baby makes a May appearance! X
Awww congrats kauto, was wondering how you were getting on! Looking forward to pics!

Cornish, Lou, Jazzy and Angel I hope you stay a bit longer to keep me company (in a completely selfish way!!) :p

Vic and Gayle - how long do they let you go over before they induce? Surely they won't let you go to June? I'm pretty sure I'm having a June baby... Xxxx
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I was told 13/14 days, which makes that going in to be induced on the 31st/1st of June. I was thinking even if I went 12 days over being Friday the 30th it could still take til 1st of June to have baby, hence, June baby! As you can tell, I'm in a positive frame of mind today lol. X
Although the 1st of June is my parents' 40th wedding anniversary so that's quite sweet lol x
Oh dear, I guess it's possible then lol. I think it helps to think you'll go really late and then anything before that is a bonus! (That's what I'm trying to tell myself anyway..)

My twin sister is a teacher and lives 100 miles away so is desperate for me to have her next week as it's half term and she can visit.. We'll see!! X
I think I worked out if they left me go to the bitter end it'd be 9th June. That sounds a looooong way off! ;) Hubby wants me to go into labour before this friday as they've got to do stocktaking at work and he wants a good excuse to get out of it, ha ha! X
Haha yeah, my oh is hoping I go soon as he's keen for some time off!

I'm laying on my sofa and have been getting very short sharp pains (like a stitch but lasts about a second) every 10-15 mins. It's prob nothing but keeps making me jump lol.. X
Awww congrats kauto, was wondering how you were getting on! Looking forward to pics!

Cornish, Lou, Jazzy and Angel I hope you stay a bit longer to keep me company (in a completely selfish way!!) :p

Vic and Gayle - how long do they let you go over before they induce? Surely they won't let you go to June? I'm pretty sure I'm having a June baby... Xxxx

Well I had the midwife this morning and head is still 2/5ths engaged as it was last week but she also said it is very low down in my pelvis (I'm not sure how it can be both!?) She tried to perform a sweep but because the baby's head is so low in my pelvis she couldn't reach my cervix. I persuaded her to let me have another sweep on Friday afternoon. She did say they wouldn't normally do 2 close together like that but I did say that technically I haven't had a sweep yet as today's one wasn't possible. Hopefully the midwife on Friday (mine is off so I'll be seeing a different one) has longer fingers! lol

At my hospital they let you go to term plus 12 which should mean induction next Wednesday for me. When she phoned them however they are full on the Wednesday so im booked in for the Tuesday morning. I was torn between the Tuesday and the Thursday as my Dad is due to go away for the weekend and I know my mum is relying on him to give her a lift up to the hospital once baby is here (they are divorced but she doesn't drive at the moment). I do want a waterbirth though so I'm not sure that will be possible if I'm induced. Decisions, decisions!

Hopefully baby just decides get a move on and come before then!

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