* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Lol. I've got practice breathing and hiccups going on in my tummy at the moment!
Come on baby, think your ready to leave now! X
Good luck katkin, will be thinking about you!!

Jazzy- I've given up on any real bras. I'm constantly in crop top stretchy things from Asda (£6) that have shape (but not padding) at the front to avoid nippleage being on show. Can't fathom having to wear a proper bra at the moment!!

4 days overdue now and still no signs! Got a sweep tomorrow at 9am so hopefully that'll get things moving. I had my 'labour nails' done 3 weeks ago to make myself feel a bit less frumpy. Baby's taken so long though that they need to be redone so I've got my nail tech coming tomorrow at 12. It was the only time she could see me (cancellation). What's the betting this little monkey will decide to start making movements during the night!? Like the theory that your waters will break if you stick on your best knickers?! Sod's law and all that jazz!! We'll soon see!

I done the same. Done my nails and toes just over a week ago and caught one the other day I was like I crap!!!! Also had a wax but it's now growing back anyway so that was a waste as there's not really enough to warrant another wax lol x
Haha, yes! It's so difficult timing your grooming! I keep trying (and failing miserably) to tidy up my lady bits with a hair trimmer thinking each time that it's the last time. The plus side is that I can't see it so i'm completely oblivious to how bad it potentially looks. All I know is that there was some bleeding last time around haha! Suppose that's what happens when you go in blind! Worrying that I may have to go over it again at this rate!! I was too scared to get a wax because of the horror stories about waxing when pregnant! Would probably have resulted in the same dilemma anyway- regrowth before baby's arrival!

My sister had done my toenails a few weeks ago but they'd started to chip and nobody was around to help except hubby!! Well...the poor man gave it his best shot but they look like a 4 year old did them. The concentration on his face was epic! It's the thought that counts!! Haha
Aww bless my oh offered too but I struggled on and now I've grown more it's just not happening!!! As for the re growth it's all wispy bits so guess I'll have to go with it!!! Lol
Just sat waiting at the mw for 50mins cos she was running super late. Appointment was a waste of time and naughty baby isn't even engaged :( gutted is not the word. Mw is positive I'll still be preg for my 40w appointment :( xxx
Yes I wouldn't worry mines been engaged since 37-38 weeks and look where that got me!!!! Lol
Oh cherry it's a horrible feeling isn't it but lots of people reassured me that anything can happen! Hope it does!x
Haha, yes! It's so difficult timing your grooming! I keep trying (and failing miserably) to tidy up my lady bits with a hair trimmer thinking each time that it's the last time. The plus side is that I can't see it so i'm completely oblivious to how bad it potentially looks. All I know is that there was some bleeding last time around haha! Suppose that's what happens when you go in blind! Worrying that I may have to go over it again at this rate!! I was too scared to get a wax because of the horror stories about waxing when pregnant! Would probably have resulted in the same dilemma anyway- regrowth before baby's arrival!

My sister had done my toenails a few weeks ago but they'd started to chip and nobody was around to help except hubby!! Well...the poor man gave it his best shot but they look like a 4 year old did them. The concentration on his face was epic! It's the thought that counts!! Haha

I don't know about you, but I can't even see my toes anyway to care about whether they're looking nice or not any more! Full marks to your hubby though for trying!
I can still reach my feet and was contemplating doing my toenails to make me feel a bit pampered in the run up, might do that later. Wanna do fingernails too but knowing what im like they'll chip numerous times before baby comes, I don't have much luck with nails! I tried to have a tidy up earlier with the bikini trimmer but goodness knows what I've done, at least it might not all be sprouting out my undies quite as much as it has been recently! ;) x
Looks like my tightenings were working!!!! They a bit more sore now just had sweep and reflexology and midwife reckons I will have baby within 24hours as I'm already 4-5cm and the membrane is really bulging..... Reckons I may end up heading in tonight so I've called hubby as he's over an hour away x
Don't worry Cherry, this alien has been engaged since 34 weeks and I'm overdue so it really doesn't matter. I've just got back from midwife - late but a different midwife! All I got was slightly high blood pressure, a bad headache, told my baby has an odd position as it's rock hard on both sides and still 2/5 engaged. Measuring still at 38 weeks so totally confused! Sweep on Sunday - any time between 8:30 and 5! Bit fed up to be honest! She took ages over listening to the heartbeat but said all is fine. My blood pressure is 124/88 which isn't ridiculous of course but my swelling just started the last few days and my headaches are back. Guess if urine is ok though it doesn't matter. I'm going to have an ice lolly to cheer me up lol x
Lol. I can still reach my feet too, maybe the pressure of bending over would make waters pop? Wishful thinking!
I've painted my finger nails too many times this month, I seem to permanently have my hands in the washing up bowl! X
You lucky ladies being able to reach your feet! I tried but it wasn't happening! I get calgel on my fingernails which stays perfect and chip free for about 3-4 weeks. Also stops your own nails from breaking coz it's so strong. These were done 3 weeks ago- you can see where they've grown out at the base but otherwise stayed nice. Love calgel- much better than shellac!

Cherry- don't worry about not being engaged. As the ladies have said, that can change quickly!

Tt- sounds exciting!!! Really hope things progress nicely for you :)

Vic- Hope your head feels better soon :( swelling is horrible too but not long to go now! 124/88 is a perfect BP - I wouldn't be worried about that at all xxx
Ooh they do look good, I have just had bad experiences with gel nails, and mine have been shocking after they come off - my nails are normally quite good!

Tmi alert! Anyone had a decrease in discharge?
39+3 today ... Went to midwife routine appt .. Baby still 4/5 engaged so not much change in last two weeks considering the pressure and fanny daggers I've had :(
She says anything could happen lol
So fed up now I just wanna get the labour done and meet my baby !! I really feel I'm gonna go over , they have booked me in for a sweep next tues ... Another bloody week to wait :( and it might not even work lol xx
Looks like my tightenings were working!!!! They a bit more sore now just had sweep and reflexology and midwife reckons I will have baby within 24hours as I'm already 4-5cm and the membrane is really bulging..... Reckons I may end up heading in tonight so I've called hubby as he's over an hour away x

Ooh!!! Fab news! Good luck :) xx
Ooh they do look good, I have just had bad experiences with gel nails, and mine have been shocking after they come off - my nails are normally quite good!

Tmi alert! Anyone had a decrease in discharge?

Since I had the excitement of some pink/brown stuff on Sunday night my discharge seems to have really tailed off as well. Very odd. I'm desperate to see more possible plug stuff and there's sod all!! X

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