* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Thanks Lucy - will let you know once they have a bed for me lol :-) At least I have a bit more time to chill at home before going in! Xx
Good luck at your induction. My mum got so nervous before both of hers cos she was late that she ended up in labour before they got the pessary in lol!!!!

As for me I had an odd night. I am due to see midwife for the reflexology and sweep at 2pm but have been having tightenings that are quite quick going from back to front or vice versa that last 5-10 seconds every 10-20 minutes along with more pink discharge.

Maybe my appointment will trigger the real deal x
Thank you ladies :-) I am developing a severe headache and feeling nauseous - not sure if it's impending labour or just anxiety!! Still waiting for the hospital to ring and tell me when to come in!
Oohh your symptoms are looking good TT254 - FX it won't be long for you too xx
Aww prob anxiety I wud b the same getting myself all worked up... I'm quite the wimp lol xx
Awww good luck today Katkin :) I'm sure you'll be fine! How exciting, all these babies! I'm ready for my turn now!! Xxx
I think I would be like my bum if I get induced and bring on my own labour by being so nervous!!!!

I'm hoping if this just carry's on then it may help the reflexology to do something!!!

If only labour pains where like these I would cope lol x
Good luck Katkin!

I didn't realise just how much more uncomfortable I'd get during the night. Besides the dodgy pubic bone and groin, the wright of the baby makes it so hard to turn over. It's also like baby is all above my belly button when I lie down! Midwife appointment this afternoon. Hoped I wouldn't need this one argh! xx
Good luck at your induction. My mum got so nervous before both of hers cos she was late that she ended up in labour before they got the pessary in lol!!!!

As for me I had an odd night. I am due to see midwife for the reflexology and sweep at 2pm but have been having tightenings that are quite quick going from back to front or vice versa that last 5-10 seconds every 10-20 minutes along with more pink discharge.

Maybe my appointment will trigger the real deal x

Ooh fingers crossed! Sounds promising xx
Well now there coming every 5 minutes!!! Feels like I have a basketball belly lol!!!!

Why does our body trick us and tease us so much!!! It's like ttc again!!!!

Same Vic!!! I was hoping I wouldn't make this midwife today but here I am x
It's frustrating now with all the extra aches and pains and baby not behaving for friends and family! As if we're doing something wrong!!! Yes if course we're trying to keep baby in there! X
So frustrating isn't it! My tightenings are still happening it's made me visit the toilet 3 times this morning lol!!!

Oh is on tender hooks at work but I can't just have him here incase all the time.

But nervous for midwife. I want to meet our little girl but now it's feeling possible I'm quite scared of it all x
Good luck Katkin :) I don't know what my babies on this morning, but it's super active, my belly has not stopped moving!! Had a really uncomfortable night, and the fanny daggers are unbelievably sore!!! Come on baby, we're ready for you now!! Xx
Aww kath it's probably nerves making you feel like that, hope they don't keep you hanging on too long. Shame they couldn't have told you last night that they wouldn't be able to have you in early so you could have had a lie in! ;)

I've had bugger all signs now since Monday morning, not even a hint of any pink/brown discharge and even the very mild cramps seem to have vanished. Baby seems to be moving about really high up, despite me telling it to head south! It's sense of direction is dreadful ;) x
Just had phone call - have to be in hospital for 12pm eeeekkkk, scared!!! Xx
Yay!!!! Exciting stuff, ooh I'm gonna be checking for texts all day, tee hee!! Best of luck kath, can't wait to see this bubba and find out his name :) I was thinking last night wouldn't it be weird if we all had boys and had all picked the same name! We've only got one choice for each so we'd just have to stick with it! ;) x
Ooh exciting! Hope all goes quickly and smoothly Hun xxx
Thank you :-) We have chosen an unusual name so I would be amazed if you and Jo had the same lol xx
Ooooh good luck! Exciting times today!

Has anyone found any nice non wired bras? I am thinking I'll need one to sleep in, keep everything in place. X

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