*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Not be long now till our newborns be here. Ive 10weeks left off work feel like im on the countdown for that now were n 2015. Cant wait to finish
Happy new year ladies!
Just 4 weeks to go until maternity leave now for me. I can't wait, tiredness and bump ache is beginning to kick in!
Happy new year girlies!!

I am going to start prepping my hospital bag.

I'm in a quandary. I'm going to be booked in for a c sec so I imagine it'll be around 4th Marxh. So do I buy baba short sleeved or long sleeved baby grows? I bought all 0-3 months then my cousin told me we would need newborn too for when she is first born! Oh I feel so confused.

What are you all doing regarding sizes and sleeves?xxx
Im due later March but il be buying long sleeve sleepsuits and short sleeve bodysuits. My little girl was born 6lb 15oz last time. I reckon this baby will be 7lb something. So I was thinkn buyin maybe having maybe 6 newborn sleepsuits etc then buyin more of 0-3months. Wish I knew for sure what sex of baby was though to be taken full advantage of the sales. As il have to buy neutral
I brought quite a few items in 0-3, until I was shopping in Mothercare and this really nice old lady started asking me about sizes of clothing. She said her daughter was in hospital and had brought everything for baby in 0-3, but baby was only 5.5lbs so everything was too big!! So whilst I was there I brought some short sleeve bodysuits, and long sleeve sleepsuits in new baby - that's up to 10lbs I think. I haven't brought that much clothing, guess I'm waiting for when baby is here so I know for sure on sizes.
I have ordered quite a bit for my hospital bag, but my parcel is stuck in a city link depot in Nottingham from them going bust! Should arrive within 2 weeks.... I hope so as I want to feel more prepared. Have hospital tour on Monday evening, it's all feeling so much more real now xx
I have a few newborn sizes but then mostly 0-3 sizes, I really doubt Oscar will be anything less than 7lbs! Everyone keeps telling me they think he'll be a big baby but I guess I'll see how I'm measuring on Monday :)
Finally got to see my parents and brother for Christmas and they have thoroughly spoilt him, they brought little bundles of clothes up until he's a year old so we at least have a few bits. I know I said I was having a panic that he didn't have enough but my parents have it covered lol! I think excited to be grandparents is a massive understatement.
Can I ask what kind of clothes for yourself you're all taking to the hospital? I'm not quite sure what to take with me. I want to prepare for if I have a c section just in case and I know that I will probably still have a bit of a belly so I was going to take my maternity leggings with me. I also have no idea what to wear when giving birth, I wasn't sure if just a nightie would be the best? I just know to take lots of pants and pads lol xxx
Glad you got to see your family Cakey! My OH mum has brought a lot I think... She said she's storing stuff.... God knows what she's brought. She was asking if I wanted a little yellow anorak she saw in a shop from size 2 upwards. I was a bit like, please in the nicest way don't buy me stuff that won't fit now, we have hardly any space in our place as it is as we thought we would have been moved before Christmas but that's a long way away.
I also want to hear what you ladies are packing for yourselves to wear? I have absolutely no idea. I was just going to pack a nice nightie, and then 2 crappy ones for when I'm in labour or getting hot and sweaty haha. I really have no idea lol!!! I'm going to Primark to get some cheap undies, I'm quite surprised at how comfy some of their knickers actually are! £2.50 for a 4 pack can't go wrong xx
Rachy I've just bought 0-3, some babies wouldn't fit in newborn and I'm preparing for the worst but hoping for the best! I've bought a pack of short sleeve and a pack of long sleeve body suits for hospital bag, as well as sleep suits. I can always send mum out to get a few newborn bits if need be but didn't want to buy unless I need them. I'm almost there with my hospital bag I think, just everything else I need to get prepared now. I'm not buying much more clothes wise as waiting to see what hand me downs we get and also what other people buy us!
Sarah I hope your stuff arrives ok! What a pain!

Our furniture arrives on Monday so plan is to get rid of the other furniture in nursery over the weekend and then we can get wardrobe and drawers up so I can start putting things away in their proper homes! So much work still to do In our house to get it ready though! Won't be putting cot up yet as I'm leaving the spare bed up In nursery for visitors until baby moves in there.

Anyone having a baby shower? Mine is 31st jan, I'm telling people it's not a gift baby shower, just a 'final fling' for us to have some girly fun before baby comes. We are going for afternoon tea then back to mine for games and drinks.

Can't believe I'm counting down in single figures now, at 31+3 I've got about 8 1/2 weeks to go! I'm having a baby this year!

Happy new year! X
Last time I gave birth completely naked :shock: I just was too hot (and didn't care). But originally I planned to wear my husband's shirt, for sentimental reasons. I think I will go with the same plan again this time.

I will also be taking a couple of nighties with buttons on the front (need to buy ASAP) and a dressing gown to waddle to the bathroom in. Slippers too I guess... Apart from that no idea what I will be taking - haven't given it much thought yet honestly saying.

As for baby clothes, I will be getting lots of all in ones. I don't understand what to do with legless body suits as I feel that I would also need trousers to go with them... It's probably just me being awkward - everyone seems to buy those for their babies :) I will be getting size 0-3 I think.
Oh and with regards to sleeves - I will be going for long sleeves mostly. Not expecting March/April to be warm enough for short sleeves.
Yeah I have some legless vests but I guessed that if it was cold he could have one underneath his other clothes or when it gets a bit warmer that he could sleep in then :) I do have some long sleeves but I know my mum is knitting him a few cardis so I think he'll be warm enough.
I guess when youre in labour you just don't care about what you look like Olya, naked or not lol!
Anyone else absolutely exhausted?
Jays completely put his back out so I'm doing everything alone. I literally sat down earlier and burst into tears because I'm just so exhausted! Xxx
Anyone else absolutely exhausted?
Jays completely put his back out so I'm doing everything alone. I literally sat down earlier and burst into tears because I'm just so exhausted! Xxx

Aww hun not good :( Is there no one else around you that can help?

I'm am pretty tired at the moment but thats to do with iron, im not looking forward to hubby and kids going back to work/school on Monday-I know i will notice the difference!

Pace yourself and dont feel guilty of things dont get done xx
Aww hun how long does he have to rest his back for?
I'm feeling pretty exhausted, been in and out of work like a yoyo this week! No staff means a lot more things to do. I am training a new girl as well who spends the whole day dreamining in the clouds and trying to get away with doing nothing. I'm sure she doesn't listen to a word I say. I can't wait for my Mat leave to start, just over 5 weeks away.
My OH just seems to be switching off when I talk about what I need to buy etc for baby still. I don't know if it's a man thing, but it's almost as if he thinks we should buy everything 2 weeks before im due. It's driving me slightly nuts! I've got to sort out the spare room at the weekend and take photos of the spare double bed and try and flog it on a facebook selling site or something. It will be me doing all the sorting out, he will just go with the flow. Ahhh geeze sometimes I wish he would try and be a bit more involved!!! Xx
God I'm so tired and feel rough, between having this GD, low iron, back killing me, I ache so bad all over and i'm huge, seriously hugeeeeeee and I'm only 5 ft too, dunno how I am gonna carry on if I get any bigger, sorry for the moan but I seriously feel like my back is waiting to snap all the time :(
God I'm so tired and feel rough, between having this GD, low iron, back killing me, I ache so bad all over and i'm huge, seriously hugeeeeeee and I'm only 5 ft too, dunno how I am gonna carry on if I get any bigger, sorry for the moan but I seriously feel like my back is waiting to snap all the time :(

Our experiences seem to be parallel Chrissie! What are they doing about your iron? I have been put on yet another form of iron as my reading was 95 when i went to the docs yesterday, i just hope it kicks in soon. Also I am measuring 34 weeks and I am 28 weeks. I feel your pain! huge hugs xx
His back is knackered anyway- he's got a slipped disk and a crushed disc, but he's constantly putting his back out. They want him to have surgery but he won't because it may leave him with permanent damage, or he'll be off his feet for too long. They've tried treating it with cortisone injections, epidurals ect... They last for awhile then the pain is worse than before so he's just stopped all treatment. Normally I just rally round behind him & do what I can (there have been times I've had to wipe his backside and bath him) but Im just too exhausted. My SPD is so bad but I just have to keep going- today I've taken down 1 of the xmas trees, put all the decorations back in the loft, rearranged the living room, cleaned the house, gone to get some bits for work and food, taken the dogs out too & cooked dinner. I'm just done in.
I do ask for help and people do rally round then it wares off, people forget and I don't want to make a fuss. My dads been promising for weeks to come and put the shelves and curtain poles up in the nursery- despite being off work he hasn't and I don't want to chase him. Xxx

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