*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

So apparently its been a hellish night of non sleep for my SO because of my snoring. Despite the fact he didn't come to bed until 1 (because he had a lie in until 11:30 yesterday) and was restless anyway-and yes he snores too.

He should try sleeping with burning hip pain in the middle of the night, getting up to go to the loo, waking up just to try and turn over in bed, restless legs, heartburn and baby digging you in the stomach.

Next time he complains he can go on the sofa!

Oh and today I have to go to the day assessment ward to meet the diabetic team and wotnot, spent most of the night worrying about baby and if everything will be ok. Arrrrgh men get it easy i swear!
Haha. Men definitely get it easy Demaris......they just never understand it! Good luck at the hospital today. Hope it goes ok and you get some reassurance.

I've been exhausted too! NYE I had 2 hrs sleep as I overindulged in food and had horrific stomach cramps due to constipation and then everything I had eaten that day was refluxing till 5am! Ergh! Anyway yesterday i sorted the bowels, went careful with what I ate and managed an 8pm bedtime! Slept 12 hrs (with a few toilet trip and vivid dream wake ups!)

Had a horrid dream where my newborn baby drowned in the bath. I just thought she was asleep! :-( was very distraught when I woke up, thankfully just a dream!

Anyone else with vivid baby dreams?
Don't get confused with bodysuits and sleep suits ladies! Bodysuits are underwear and need something else on top. You're better with layers that can be added or removed.
Also, be aware, next and Mothercare New Baby sizes are up to 10lbs! Pretty big and most of you won't have babies that large!! You'll need wee hats to keep their heads warm. Then short sleeved bodysuits, with either a wee outfit or a sleep suit on top. And if it's cold a cardigan or a jacket. Xx
HV came this am- she's lovely so I'm very lucky!
Jay took me to mothercare to get the last few bits. He asked the car seat expert about which car seat what options ect & now our brains are fried!! What's everyone doing with regards to car seats? Infant carriers or the rear facing oojey maflip new ones? Xxx
When I spoke to the car seat advisors in Halfords they said that although you feel like you're saving money, combination car seats aren't particularly good at any of the jobs they're supposed to do.

Silver Cross and Maxi Cosi do the best infant carriers. I've got a Silver Cross one, as my pushchair is Silver Cross, but they are both of equal quality. Xx

Edited to add that infant carriers are also rear facing, as babies necks cannot handle the forward motion should your car be in a collision.
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I've been put on them awful iron pills Demaris, really horrid things! How did u get on today? I have another appointment next week and a growth scan xx
Just be aware of the isize regulations which will replace current EU regulations at some point in the future ? 2018( if your thinking of second baby) it basically is trying to ensure parents keep their baby rear facing till at least 15 months. I think a lot of infant carriers will only last babies up to 9-12 months. Some of the combination car seats are extended rear facing from birth to 4 years. It could be worth it if you didn't want to buy a new seat in the first few years.

I personally went for a rear facing car seat that can lie flat (as baby's can't sit up for extended journeys and we do long trips up north) and it fits onto the base of my travel system pram -jane trider. It lasted my little boy till 18 months and then I switched him to an extended rear racing seat (maxi cosi 2 way pearl) which should last him till approx 4 years old.
I've been put on them awful iron pills Demaris, really horrid things! How did u get on today? I have another appointment next week and a growth scan xx

I've been given the pricky thing and the machine and have used it twice today. I have to test blood an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner then 2 hours before bed. Waiting an hour before breakfast is going to be so hard im usually starving!!

Both readings today I got 8:3 but haven't tried to be good until this evening where I had roasted vegetables and a gammon steak. I'm sat here now wishing I could have a mars bar!

I have to see the diabetic consultant on monday where he will talk in more detail about what appointments and scans i will need. Its all so confusing, at the moment I am writing down everything I eat so i dont cheat and hopefully the readings will come down. I really really dont want to go on the metformin.

Have you had your consultant appointment yet?

Ugh to the iron tablets, constipation after 1 day :(( xx
When I spoke to the car seat advisors in Halfords they said that although you feel like you're saving money, combination car seats aren't particularly good at any of the jobs they're supposed to do.

Silver Cross and Maxi Cosi do the best infant carriers. I've got a Silver Cross one, as my pushchair is Silver Cross, but they are both of equal quality. Xx

Edited to add that infant carriers are also rear facing, as babies necks cannot handle the forward motion should your car be in a collision.

I was looking at the maxi cosi cabriofix as its compatible to out pushchair! That's interesting info though thanks xxx

Just be aware of the isize regulations which will replace current EU regulations at some point in the future ? 2018( if your thinking of second baby) it basically is trying to ensure parents keep their baby rear facing till at least 15 months. I think a lot of infant carriers will only last babies up to 9-12 months. Some of the combination car seats are extended rear facing from birth to 4 years. It could be worth it if you didn't want to buy a new seat in the first few years.

I personally went for a rear facing car seat that can lie flat (as baby's can't sit up for extended journeys and we do long trips up north) and it fits onto the base of my travel system pram -jane trider. It lasted my little boy till 18 months and then I switched him to an extended rear racing seat (maxi cosi 2 way pearl) which should last him till approx 4 years old.

The woman was saying today that from 2018 they will no longer be allowed to make forward facing car seats & that at a certain point (more than likely 4-6 years after) a child will have to stay rear facing until they are 4!

We don't go on long trips- so it's just general running around, & our plan is to leave the car seat permanately in the car & transfer her from car seat to carrycot so that she's not in the car seat for long periods of time. Interesting about the pearl- I've just been looking at the base that fits both the cabriofix and 2 way pearl! Xxx
When I spoke to the car seat advisors in Halfords they said that although you feel like you're saving money, combination car seats aren't particularly good at any of the jobs they're supposed to do.

Silver Cross and Maxi Cosi do the best infant carriers. I've got a Silver Cross one, as my pushchair is Silver Cross, but they are both of equal quality. Xx

Edited to add that infant carriers are also rear facing, as babies necks cannot handle the forward motion should your car be in a collision.

I was looking at the maxi cosi cabriofix as its compatible to out pushchair! That's interesting info though thanks xxx

Just be aware of the isize regulations which will replace current EU regulations at some point in the future ? 2018( if your thinking of second baby) it basically is trying to ensure parents keep their baby rear facing till at least 15 months. I think a lot of infant carriers will only last babies up to 9-12 months. Some of the combination car seats are extended rear facing from birth to 4 years. It could be worth it if you didn't want to buy a new seat in the first few years.

I personally went for a rear facing car seat that can lie flat (as baby's can't sit up for extended journeys and we do long trips up north) and it fits onto the base of my travel system pram -jane trider. It lasted my little boy till 18 months and then I switched him to an extended rear racing seat (maxi cosi 2 way pearl) which should last him till approx 4 years old.

The woman was saying today that from 2018 they will no longer be allowed to make forward facing car seats & that at a certain point (more than likely 4-6 years after) a child will have to stay rear facing until they are 4!

We don't go on long trips- so it's just general running around, & our plan is to leave the car seat permanately in the car & transfer her from car seat to carrycot so that she's not in the car seat for long periods of time. Interesting about the pearl- I've just been looking at the base that fits both the cabriofix and 2 way pearl! Xxx

Yes it will be one to watch for the future I do think the government will follow suit with other EU countries (and America) whom insist that toddlers remain rear facing till at least 4 years old. It is statistically much safer than forward facing and I looked at a lot of the research!

The pearl 2 way is good, we have never and won't intend on using it forward facing but was one of the more extended compact rear facing seat that would fit in our car without loosing too much front passenger leg room!

There is so much to think about with car seats. My old baby seat also swivelled so made it easier to get baby in and out which if you have a back weakness it's a useful function. I know I'm struggling without that function currently but hopefully all will revert to normal post pregnancy!
I've got the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix GF :). I've seen so many parents with them out as well as they are compatible with some pushchairs. It fits my sola 2 pushchair I've brought so will come in handy for quick food shops etc :). It might not last for years but I read so many reviews on ones that last longer and most weren't that highly rated. I read so many reviews in the end I just gave up lol xx
Oh dear, just burst into tears in the pharmacy this morning! Wasn't feeling great this morning just wanted to go back to sleep despite 12 hrs sleep but thought I ought to get up and get bread milk and my prescription for my bowels as the dreaded iron tablets are in full swing with constipation. Anyway mustered up the strength to get my prescription only to be told they weren't there! Gp said they would be ready 5 days ago.......Pharmacy staff were very lovely and sat me down and were too nice that just made me cry more!

My god pregnancy is hard! (I should have rememberer from first time around but I swear it's 10 x harder this time.
Yay just had the cot bed and wardrobe delivered didn't know it was coming today so nice surprise! I am having a growth scan on Tues can't wait to see my growing baby girl x x
Thanks nonabean, I must confess I hadn't even thought about legs, cardis and hats!! All purchased now though!
We got a really useful book called Ready Steady Baby, which is only issued by NHS Scotland, however, their website is pretty good too for answering questions.


That particular page lists some of the big 'essentials'.


This page from Mothercare is also a pretty succinct guide to what you need in terms of clothes.

Hope that helps a wee bit xx
Hi ladies!

We had our first antenatal class this morning. Very good! Lovely teacher and the other couples seem nice too. I've booked us on to the waterbirth workshop too so I can learn all about it, as I think that's my number 1 choice at the moment.

We went out this week and bought baby clothes basics as we have lots of cute outfits and things and will probably be bought a lot more, but we wanted to be prepared with the things he'll need every day. We now have about 15 bodysuits, 10 sleep suits, hats for him to wear when he comes home, a snowsuit for when he comes walking the dog with us, scratch mitts and bibs and we've stocked up on muslins!
Now there's only 8 and a half weeks to go it all feels very soon!

I'm lying in bed at the moment and baby just gave me one hell of a kick! My whole body moved! Nice to know he's getting stronger, but please no more kicks directly to the bladder!!
Oh ladies it's all so confusing knowing what to get! We went to mothercare and took advantage of the sale this weekend. Got a bargain tommee tipee pink nappy bin for £15.50!

We have about 10 newborn babygrows and 8 sleep suits. I'm just unsure as to what to put princess in on the way hem from the hospital?! And do newborns purely just wear babygrows indoors all the time?!

It's such a silly thing to worry about but I have no idea!
I also wonder about the weather too being the first week of March!xx
I'm getting slightly worried about my antenatal classes. I rung up about 2 months ago and booked and she said you will get a letter nearer the time but your booked into the classes in Feb. Now I think about it I start the beginning of Feb off at 35 weeks! Is anyone else having their antenatal classes quite close to due date?? Xx
Rachy. Babygrows as in sleep suits with arms and legs on? Or just bodysuits? You get wee comfy outfits they can wear during the day.

Sarah, my antenatal classes start a week tomorrow, and run for 4 weeks xx

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