*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

I went through a stage of having a nap every day but I seem to be doing quite well with my energy levels at the moment!

I worked out I have 5 weeks left working before mat leave. My cover is one of the girls that I work with so I've known for a while who will be taking over! Not that I approve lol!
I have 6 weeks wooo!!!! I am training a girl who is so dappy and unprofessional. I don't know what my consultants are going to think when I introduce to them.... The first one I introduced her to she said "you alrightttttttt" ... Oh dear! I feel for them lol xx
I've got 10 weeks after this week at work. :(
Totally knackered as it is. Xx
I've just been baking and it was so hard to not lick the bowl!! The things we miss eh! Half day tomorrow and always take goodies in on last day. Yummy! Just over 2 weeks off now! Awesome!
How is everyone doing? It's all very quiet in here!

I had my routine midwife check today all good. Baby is head down (thought as much as there is so much pressure there little minx!)

I got a "warning" email from Mothercare today about their online sale, it goes live online tomorrow for Mothercare members then Christmas Eve for non members and then in store sale starts Boxing Day.

We still have some biggish bits like steriliser and Moses basket to get so I am hoping to grab a couple of bargs.

Does anyone else feel like they're really unorganised? Everyone keeps saying how well we have done. Painted the nursery put furniture up (still got a few bits to do in there), got the buggy/travel system sorted.
New car, few clothing items and 10 boxes of pampers from my Dad!
I'm nervous about missing something out of my hospital bag or not having enough clothes etc.

I'm having a c section so I'm thinking about clothes for me afterwards too!
It's all a lot to do isn't it!
I'm feeling quite prepared for some things. We have the nursery sorted and all that but it's the rest of it I'm beginning to worry about now... Like actually giving birth!!
Antenatal classes start in January so I'm hoping they'll give me a bit more confidence about it all, and I won't feel so edgy all the time.

I have my GTT tomorrow morning and I'm really nervous. I've taken my mum's advice (she's a nurse) and made sure to drink lots so they'll be able to take blood easily and I haven't eaten since tea time. Pretty sure I'll be starving by the time it's all over tomorrow!!
I'm worried about the results but OH and my mum just keep saying I'll be fine. My sister had GD but she was only just over the 'limit' for when they make the diagnosis and without wanting to sound mean she was bigger than me before she got pregnant and gained a lot more weight than I have done so far.

Fingers crossed eh? I'd hate to not be able to enjoy all the Christmas indulgence!
Rachy I know the feeling exactly! Got most of our biggish bits ordered but got hardly any clothes, nappies etc. our nursery is still a bomb site! Heading home tomorrow for a week but have another week off after that so hoping to get a fair bit done then.

I was with midwife yesterday, so got get and blood results-all good! Slight trace of protein but no uti symptoms so just waiting to see. Had both whooping cough and flu vac yesterday so got 2 dead arms, was fun trying to sleep comfortably last night!
Was measuring a little big yesterday but not significantly, if they went by my original due date (24th February) I would be bang on the top line in my chart.

Good luck today podpie, it's not too bad! X
I am feeling super super unorganised - however just took advantage of my cat waking me up meowing at half 7 and got straight on the Mothercare page. Ordered quite a bit so I'm all of a sudden feeling a million times better lol. Well haven't got the half of it yet still I don't recon but the nursery items are ordered and the bits and pieces. Made a note last night of all the clothes I have (which is practically nothing) so have ordered a few more essentials. Anyone else been surfing the site this morning?! Xx
Well my GTT went fine, but what came afterwards was horrible! As soon as I was done I went to the supermarket to get something for lunch and when I got back to the car I had a really funny turn. I started sweating profusely, I was dizzy, my hands wouldn't stop shaking, my heart was pounding. I was close to stumbling out of the car and asking someone for help! I drove home even though I really shouldn't have (it's only 2 mins) and then sat in the car panicking wondering whether I'd even be able to make it inside!

I messaged my OH and he said it was low blood sugar so I sat in the car and ate 4 bread rolls to try and make myself feel better before attempting to get into the house.

The whole thing only lasted 15 or so minutes and I started to feel better a little while after I'd eaten some food, but I was really scared at one point. I've had to strip off and put my clothes in the wash because they're soaked in sweat and I've come straight back to bed. I feel absolutely exhausted and drained now!
Sarah I've been on for a nosy a couple of times, but not bought anything yet, I reckon things will get reduced further hopefully! I did however see a top for me yesterday and I'm kicking myself now, it was listed at £6 yesterday and as I'm awake already this morning I thought I'll just go and order it but it's now up to £14...which is what makes me think there may be further reductions on some stuff.

Podpie hope you are feeling better, I really struggled not being able to eat when I had mine but didn't have as bad a reaction as you.

Still trying not to go too mad buying stuff, I've just given our mattress sizes to mil that ppl can buy for us as we are being asked what we still need all the time. Must make a list of who I'm telling to get what so I know where we are up to!
Welcome to tri 3! It zooms past from here on in!
Hey ladies :) I'm officially in tri 3 today, yay! Just wanted to wish you all a lovely day tomorrow :) xxxxxxxx
Happy Christmas everyone hope uz all have a lovely day.. x
Merry Christmas beautiful mummies! Xxxx I desp wanted a headgehog although I don't think Santa has bought me one :-( it's definately not under the tree :cry: xxxx
Happy Christmas ladies, hope u all have a wonderful day with your loved ones xxxxx
I'm officially never hosting Christmas Day again while this pregnant! Exhausted isn't even the word!! Didn't help that little miss had me up at 4am kicking my ribcage! So glad I'm going to my mums today where I can just sit and relax! Hope everyone is having a great time xxxx
Hey ladies :) I'm here now too! Woohoo!! :) need to do some catching up reading...
Yay ur here too I love .. me too ive still so much to catch up on with his thread.
Hooray to everyone joining the last trimester! Very exciting.

Sorry I've not kept up to date much been so busy with Christmas and when I've had five minutes I've just been sleeping......I've had some awful nights staying up with reflux, palpitations and nausea. Anyway just found out my iron levels are quite low and dropped from 11 to 9, so that might explain why I've been so knackered and having these palpitations.

The last few days I've had a constant stomach ache really quite sore very low down almost into my groin, can't work out what it is. Almost felt a bit crampy this morning like it could be contractions but they never developed into anything. Any ideas? It's not like I've over indulged either as i can't eat a lot of food due to my reflux so mainly just been fruit, veg and brown toast, bran flakes etc!

Hope everyone has had a nice Christmas and your feeling well! Xxx

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