*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

I.Love I will certainly miss a few of them. Unfortunately there is a big divide in the office i work in. All women and mostly older than me, they all have seem to have problems with each other and it gets quite bitchy. I try and keep out as much as possible but the atmosphere lately has been horrible!!! In one way my maternity leave has come at the perfect time, but saying that they all made an effort and I get on really well with the majority of them :). It's just so weird to think I'm not going back until end of November!! Putting my out of office on for 9 months was very strange!
Enjoy your baby shower Rachel :)
Oh my the idea of gargling salt water makes me feel sick, but I might not have much option lol xx
Very different from my office then. 90% of my colleagues are guys, and most quite reserved (and many are scarily clever). We hardly say hi and bye when we get to/from the office. But I like it this way - I hate bitching! But then I don't expect any pressies when I go - maybe a couple of 'good luck's, that's it :)
I work with mostly men and I think they'll just be relieved if I get onto maternity leave without going into labour. :lol:

They're all terrified of my waters going at work which I think is hilarious xx
Lol Nonabean that made me laugh!
I would love a few guys in the office, it would break things up. I honestly didn't expect as much as I got from all the girls and a few of the departments contributed as I used to work in different parts of the hospital. When I went to the meal after work I didn't expect to get more but I had present after present. I have literally just got it all out again I can't believe how much I got. Some lovely people out there :).
Can't believe how tired and drained I feel today. I am getting highly irritated as well as our spare room looks like a right tip! Loads of boxes to be flattened down and things to go up in the loft. OH better do it tomorrow lol I can't stand any mess at the moment xx
Lovely to hear about all your leaving do's and gifts, its getting closer ladies! Nonabean, that made me laugh :D

I have an evening at home with just my son tonight so its takeaway for tea. My husband has gone out for his (belated) christmas works do, I decided to opt out seeing as I feel like a small island at the moment lol. My daughter has gone out to her first house party where there will be alcohol-eeeek! I've only text her a zillion times and its only 5pm. Feels weird everyone out and even though im alone most days as they are at school and work I do feel a bit apprehensive.

Last night I had excruciating lower back pain, so much so I felt sick. My poor husband was convinced i was going into labour and was frantically rubbing my back while I was on all fours. I remember getting it with my other two so wasn't really worried, but it brought it all flooding back and I told my husband last night that that was it I cannot do labour-it aint happening! *scared* now lol.

Hope you are all having a nice weekend :) xx
My brother wrestles for a local independent company, so we are at one of their shows tonight!
Lots of people going through doors and flying off the top rope into the audience. Bean loves it, and is dancing away at all the noise, and my other little one is standing on his chair chanting. Super cute given he's not quite three.
Gutted I'm missing out on the Six Nations though, so will be watching that when I get in later! :D

Just realised I'm having the ideal Saturday, filled with half dressed men!!

Haha nonabean I can imagine your little one being very cute jumping and chanting! Enjoy the Half naked men! I know I would!
Oh how exciting we are all starting to finish work! My cover starts on Monday and I have a 4 day handover and finish Thursday. I mostly think I'm ready to finish but then I can't imagine not being at work!

I had antenatal today and tour of hospital. Don't really think I learnt much at the class but it was good and light hearted and hubby learnt some massage techniques! Round 2 tomorrow and bump photoshoot in the afternoon.

Hope everyone is good, everyone seems pretty upbeat at the mo long may it continue!
Oh and the tour just really made it hit home this is going to be happening soon. Definitely want to use the birthing midwife led unit and hopefully it will be quiet and I'll get the birthing pool. There is one in the unit and one downstairs on the main birthing ward.
Was weird walking through post natal and seeing the tiny babies thinking that will be us soon!
I am still so unsure of what type of birth I would like. I know it doesn't always go to plan but I think I would at like to write some prefererance down.
We have just had to cancel our evening out :(. Think the last few days of work and meals has worn me out and ive woken up with a full on stinking cold now. Oh the joys lol xx
Ouch that must have hurt...... Looks like good fun!

I have just clipped, washed and brushed our cocker spaniel, took two hours and I'm knackered! At least I won't have to think about doing a big grooming session between now and April/may now!

Now putting my feet up whilst hubby cooks us home made burgers! Yum yum!

Hope your all having a nice day! X
Had a lush fry up and now just having a sit down before we tackle the nursery :) and three weeks today it'll be my last shift at work, it can't come quick enough!!
There's been two people I know at work who have had their babies this week too, can't help but feel a little jealous lol.
Hope everyone has a nice Sunday :) xxx
Hey ladies!

I hope your all good :-) I'm so tired had such a busy weekend with my dad and his wife up to visit. I made Sunday lunch and the mother in law came over. My ears are ringing. She can't bloody talk she should and is so hectic aggghhhh!!!!

My dads wife is very excited which is lovely. But between her and the MIL oh my goodness "STOP RUBBING MY BELLY"
I've always had a thing about people touching my belly before being pregnant even with my husband. So I'm super arrrrgghhhh! I just want to say "GET OFF" it's so annoying!!!

Nonabean I had my first antenatal class last week which was about labour and pain relief.... I did learn a lot but I still just have no idea. I'm still considering a water birth, but I really don't know :/. Need to think about it quickly!
Rachy my MIL just randomly started rubbing my belly when she was last over, despite telling her before I hate it when people just do it without asking. I think she forgot but I really wanted to shout at her haha .. But as they were leaving I just bit my teeth!!! Xx
Oh my gosh, belly rubbing is a definite no no no no! I only like my OH to do it and I don't mind my parents but anyone else can seriously bugger off! Lol.
Has anyone else noticed that nobody asks how are you anymore? I just get how is the baby doing?! Xx
belly touching-ugh! I love when my husband has his hand there and is feeling baby but anyone else no thanks. Even he is getting a bit squeamish as I told him to gently touch one area and it felt like a hard foot, he was so worried he might hurt baby if he touched too hard bless him :D
I feel uncomfortable when people touch my belly I thought I'd love it but it feels strange lol I don't mind the OH touching it though.

Has anyone lost any friends since being pregnant? I've lost a few and some family members witch is sad some people don't seem to bother anymore :(

Me and the Oh have decided no visitors in hospital when baby is born and we will only have grandparents to visit for the first week then other family and friends can come the week after! But we have already had the OHs friend/family member say she and her Oh are coming straight up after baby is born to see us, she's not said " is it ok to come and see you all after baby is born" it's like she's telling us she's coming and that's that! I've never met her before but it's only the last few weeks she's started to bother with us OHs already said he don't want her coming and is saying she's just nosey lol

Anyone feel like they have been kicked inbertween the legs? I feel so bruised down below. I've also got some signs of SPD its so painfull so going to mention it to the midwife on Wednesday I've also been losing bits what looks like my plug its a light green and no blood. The OHs grandma has said it looks like my bump has dropped.

Not long and we will all have our babies :lol: x
My in laws rub my tummy all the time- I hate it! I was trapped at a family meal with them last weekend, eventually I got the hump an said "I'm not a magic geenie- you can stop rubbing me now!" My own parents wouldn't even consider touching my tummy!

Missbx- yes I have lost friends. I didn't have many to start with but I'm deffo on my own now. I haven't seen one of my best friends since I was about 14 weeks (she keeps blowing me out now within hours of us meeting) & the other seems to have some kind of nervous break down and I haven't heard from her since the beginning of December! Feel very much alone! Xx

&& with regards to hospital- I've had all this in recent weeks. ive said no visitors to the hospital apart from grandparents (if I'm in long enough) our antinatal ward has a rule of no children under 14 unless patients own children- OHs sisters response was that I should pretend her children are my own so she can come to the hospital......
Cakey I've noticed this as well!!
Missbx we are exactly the same. No visitors in hospital. Our OH parents live an hour away if they came down they would expect to stay and I absolutely could not deal with that! Even when we invite them down a few days after I am telling OH they are not staying over. Our maisonette is tiny as it is, the spare room is a nursery now so I am not treading over an air bed in the living room in the middle of the night! I find it so amusing how you don't hear from some family friends until you are pregnant then suddenly they all want to know. That's why I've not put mine on facebook as although I know everyone on my friends list, I already had my nosey cousin who I haven't seen for God knows how long private messaging me asking about if im pregnant etc. It's like you haven't spoken to me in 10 years now you want to know some gossip!!
I feel the same with the friends thing. The only people who I would see everyday and now speak to daily is a small group from work. Even my oldest best friend will msg me on the odd occasion. Me and my sister are now not talking. She has a huge jealously thing about me having a baby. She has one, my nephew who is 4. Although she doesn't want anymore she is just not happy for me and the fact that my mum is going to do childcare for me when I go back to work. She has had my mum look after my nephew part time for 3 years now and has never paid her a penny just expects everything! I'm going to be paying my mum her salary she earns working part time and yet my sister feels like I'm ruining her life because actually my nephew will be at school full time as of September and she will have to take him herself. Can't believe jealously takes over but I don't have the time for it! She has always been nasty to me so now we are not speaking at all. What can you do ay!!!! This is meant to be my special moment in life and as per usual she will always try to bring me down. Well ignoring her completely is what I will have to do. Shame it's my sister but she should know better! I was there for her nearly everyday of her pregnancy. I'm 36+1 and have seen her once at Christmas at my mums. Nice effort she is making. Grrr sorry for rant girls lol xx

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