*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

I worked in a hospital in a busy outpatients dept and I had people touching my tummy all the time. Thankfully I didnt mind. I loved it tho when people could feel her moving. All my family including my bro who is 19 have felt her move abou. Not the inlaws tho as thats a big no no lol.
Morning all,

I had a nice weekend visiting my mum while my sister and her husband were also there with my niece. Unfortunately my sister isn't the easiest person to deal with so it was a little stressful, especially when she laughed in my face at our plans for raising our baby. She thinks she knows everything and she's honestly the most selfish person I know.
Mum and I babysat for them so they could go out for my sisters birthday and unfortunately Ivy (my niece) had projectile vomiting in the middle of the night and again in the morning. Had no thanks from my sister at all, she just expects people to do things for her. She even complained that I don't buy ivy clothes anymore.... As if I don't have a baby of my own to buy for now??

And to top it all off I seem to have caught the vomiting bug that Ivy had and I've been up half the night feeling sick before emptying my stomach this morning and again just now! I feel really crappy so I think I'll be spending the day in bed :(
I've never minded people touching my bump if they asked and i knew them. I would be a bit freaked out if a stranger wanted to touch my bump and I think it would be rude if people just put their hands on me regardless of how well I knew them!

So today is my first day of mat leave! Yay! But have a horrid cold :-( so don't feel like doing much! Want to sort out my work stuff and put it all in the loft! And I've got a few phone calls to do which I can do if my little boy has a nap!

With regard to visitors I last time had no shame in politely assertively declining visitors whom weren't going to be helpful by saying 'I'm not feeling up to it yet I I'll phone you to arrange when I feel better. And if people wanted to book something before baby came I would say yes but we can't arrange anything as baby could come any time,

Visitors whom offered to cook shop and clean in my house were welcome anytime!
Ah sorry you have a tummy bug Podpie, it's awful to deal with that any time especially when your pregnant. I hope it eases quickly and you get some rest and sips of water. Xxx
What's everyone doing for valentines??
Jays taking me out for dinner on friday night (he said Saturday night will be busy & he thought id hate being stuck in a stuffy hot resturant fit to burst at 37 weeks- I do appreciate that :love: ) he's got work Saturday day but we're going to have a sofa night & watch a film and just a lazy day Sunday put the pram together and walk the dogs i expect!
I'm not sure whether to get him a present or not though.... I was full of love for him this morning until I went into the bathroom to discover he's used my Clinique moisturiser... I don't mind- but you only need the tiniest bit as it goes along way & he's used half the tub!! :roll: :roll: :wall2:
Thanks, I tried to have a few sips of water but threw it up :( feeling very sorry for myself!

We have no plans for Valentine's day as yet. Will probably just stay in and cuddle up with the telly as I'm not keen on going out anymore and just like you I'll be 37 weeks! OH still owes me a trip to tgi Fridays from our anniversary so I might see if we can fit that in at some point over the weekend.
Panic mode is starting to set in, can't believe I'm being induced this Sunday!!!:shock:
Podpie: try Dextro energy tablets. Really good for when you're sick, but can't actually eat. They help keep your blood sugars up. Any decent pharmacy should sell them.

Oh Chrissie! I hope it all goes quickly and smoothly for you Xx
Panic mode is starting to set in, can't believe I'm being induced this Sunday!!!:shock:

Ahhhhhh Chrissie!! Sooooo exciting! Hoping everything goes perfect for you!! Xxx
I'm seeing my consultant tomorrow! Hoping I will get a date for my induction- although I don't mind waiting... I'm being a chicken now! Spent the last 10 weeks wishing it away & now I want to go back in time! Lol!! Xxx
Ah wow crissie that's exciting about being induced, hoping it goes well!

Podpie poor you, I would be feeling sorry for myself too! Get well soon.

My boy has gone for a nap. Yay! But declined his bed in favour of a travel cot? Haha! Think he wants to be the baby still!
Oh chrissie this is so soon! You must be so excited :) even I am excited, looking forward to your labour thread! :)

I'm on my course in London. Food is awesome (and free) :) and the course is good too, which is a bonus :D

Podpie hope you feel better soon, this does not sound pleasant x
Wow Chrissie! That's crazy!
GF were going to the cinema on Wednesday night. As our first valentines as a married couple will be spent with my husbands mother, sister and kids! Lovely!

Guys I've been having real bad heart palpitations (which I do suffer from occasionally)the last few days and the last 2 days I've had a few occurrences where I've seen white stars/flashy lights.

Tried calling midwife for some reassurance but can't get through to her. I think she may be away on her hols.

Am I worrying over nothing? Any advice?
I'd ring up your local triage and speak to one of the MWs there for some reassurance.
Haven't experienced anything like that myself, but definitely sounds like something you should get checked out. Xx
Thanks Nona, they want to see me at 2.30 today. They seemed concerned about the white lights so we shall see. Hopefully it's just from a fluctuation in my BP it something like that .

Vomiting and diarrhoea seem to have stopped but I'm still in a fair amount of pain and getting on and off pains all round my bump. Have called the doctor and she wants to see me at 4.10 to make sure it's not tipped me into early labour.
Hospital didn't want to know because of the sickness so I'm infectious!
Vomiting and diarrhoea seem to have stopped but I'm still in a fair amount of pain and getting on and off pains all round my bump. Have called the doctor and she wants to see me at 4.10 to make sure it's not tipped me into early labour.
Hospital didn't want to know because of the sickness so I'm infectious!

If you are in labour looks like you'll be giving birth in the car park!! Lol! Infectious....!! I get it- but still! Surely risk outweighs? Xx

Rachy- hope your ok too! I've been feeling abit offish today- can't quite out my finger on it! Xxx
hey ladies.. hope u all had a good weekend. ive been flat out. we hwd new bedroom furniture arrive for my little girls room and ive loads of baby things in my bedroom that is doing my nutt in. cant wait get through it all and have all sorted.. so I feel my house is a bit of a mess at the min. we live in a 2 bed so mess is becoming an issue.
took out my maclaren stroller yestrday from my car and omg it was covered in mould.. cudnt believe the state of it.. thankfully it has washed well.. it was expensive stroller so glad its ok. least it will be washed I will store in my mum's till baby will use it. as for my travel system i have to look at carrycot and get it freshed up.

chrissie not long for u at all now, how exciting :)
ive a scan next wed cant wait see what this baby weight is after my last scan showed big baby.
for valentines I will be spending it alone.. my OH is away to malta for a week playing pool for Ireland and my little lady is going to her nanas for weekend as she wants her 3 grandkids stayin over .... so yeah I will be all on my own :(
but I might justbget a dvd and chinese plus I can get my hospital bag ready
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podpie hope all is ok and u start to feel better soon
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I also felt weird on Saturday - suddenly my head started spinning and I felt like I was going to faint. Weird - never happened to me before (and I hope it never will again). I had to sit down and it slowly passed.

So many March mummies are unwell or getting weird symptoms at the moment! I can't remember Tri-3 being so stressful last time!

Keep well ladies! X
Podpie and Rachy hope you both feel better soon.
Ooh Chrissie im excited for you!! :D good luck with everything!
As for Valentine's day, my OH and I don't ever do anything for it. I think he's more excited about pancake day :p

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