*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Hope your appts go ok Podpie and Rach.

We are not doing anything for valentines either! I think we will just have a nice lunch at home. X
Podpie, Hope all goes well at the docs!

rach, I had palpitations with my son and they sent me for an ECG-nothing showed so they put it down to one of those things. Hope all is well for you :)

Chrissie...woah Sunday!! where has the time gone!? keep us all updated :)

GF I think we will just spend the night at home, I was looking at photo's of last years valentines and we had a nice meal at home, wine candles etc. Its going to be a bit different this year-one whinging wife and no wine hehe.

Just had my anti natal and everything is looking fine. I was supposed to get my blood results back ref the iron a few days ago but turned out the nurse at my docs forgot to write on the test tube so nothing was tested. So they re took blood today. I just want something sorted now, I'm feeling so breathless and lethargic its even a grind to walk over to my local shop and back. She sent urine off to check for infection ref my intermittent back ache but believes it could be just because baby is back to back.

I'm getting to the point of having enough now, I want my body back! 33 weeks and 5 weeks to go :)
Just back from my midwife appointment! 3/5ths engaged now so hoping to get my date for induction tomorrow! X
I can't be bothered to do anything for Valentine's Day honestly saying. I just had my birthday, so had enough of special days for the time being.
Podpie-I hope all went well at your appointment.

I've just got back (and into bed!) all tests came back fine. Had BP, urine and bloods. Also GTonitpred
For half and hour. The doctor did seem reluctant to let me go home I think he was concerned abouts swelling oky hands/fingers so he has told me to have another midwife appointment next week to check
Urine and BP again.

Oh my I'm so tired now and I need to do house work before hubby is home!
I wouldn't worry about housework Rachy! Sit back, put your feet up and rest! Xx
Waited an hour at the doctor to be told off for not eating anything, when I feel like I'm going to throw everything up! And the pains I'm having are apparently down to the viral infection too.

Been told to take it easy, drink and eat (force myself to) and I will get better.

I haven't felt this rubbish in a long time :(
Rachy & Podpie glad yr both back at hom and hopefully you'll both feel better soon!! Xxx

Anyone got the angel sounds sensor mat and planning on co-sleeping? Was so P'd off to discover you can't! Now I don't know what to do with it... Xxx
I can't be bothered to do anything for Valentine's Day honestly saying. I just had my birthday, so had enough of special days for the time being.

Ahh Happy belated birthday I.love! Hope you had a lovely day xx
Oh thanks Demaris :) x

Hold on there Rachy and Podpie... Sounds really rough, but I hope you are both on the mend now x
Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!

Chrissie that's mental! Can't believe you are so close! We are full term today how exciting!
Finish work Thursday so wee man can come anytime after that although I could do with a few more days to get sorted.

Hope everyone is ok?

Consultant seems to have okayed our elective C-section we are seeing her for a growth scan on the 10th March and should get a date then. I know not everyone will agree but this is def the right choice for us it will prob be booked in for the week after which is a crazy thought! Not long now till we meet our very longed for little girl can't believe it is finally going to happen after 5 years! X
Butterfly: you need to do what's right for you.
I wouldn't choose a c section, but have a friend who is terrified of labour and will be having her second section a few weeks after I have this LO.
As long as you, and your medical care team are happy with your choice, that's all that matters!
Enjoy your last few weeks of being pregnant and look forward to your LO arriving. Xx
Good morning ladies! I had my first night at the hotel on my own, and it was horrible :( I was very tired and wanted to go to sleep early, and only started to doze when realised that I haven't felt bubba do his usual evening exercises. So made myself get up and waited for him for some time. In the end I ate a chocolate and that made him give me a good wriggle, so decided to go to bed again...

And then I started getting a horrible pain in my head. I have sinusitis, and was hoping it was getting better now, but last night it turned for the worse and I couldn't sleep for the pain. Half of my face was hurting! And I didn't even have paracetamol with me. Called my mum (big mistake) just to listen to her telling me that I should call an ambulance ASAP (?? For sinusitis?). My husband was asleep and not replying to texts and I just sat here on my own crying and moaning in pain for a few hours. I think crying cleared things up at last and I fell asleep, but the precious time was gone. I only got 6 hours of sleep in the end :(

I'm terrified of the next night! I want to go home, but I can't - my boss will hate me forever if I will not complete the course.

I'm feeling ok this morning, so will go in today and see how the evening goes... :-/
Aww no iLove, poor you, it's horrible when your on your own and not feeling well. You should have come on here and asked for some reassurance from us. I was awake till 2.30am with reflux and this head cold. And then woken by my hubby getting up for work at 6am.

Hope you get through the day. Try not to stress about tonight, maybe get a few trashy magazine s and some paracetomol so then if you can't sleep you can just chill.

Today I'm lucky as my little boy is going to nursery for the day and I'm at home. So planning on going back to sleep when the house is quiet. Then have tesco home delivery and a replacement wardrobe door. Then to the post office, bank and then onto my friends for a catch up. So quite a busy day planned.
Tiggy aww thanks, I couldn't really - felt so crap I couldn't do anything! You know how weird things can feel at night sometimes, I was like in a fog. The annoying thing is that I don't have any paracetamols and I don't think I can get any today - they don't have it in my hotel, and I won't have time or energy to walk to a pharmacy. Strangely enough my head is absolutely fine this morning, so I just hope it was a one off and won't happen again.

Thank you so much for your support! Sometimes this forum is much better than even talking to my mum, who just goes into a panic mode and tries to scare me with all sorts of horror stories :-/
Thank you ladies :-) just woken up. Had a lovely lay in! Hope everyone is great!
Butterfly sorry if you've already mentioned why, but do you mind me asking why your having a section? Please don't feel obliged to say why.

It's just I'm having one and this is our first baby so it's nice to hear others who will be having a similar experience.
Ohno I.love, what a horrible night you had but so glad you felt better this morning. I know what you mean about nights, the old saying things will be better in the morning really is true, and add that to being alone you must have felt really vulnerable. Do you have a kettle in your room? Steam is excellent for sinuses :) I hope tonight is better for you xx

I'm having some back issues, I think I will make a separate post about it. My husband is convinced I am going into labour (but then I think he would think that if I stubbed my toe!), but I am in so much pain im wondering if its normal? :-/
Thanks Demaris. Yeah I do have a kettle, u didn't do steam but I did try hot compresses on my face which sort of helped I think. I just felt so tired I couldn't drag myself out of bed to try anything else. Eek I wonder what the next night will be like! X

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