*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Happy 33 weeks TTCno2! :)
It's exciting to hear that some of you ladies are so close, I still feel like I'm ages away and I'm starting to wonder how much bigger I'm going to get.
Glad that your OC is mild Olya :)
Chrissie, your little man is a good size! :) I hope you get him here soon.
Gf91 how are you doing now?
Thanks ladies, I'm as ready as I can be I guess, I'm booked in for the 15th at 10am feeling very nervous now xxx
Thanks ladies. I'm feeling much happier today :)
Ooh good luck Chrissie :) you'll be fine! Xx
Baby brain ruined my post!
I've edited to get rid of the baby brain :rofl:
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Is anyone else finding it hard to sleep at night? I can fall asleep on the sofa in the middle of the day for hours but as soon as I go to bed I'm wide awake and can't get comfy. I guess I better get used to the lack of sleep, lol xx
Is anyone else finding it hard to sleep at night? I can fall asleep on the sofa in the middle of the day for hours but as soon as I go to bed I'm wide awake and can't get comfy. I guess I better get used to the lack of sleep, lol xx

yes, I am mostly sleeping on the sofa propped up with pillows its the only place I seem to be comfortable. Lying flat in bed is making me snore and I wake myself up every few minutes by my own snoring (husband wears earplugs because of where we live so he isnt bothered!).

I know what its going to be like when baby comes, but I honestly think I will get more sleep than I do now-at least 2 hours at a time! :D
I would sleep on the sofa at night but the lounge gets so cold. Here's hoping we do get more sleep when babies are here then :) I'm looking forward to grabbing naps when he's having one too, I just wish they'd let me go for naps at work lol xxx
I am generally quite comfy in bed, but yesterday I was trying to make a "nest" for my tummy so I could sleep on my front - this is supposed to help turning a posterior baby... Well that was so uncomfortable! Spent ages arranging and rearranging pillows, but I don't think this position works for me.

I started taking my meds for OC yesterday (ursofalk). Freaked out a bit when I read the leaflet that clearly states that you should not take these meds while pregnant! But it seems that practically everyone with OC gets prescribed these, so I hope the doctors know what they are doing.

Hope everyone has a nice day! Weekend not too far away now ladies! x
I could do with some advice ladies. I really don't want to come back to my current employer when I come back from maternity leave but obviously I will if I don't have any other place to go. My plan is to get another job to go back to. I got my paperwork from work today and basically they with hold some maternity pay to make sure you come back to work and it comes to a total of £1700. I am really utterly miserable with my job and it's not just enough to want me to want to go back, but now my OH is angry at me for not wanting to go back and missing out on that money. I understand it's a lot of money but when it's my own emotional state (which under normal circumstances isn't great) at risk then surely that's more important? I'm so angry and upset at him and I don't understand because surely ultimately it's my choice and my money. If I leave work in the next year after I return then I have to pay them the money back anyway :( his argument is that we will owe people money so we need to pay them back with that money I get when I come back? Honestly I'm just so upset, im sat in the car on my lunch hour just crying xxxx
Awww Lanny... That's annoying that they use such tricks to make you come back!!

I think my plan would be to wait and see what other jobs you can find during the next year. It could be that something amazing will come up, with a higher salary than what you have now, then you would win more than £1700 by switching jobs (even if not straight away)! Do you think this is likely?

I also think that your sanity and happiness are worth more than this money! And surely if you are happy, then the atmosphere in your house will be nicer and your OH will also be the winner? x
Thanks Olya. I was planning to start looking for jobs 2-3 months before my maternity ends because if I can get a better job, I don't mind going back a bit earlier from my leave. He said he would support me in whatever I do but now I feel that because money is involved then he's only got his mind on one thing. I have 3 weeks left and I am dreading every single day I have left, and he just doesn't seem to understand how miserable it's making me. We even work at the same place so he knows how rubbish it is. I told him to apply for a job even though it meant he wouldn't get paid leave off when our LO was born, because I'd rather he was happy and had a better job than the money. I just don't understand him sometimes :( xx
:( maybe he just really doesn't understand... It can be hard to imagine how stressful a job that you do not enjoy can be, unless you have experienced this yourself!

You don't need to decide this right now, do you? See how you both feel at the end of your maternity, and what other jobs are available. There is plenty of time! X
Ahh Cakey, I feel for you. I think men really see things very literally and as little problems to overcome sometimes with no emotional involvement. They want to fix things without all the emotional attachments that can come with problems, yet us girlies see things a bit differently.

I agree with I.love maybe now is not the time to worry or talk with him about it, I wonder if once baby is here he will see things very differently? In my experience of raising a boy and a girl the males tend to live in the now and will attack problems as they arise and the girls tend to worry about things in the future. I'm sure this is the case with some grow ups too. Hang in there and trust the universe will send you what you need when the time comes xx
Awww that's shit about the job situation cakey, it would be nice to have your OH's support with what you decide is best for you and your family. Obviously the money will be a factor but your happiness and sanity has to be at the forefront of the decision, it's hard enough returning to work after maternity leave without having this. I think also you should have a look at other jobs and if they pay more then that'll make up the money they will hold back. Otherwise do you think returning just for a short time (usually a minimum of 3 months which is what we have written into our maternity contracts) and see if part time is an option so the strain isn't so bad? I found that although leaving my little one was hard when returning to work I really wanted to go back just for adult company and I forgot about all the crap. But then overall I enjoyed my job so it's a bit different for me? Big hugs, hope your OH supports you in your decision.

I'm so so pleased my iron levels are now 10.6 :-) so I should be able to have my home birth if everything else goes well! next midwive appt at 36weeks they will book to come and see me eat home to do a home assessment! :-)

Unfortunately my boy is poorly again - now with croup! :-( it was horrid last night hearing him struggling to breathe and have a coughing fit which was v distressing. Perfectly fine today now!

Hope your all good ladies. Can't believe time is cracking on! Also had my last day at work today..... It was very emotional. I've been very spoilt by my work colleagues....Ewan the sheep, two massive bunches of flowers and gift vouchers for our shopping mall!
Hi all had a quick catch up but struggling to remember who exactly said what lol. Not long to go now tho eh. I'm both excited and nervous.

Went back to diabetic clinic yesterday they are still thrilled with my sugar levels it's still diet controlled and baby is growing quite normally. I really expected to run into more problems with GD than I have. Not that I'm complaining at all you understand.

I'm having some very strange sensations going on this evening. I had uterine cramps which I sometimes get but tonight it stretched to my hips and back too. While that was going on baby was punching my cervix too so the whole experience was quite uncomfortable. It lasted about 5 minutes and I've had no pains since. Baby is incredibly active tonight but then Paul is busy making his latest mad scientist project so he is making lots of funny noises which oliver usually responds to. Bump is morphing in all sorts of directions lol xxx

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