*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Tiggy congratulations on starting your maternity leave! :) you must be very excited! Hope your boy is OK now x
I started having some weird pains today too. I get them really low down when I walk, and I feel like they are in my bones. I'm wondering if this is the baby engaging. I hope not, as I am hoping to rotate this baby the right way around before he gets too set in this position!
Ahh tiggy thats really good news :)

Rhonda, I.love I get what you mean about weirdness going on down there lol. I think its been braxton hicks with me, I hobbled my way back to the car after shopping last night because everything went pretty tight but really low down and it felt like baby was very low. It went once i'd got in the car and sat down.

We popped into Morrisons to see the baby event thing and found some good deals-a bouncy chair and a play mat-so cheap! We had tea in the cafe and I was nearly stuck between the table and the chair and the more I laughed the more I couldnt get out, they dont cater for pregnant women!! :D
Thanks girls for your help. I know what you all mean about the way men think :( I hate leaving things to the last minute and he doesn't mind! My main problem with going back to work is that if I go back but then leave within the next year, I have to pay either 75% or 50% of the lump sum back, which would be a lot of money :( I'm really stuck, I guess I need to think about it.
Demaris by any chance is it a jungle theme chair? I got one of those because Oscars nursery is all jungle themed so anything I find like that I buy it lol. And funnily enough I know which tables you mean because I work at Morrisons and we have the same chairs in our staff area, definitely not pregnant belly friendly lol xxx
Thanks girls for your help. I know what you all mean about the way men think :( I hate leaving things to the last minute and he doesn't mind! My main problem with going back to work is that if I go back but then leave within the next year, I have to pay either 75% or 50% of the lump sum back, which would be a lot of money :( I'm really stuck, I guess I need to think about it.
Demaris by any chance is it a jungle theme chair? I got one of those because Oscars nursery is all jungle themed so anything I find like that I buy it lol. And funnily enough I know which tables you mean because I work at Morrisons and we have the same chairs in our staff area, definitely not pregnant belly friendly lol xxx

Yes its the jungle one, its fab isnt it :) xx
Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good sleep and will have a nice relaxed Friday!

I'm going to London next week for 4 days for my training. On my own! Starting to get a bit nervous... Will be taking my notes with me, and was told that I should check where the closest hospital would be. That was a good, but scary advice!

I think my husband is even more worried than I am. I expect I will be getting "how are you" texts every half an hour! :)

I'm looking forward to it at the same time though, as I will have a nice big bed all to myself, hopefully can have lots of sleep and eat lots of nice food (for free! ;) ). Oh and I'll need to study as well I guess, but that's just a minor inconvenience :lol:
Ooh have fun Olya :) i have work today and tomorrow but then me and my OH have Sunday off together which should be nice :) xxxx
Thanks :) Do you have any nice plans for Sunday?
Hope you have a nice time away iLove. Nice food and big bed sounds lovely! Hope you can make the most of it!

We are having our bedroom carpets, hallway and stairs fitted right this moment! So excited! Then should be able to move all the bedrooms backs together and set up the nursery this weekend!

My boy was up coughing continuously between 2.30 and 4.30am. I didn't get to bed to midnight then up at 5.30! I'm knackered today. TV is babysitting my poorly boy whilst I'm slowly thinking about closing my eyes!
Thanks Tiggy!

Poor you :( It's so difficult to go through the day if you didn't have enough sleep! Hope you manage to grab a nap at some point today? And hope your boy gets better soon, it's such a shame when kids are not well :(
I think we're tackling the nursery on Sunday. Since moving in its become a bit of a storage room and I've been itching to get my hands on it, but it's impossible on my own.
Hope your little boy feels better soon Tiggy, poor little babe! Xx
Sounds exciting for you I.love :) hope you enjoy your you time - even though you're working!
Good luck to the ladies sorting out their nurseries this weekend! I'm itching to get mine done, but still getting over this flu :( xx
I.love, have a nice break away-despite the studying! Tiggy, I hope your little one feels better soon, bless his heart. Cakey, exciting stuff. Its like another little milestone! Nonabean I hope you start to feel better soon xxx

I am still plodding along packing-two week to go! I CANNOT wait to leave this place! Just had the estate agents ring us and ask if they can come and take pictures as the landlady wants to put it on the market as well as up for rent (see which comes first I guess). They must be crazy I have boxes everywhere and it looks like a warehouse for amazon at the moment lol.

I have been waiting for the blood results to come back via my midwife for the iron and B12, turns out they couldnt process it because the nurse at my doctors didnt fill in the bit on the test tube! I think I will probably have this baby before they get around to sorting my iron levels out!!

And on the subject of phonecalls I had one this morning from blah blah photographic studio in conjunction with Emma's diary!! I was a bit annoyed to be honest, I know nothing is free in this world anymore but I really didn't expect cold calls from it, maybe the odd junk mail etc.... I told her that my sister in law is a photographer (which she is) and that I would be using her for the new arrival. Bloody cheek!

Well, hope you all have a lovely weekend, I have two teenage bedrooms to sort out so if I am AWOL for a few weeks you know why lol! :D
Oh that's cheeky (about the phone call). When I filled in the form for a bounty pack I put lots of rubbish in there - really don't want to be harassed by sales people.

Very annoying about the blood test too. How rubbish is this?...
Hi ladies,
How is everyone? Need to catch up on the thread.
I had my last proper day at work yesterday and a lovely meal out last night.
The girls brought me a gorgeous Playmat from Mothercare, and a light up slumber buddies elephant.... I thought that was everything and felt so lucky as it was a big bear play mat that I wanted, then I got to the meal and there were soooooo many presents! Didn't get home until late last night but I got so many little outfits and gifts for me and flowers. Feeling so overwhelmed and so lucky!! Will be unpacking it all later. My friend got me a gorgeous sleepsuit from Next that says I'm new into the world and has 2015 on it. It's certainly something I will be keeping forever!!
Off to work now for my last morning there as a bit of overtime. The only downside is I am definitely getting some sort of throat infection :(. I just hope it doesn't get really bad. Can anyone suggest anything to take? I feel like someone's scraped out the back of my throat!!
Can't believe it's only 4 weeks tomorrow. Not having to go to work on Monday is going to feel so surreal. I hope you are all doing good and looking after yourselves :). Need to have a look at the Feb thread and see how many babies have been born xxx
Sarah oh that's so lovely! Shows that they really appreciate you. Sounds like you have lovely colleagues. Are you going to miss them?

I would gargle some water with salt for a sore throat. At least it's all natural, and helps me a bit (helps with dryness and should kill some nasties).
Had my last day at work yesterday. This is all starting to get a bit real now!!! Cant believe how close everything is starting to get. Not long now. Got my work baby shower today. Cant believe how spoilt she has been already!!!
Have a lovely baby shower rachelb! So exciting!

Thanks for all the get well wishes for my little boy, he had a much better night. Slept a whole 12 hours with a little coughing. I also slept 9 hours pretty good with a few toilet stops!

This morning I've waxed our oak wardrobe, it was quite smelly (wax polish) so wondered if it was ok to do when pregnant, I used a mask and had all the windows open but could still smell it whilst I was doing it. Really need to do the chest of drawers and bedside tables to but not sure whether I should or not?? Opinions please?

Hope you all have a nice weekend!
Enjoy your baby shower Rachel! :)

Tiggy I think I personally would try to avoid any smelly jobs. But I'm super cautious with things generally... Can't someone else do this? X

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