*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Surely they need to respect your wishes? At least you'll have some answers/idea what's going on tomorrow. :) xxx
Podpie what's a poddle pod?
I love what's the natter hun - must have totally missed it? Scrolled up but being blind obv!

Omperazole shouldn't impact on iron absorption. It's a non clinically significant interaction. Plus iron is taken a few times a day. As long as you take your doses with vit C and avoid tea you should be ok. Completely agree about the tummy upset thoigh. I'm downing lactulose like crazy.
Last time spa tone made a huge difference but i've been really neglectful in taking it this time :/

Blimey can't believe some of you are so close! I've got ages yet but still feeling so uncomfortable. Just hired a cleaner. Really struggling. Hubby was off yesterday while daughter in nursery. He's don't nothing of the daily chores exceot washing. So I've got to do it all today on my one day off. And look after a toddler. Oh and I've got laryngitis so I feel like shit. He's off for a whole week. Fed. Up. As always!

Ahh spinsugar I swear men have tunnel vision sometimes, they just don't see what we see! I guess i am lucky my husband is slightly OCD where cleaning is concerned!

Ref the iron I have been on 600mg a day of ferrous gluconate for about a month but they have only shifted my levels up one point. I dont drink tea/coffee but instead sparkling water with sliced lemons in it (totally addicted to it right now!) so I would have thought it would have had some impact. I'm getting a blood test today for B12 and iron so hopefully I will know some more. A few years ago though I had a test for B12 and I was just on the cusp of being low, so maybe that is the problem.

I.Love hang in there and know that in a few months baby will be here and it would have been all worth it, even if he has to make an appearance early. I know you must be really worried, huge hugs to you xx

Hope everyone else is doing ok, wednesday already half way through the week-its flying by now! xxx
Thanks ladies. I'm just at the hospital waiting to be seen.

SpinSugar looks like I have obstetric cholestasis again - I did a blood test yesterday. This most likely means induction at 37 weeks... And my parents will not even be back from holiday by then, and they were going to babysit my oldest while I'm in labour... I suppose it's not such a big deal, but I'm just generally freaking out. 37 weeks feels too early! :(

Sorry ladies I'll try to stop moaning. It's not the end of the world, I know.

How are you all this morning? Anyone starting their maternity leave this week? :)
SpinSugar that's a shame you need to spend your day off doing the chores, especially while not feeling well! That's just unfair. I have a feeling I would just say sod it all and chill... I think a cleaner is an excellent idea! X
Sorry I haven't been on to check in with you and update you but it's been a manic few days!!

When I got home from my midwife appt on Monday I was in a lot of pain. I had really bad almost constant stomach cramps that where radiating round into my spine & baby was going mad. I rung my midwife who told me I needed to go to the hospital. Mum picked me up and we met my midwife there, they put me on the trace to discover I was having contractions. After much is she isn't she- they decided I wasn't in labour (which is a good thing!!) but still no one could tell what position the baby was in. Everyone had a different opinion, head down, breech, transverse- an older midwife actually asked me if I was sure there wasn't 2 in there 😳😳😳 I was discharged from HOSP late Monday night with pain relief and told to do nothing- labour may be imminent & without knowing the position of the baby that may cause problems! Well I've had a scan this morning- she's head down.... But she's laying diagonally across (head in left side of pelvis, feet in right ribs!) with her back facing my tummy! Shes measuring a very diddy 5lb... So with 2 weeks til induction will be interesting to see what size she arrives at! I'm now studying the spinning babys website hoping I can get her to move over or at,East get her feet out my ribs!! Xxx
Contractions! Gosh. Hope she stays put for a bit longer. Good luck with turning the baby! I will be doing the exercises too as my baby is back to back. X
Contractions! Gosh. Hope she stays put for a bit longer. Good luck with turning the baby! I will be doing the exercises too as my baby is back to back. X

Me too! Luckily she only needs to wiggle a little bit to the left to be straight! I really feel for you with baby being back to back 😔 get kneeling off the sofa babe! X
Oh wow GF. I bet that bought it close to home, the reality of it all! Glad all is ok. Wow induction in 2 weeks? That's going to whizz by xx
GF yeah it's not great, but it's still early to panic I think. Good that I know about this though so I can keep an eye on my posture and do exercises now, while there is still time.
I just left the hospital. I do indeed have OC, but a very mild form so far. It's good that we caught it early as they gave me some medicines that can lower the levels, and if they don't go high they won't need to induce me. So there is still a chance that I might get a natural birth as I hoped! But weekly blood tests for me now - boo.
Nonabean not too bad thanks, just posted an update 30 secs ago :) x
Aw I.love. At least they've got a handle on it. Better to know than to not know if that makes sense.

I think as long as the babies arrive safely. The end result is most important so try not to stress if you don't get the birth you want.

I'm having a section but not in the least dissapointed. For me it's not the getting there but the final result xx
Sorry to hear about what all you ladies have been going through lately, sending you all lots of hugzz

Been so busy trying to sort everything out, had my last growth scan yesterday and he is still on the big side, they seem to think he is about 7lbs 7oz at the moment, seeing consultant today where I think they will be giving my induction date :shock: so I'm guessing another 2 weeks and he will be here!!!
All you ladies talking about 2 weeks!! I'm here thinking 6 loooooooong weeks to go and then I think of us all chatting in trimester 1 and actually how fast it has gone! eeek! :)
Rachy oh I know, I mainly don't want to be induced because there are risks for the baby, especially so early. That's what worries me...

Chrissie 2 week OMG! How are you feeling about it? Are you ready? :)
Hi ladies!

Just had a long read catching up on everything as it's been a few days since I got on here! Sorry to hear those that are struggling, I'm not going to single anyone out but really hope you are all OK.

I've had a manic few days, had my baby shower on Saturday, my mum and aunt were over from Ireland Thursday to Monday and other family down from Scotland so I've had a full house. Add into the mix my friends on Saturday and we were chocca! Then on Sunday we had to clear our living room as we had a new laminate floor put down on Monday in living room and entrance hall, it's such a good job and will be so much easier than carpet with a baby and dog I think / hope!

On the downside, I now need to attack the nursery again as everything got piled in there!

Can't believe how close we all are now, officially I'm 36 +2 today but if I go by my original dates which I still think are right I am 37 weeks today and fully cooked! One week and one day left in work then I'm free!

We did a sweepstake at baby shower when people thought I would pop and quite a few people have gone for 27th February! Eeeek! Have to say I hope they are right!

Antenatal classes this weekend and tour of the unit and also bump photo shoot! It's all go!
Hey ladies just had wee quick read update but my brain is like mush and I can hardky remember what ive read now..
I love glad its only a mild form of OC. hopefully no need for early induction. See ur baby is back to back. My little girl was lile that but I wasbt aware till I was pushing stage. Hope u manage turn baby around .
Im near sure my baby is laid same as GF..all I cam feel is what I think babys back at my right side. And my left ribs ache so im thinkn thats dueto babya feet. Got my birthing ball down ffrom attic. So will be doing all ican with it get baby in good position.

Im 33weeks today and its my baby girl 3rd birthday today.. We've had a lovely day together having a wee family get together now and then havin her party in a soft play on Sunday with her wee friends. :)
Wow to some of you preparing for baby in two weeks! That really isn't long. ILove glad your OC seems to be mild, fingers crossed you can have a natural birth.

Demaris don't worry I'll be here to the end I think, they brought my dates forward by two weeks at dating scan so I'm convinced it was just because baby grew quickly early on and my dates are more like end of march. But we shall see. My first was two weeks early.

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