Sorry I haven't been on to check in with you and update you but it's been a manic few days!!
When I got home from my midwife appt on Monday I was in a lot of pain. I had really bad almost constant stomach cramps that where radiating round into my spine & baby was going mad. I rung my midwife who told me I needed to go to the hospital. Mum picked me up and we met my midwife there, they put me on the trace to discover I was having contractions. After much is she isn't she- they decided I wasn't in labour (which is a good thing!!) but still no one could tell what position the baby was in. Everyone had a different opinion, head down, breech, transverse- an older midwife actually asked me if I was sure there wasn't 2 in there 😳😳😳 I was discharged from HOSP late Monday night with pain relief and told to do nothing- labour may be imminent & without knowing the position of the baby that may cause problems! Well I've had a scan this morning- she's head down.... But she's laying diagonally across (head in left side of pelvis, feet in right ribs!) with her back facing my tummy! Shes measuring a very diddy 5lb... So with 2 weeks til induction will be interesting to see what size she arrives at! I'm now studying the spinning babys website hoping I can get her to move over or at,East get her feet out my ribs!! Xxx