*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Thanks bump buddy, happy 32 weeks to you too! :) Me too, although I'm trying not to wish the time away as I do enjoy being preggers very much, and this is most likely my last pregnancy... I'm gonna miss my funny big round moving tummy!
Demaris fx lemons do the job! x

RhondaLou that's nice about the bill :) I'm wondering how this works - I'm also self-employed and employed at the same time, and my 'business' doesn't make any profit at the moment (I don't really do anything to it). Maybe I could be exempt too? If you have any links/info on this, I would very much appreciate it - I get so confused about all these rules, I feel a real dummy when it comes to taxes etc.
Go onto HMRC website and search for class 2 national insurance and it will tell you how much your business needs to earn in order for you to have to pay it. or there is a helpline number on your NI bill I phoned them just to check I wouldn't get fined if I didn't pay by tomorrow. But online you can find the low earnings exemption application form to fill in if you don't want to phone up. I've paid it for the past 18 months as I was scared not to lol. In my case maternity is covered by my employers NI payments so I won't lose out xxx
Sorry to hear that you had a rough time at work Rhonda. Your job must be so rewarding but so hard at the same time, and I get what you mean about breaks. I used to do it for a Uni placement and I was lucky that the residential home I worked in that all of the service users loved having tea breaks, bless them! Just look after yourself when you finish work :)
Good luck with packing Demaris :)

Feeling a little bit worried about developing Pre - eclampsia :( my BP hasn't been very good throughout my pregnancy anyway (it's always at least 70/140) and the midwife today told me that although my wee sample was fine, I need to look out for flashes in front of my eyes and headaches. I told her I did have a headache yesterday that went away and came back today, so she said just to ring if I feel I need to be checked out. I know I'm definitely not feeling myself but not sure what to put it down to. At least LO was happy and is still head down atm which I was suprised about after all the rolling around he's been doing.
Lucky ladies. I still have another 5weeks till its my last day at work. But I few things happening in feb to keep be occupied and to look forward to and then il be looking for to my last day. Woohoo..
After baby being quiet I have felt more movements.. cheeky baby keeping me on my toes
My last day at work tomorrow and I am so ready for it. My job is fairly active and I spend a long time on my feet so I think my ankles and heels are begging for mat leave too! I did a ten hour shift yesterday and didn't stop the whole time, and the way I felt this morning just proved to me that it's time to pack it in and put my feet up!

Also very scary that it's 31 days til due date for us, just one month! We'll all have our babies before we know it!
I have my c section date! Two days before my DD! 5 weeks on Monday eeeek!

My husband and I are on a baby moon this weekend. My Christmas present to him :-) had a lovely pedicure earlier!

Very relaxing.

I hope your all having a lovely weekend.
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Oh ladies I'm so worried. My BP was on the borderline for being high at my MW appointment on Friday and I had flashes in front of my eyes so they want me to go in later :( I really hope it's nothing bad, I just want to be safe rather than sorry xxxx
Best to get checked out for both you and baby!
Hope everything is okay for you, and if it's something worrying at least you're in the right place xx
Oh ladies I'm so worried. My BP was on the borderline for being high at my MW appointment on Friday and I had flashes in front of my eyes so they want me to go in later :( I really hope it's nothing bad, I just want to be safe rather than sorry xxxx

Cakey try not to worry hun, I had all this a few weekends ago and ended up being monitored in triage. I had weird flashes in my eyes as if i was looking through a kaleidoscope, raised BP and protein in the wee yet when they monitored me everything was fine. They put it down to one of those things. I'm sure everything is fine, and being monitored for a while is a good thing xx
Thanks ladies, just waiting for my partner to finish work so he can take me. Glad to hear everything was okay with your Demaris, hoping it is just one of those things but I know my BP is never good anyway. Xxx
I'm sure everything will be fine :) keep us posted when you can and take it easy xx
I went and got checked and my BP was high -ish but no protein or anything. The mw said it sounds like a migraine so just to drink more but just to ring again if the flashy lights come back. It was nice that she didn't make me feel silly and reassured me I'd done the right thing; still feel silly though! Just glad everything is fine, thanks ladies xxx
I went and got checked and my BP was high -ish but no protein or anything. The mw said it sounds like a migraine so just to drink more but just to ring again if the flashy lights come back. It was nice that she didn't make me feel silly and reassured me I'd done the right thing; still feel silly though! Just glad everything is fine, thanks ladies xxx

Ahh thats good to hear Cakey :) xx
Glad everything is okay Cakey! You totally weren't being silly, triage are there for a reason and that's to put your mind at rest. Xx
Glad all Ok Cakey.
I had exactly the same thing a month or two ago. My headaches were getting bad though so they put me on aspirin for a while. Was a horrible feeling seeing the kaleidoscope effect. Lucky touch wood I ony had it really bad the once. Fingers crossed same for you xx
Cakey good that you had this checked out, and it wasn't silly at all, it would be silly to ignore it!! X
Glad your ok cakey, you def did the right thing but I'm the same, always question whether I would be wasting their time, think it's sometimes human nature to worry about that.

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend.

Anyone loosing weight at the later stages of pregnancy? Ive lost half a stone since end October, not been acutely unwell but I'm struggling eating due to this constant nausea, stomach pains and reflux. ...... So I've gained 7- 9 pounds in total, not sure how my bump is growing but people think I'm smaller this time around, I always thought you were bigger in subsequent pregnancies?

going to midwive tommorow so hopefully she will reassure me.
Cakes glad you ok sounds like nothing serious but good that you got checked.

Tight yes I'm losing weight from oct to beginning of jan I lost half a stone and I'm currently 5lb up on my booking weight. Back at hospital wednesday so I'll have another weigh in then. By my scales I've not put any on since my last visit but bump has grown.

I finally finished work yesterday im looking forward to being able to get my house in order. Had both our parents round today for a roast dinner which was lovely. I have my day all planned out for tomorrow it includes some cleaning, some exercise and some nap time ��

Tonight baby is very active I keep looking down to see bump moving as he wriggles. When he does it slow i keep thinking all we need is the jaws music lol xxx

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