*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

I have GD and he is on the big side so I knew there was a chance but was told today that I will be for sure xx
Yikes chrissie! 3 weeks how exciting!

I am so ready to finish work! Got another 2 weeks to go though :-( we are so busy at the mo and I've still got loads of handover prep to do so no idea when I'll have time!

I've been so tired recently but I can't get a good nights sleep, wake up for the loo then can't get back to sleep as 1 hubby is snoring ( not too loudly but enough to irritate) and 2 my mum and aunt arrive tomorrow and house is still not tidy! Mind is working overtime! I left hubby jobs to do yesterday as he was off and he didn't get them all done... Jobs I've been pestering him to do for weeks, oh well.

Baby shower Saturday! I can't wait! X
Same here, my pee has also been sent away, pretty sure its an infection as it burns like hell down there at the moment, I was also told today I will be induced at 38 weeks, will have a date next week after my scan, 3 weeks until he is here yikes! x

3 weeks! Crikey this makes everything sound so close now!! xx
Just had the health visitor around and she was lovely! She gave me baby's red book and a load of leaflets ranging from breast feeding to post natal depression. She ran through the pages of the red book bringing up topics of interest like when baby gets its first vaccination to filling out the milestone pages (first sitting up, first walking etc).

I was given information on local baby groups and support numbers for breast feeding etc. All in all it was nice to touch base with her, she was also around my age (40) and her children are the same age as my older two so it was nice to chat about the changes to things since last time I was a mum to a baby :)
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Chrissie im excited for you! :D
I'm glad your HV was nice Demaris, sounds like she gave you some really helpful things :)
I am enjoying my week off work too much and I know that when I go back next week, I'll regret having it. It's so sad how much you can enjoy washing baby clothes and cooking and having a cuppa when you want lol.
I know, it sounds crazy coz I know this is my 5th but I'm still so nervous and I've never had an induction b4 so kinda scared its gonna be more painful! Wow health visitors are fast where u ladies are, I never see one until baby is born and I'm finished with the midwives and thanks ladies xxx
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I know what you mean because I'm worried about going overdue and having to be induced. I think it's the hormone drip that makes your contractions come on faster and you don't have chance to catch up with them, and then they might be more painful. That's what I've heard anyway. I'm sure you'll be fine and have your LO in your arms sooner than you know it :) xxx
I know, it sounds crazy coz I know this is my 5th but I'm still so nervous and I've never had an induction b4 so kinda scared its gonna be more painful! Wow health visitors are fast where u ladies are, I never see one until baby is born and I'm finished with the midwives and thanks ladies xxx

I guess I am lucky that both mine were inductions so i don't have a normal birth to compare it to but like you i'm starting to feel scared now because I know whats coming!

I wasn't given a drip though, my contractions were started off by pessary so i'm not sure that makes a difference to the pain levels, but I do remember my contractions being off the top of the trace paper and looking more like mount everests than little snowdonias!

BUT help is there, pain relief is there and you can control how much hormone they give you if you feel you need more time for a round of it to kick in. I was given the pessary at night, had mild contractions overnight which tailed off by morning and was told they were going to give me more, but I asked to wait a bit longer and went walking for a few hours-my son was born at 2pm :)
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Thankyou ladies I went to see doctor this morning I had some green discharge not sure if its infection but she gave me antibiotics and I've just looked up on google and it looks like I could have lost some of my plug I would like her to hang on at lest till 37 weeks :)
Oooh Missbx! Sounds exciting if it is your plug. It's getting so close for everyone now! I have a feeling ill still be waddling around at 41 weeks!
Gosh chrissie 3 weeks that's so close. I'm starting to get nervous now. Officially 6 weeks to due date but I also have GD so I'm wondering how long they will let me go.

I've had a bad day today. All I've wanted to do is either throw things or cry. It's been a hard day anyway as we had to tell someone we support at work that a loved one has passed away which of course upset him. So his key worker who broke the news got upset too cos she had to tell him. Another colleague who is also pregnant got upset which started me off too. Then seeing us all upset upset the boss. So we all sat in a circle holding hands and crying.

But my cot was delivered today which has cheered me up. Unfortunately they left it in the shed as no one was in and I ain't attempting to move it and Paul is at work. So I've just locked the shed and will have to wait until the morning now.

Got lots of random sharp pains today think it's as bubs moves and catches me somewhere xxx
Aww rhondalou sorry u had bad tough day yesterday. .

Baby has been bit quiet yesterday and today although still feeling movement just not as noticeable as before. In work today and I just tooknwee turn of being nauseous. . Had to make a dash to the toilet.. totally out of the blue..thank god it's Friday of tomorrow
I'm back at work at last - yay!

Just realised that I only have 2 weeks left in the office... And that I will miss work :( I love my job!

I know I have such an exciting phase coming up.. I'm just a bit sad that this phase, that was such a great one, is really coming to an end.
I think part of the reason I was so emotional yesterday was because tomorrow is my last shift at work. I care so much for the folks I support and while I won't mad work I will miss them. Of course I'll be going back and I'll be visiting them quite often. I could deal with it if I wasn't pregnant lol.

I had a bad night though got a bad stomach for some reason was up in the night with acid reflux and sorry if tmi but I either need to be sick or sit on the loo but nothing is happening. Feel a bit better today tho so hoping it will sort itself out one way or another before the end of the day xx
RhondaLou I don't even know what exactly I will miss... I will miss my desk with a window view, going to lunches to our cafeteria, walking up and down the stairs, going to our daily meetings, just seeing all these people around me. I think I will just miss this phase of my life.

I probably won't actually miss anything when the baby arrives - will be too busy! But right now I'm feeling a bit sentimental.

I have a funny tummy too, including a bit of tummy ache that freaked me out to start with! But it isn't coming in waves or anything like that, so I think I just had too much custard yesterday :oooo:

Hope you feel better soon! x
Ahh ladies, its hard sometimes to adjust to a different phase of your life isnt it. I kind of did my missing backwards lol. I was just about to start my 2nd year at Uni when I found out I was pregnant (decided to go back to education when my two were more independent, that worked out well then :P). When September/Oct came and my peers went onto year 2 I was gutted, i actually missed all the deadlines and pressure!

I have (hopefully) escaped a nasty virus my two sisters have had-one of them came to my ante natal appointment on monday but so far it hasnt got to me. I have been drinking fizzy water with lemons in it, so hopefully the Vit C has kept the nasties away!

I am busy packing-well, averaging 2 large boxes a day lol. Small steps and all that!

Hope everyone has a lovely peaceful weekend xx
It's caught me by surprise actually just how emotional I am about leaving work. I've been saying since before Christmas that I'm ready to have a break and do my own thing. My house is a mess and I'm fed up of having to make sure if I have an appiontment then there is enough staff on for me to leave at the right time etc. we don't get set breaks and with having GD I have to remember to eat at certain times and then test blood sugar at the right times. I eat and then start a job and before I know it Im 10 minutes late testing blood sugar. I need a routine and time to nap and do housework and I just don't get that with working too. So really I'm more than ready to leave work and I can't wait. I'll still see my friends and I'll still go in to see my lovely peeps so what's the problem.

On a more positive note I've just managed to get out of a national insurance bill. I'm part time self employed and I've had a bill for national insurance due tomorrow. I've just phoned up to pay it but because I pay NI through my employer I was told not to pay it and they are sending me a form to apply for exemption. I meant to sort this out earlier but forgot. Oops. So I thought I would have to pay it and then apply but they are happy for me not to pay it until I've applied and im going to get the exemption ad the business isn't earning anywhere near enough. So now im wondering what I can treat my little boy to with the money I don't have to pay out today ��. These things don't usually happen to me I usually get bills I need to pay not bills I don't need to pay lol xx
Demaris fx lemons do the job! x

RhondaLou that's nice about the bill :) I'm wondering how this works - I'm also self-employed and employed at the same time, and my 'business' doesn't make any profit at the moment (I don't really do anything to it). Maybe I could be exempt too? If you have any links/info on this, I would very much appreciate it - I get so confused about all these rules, I feel a real dummy when it comes to taxes etc.
Hi everyone,

I have basically finished work signed off with SPD go back for 3 days just to wrap up from the 16th - 18th Feb I do kinda miss the company of others already.

Happy 32 weeks i.love getting impatient now! Xx

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