*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Oh ladies what a rough time you're all having :( unfortunately I'm feeling crappy too, after a week off work on holiday I came back to work and my hips were just so painful, really hurting to walk. I'm hoping it's just from not being at work rather than SPD. my hands are also bleeding from being so dry that they've cracked!
Maybe we can all look on the bright side a little bit- what is everyone looking forward to most when their LO gets here? :) I can't wait for the first time he looks up at me and I really can't wait to see my OH hold him, I think he'll just be so happy.
It's all the nice things to think about that will get us through the tough times :) lots of love to all of you!! Xxxxxxx
I can't wait for my LO to meet his baby brother. :) he's three around my due date and I just know seeing them together will be the sweetest thing xx
Hope your all doing ok ladies! Just 3 days left for me this week and it couldn't come soon enough. Today's my day off but have woken up to super snow blizzard outside! OH hasn't gone in to work as yet as all the roads are gridlocked. I don't know what to do my antenatal classes start this afternoon! Sod's law. The snow is still falling really heavy so I don't really want to go anywhere :(. It's not as if its super close either. Eeeek what to do what to do. I'm down south in Surrey.
Anyone else got thick snow? I had a big plan of things to do today, now it's looking unlikely im going to be doing anything :/ xx
Sarah that's annoying that you can't get to your classes (unless things change?), but isn't it nice to have your OH at home? :) Maybe you can go and build a snowman or smth when the blizzard calms down? :)

We also had some snow today, but a tiny amount. Enough to get my 3 year old super-excited though, as he has been asking when he will see snow for ages! He saw some before, but it was too long ago and he couldn't remember it any more. Well now he has seen snow and is very happy :)
Nonabean I hate flu! Hope you manage to fight it off very soon. I have a cold for 1.5 weeks now... So fed up! Take care of yourself x

Cakey sorry that you are not feeling well either :( Do you need to walk much at work?

Tiggy thanks! It's just that I work in a huge international company, so they have policies etc... If I need to change my dates I will need to do it through HR, which are based in Poland, and I doubt they can turn it all around very quickly even if they want to. It's not that I can just ask my boss and that would be it...

Wow the snow just started coming down again now - so pretty! :) Having a desk by the window is really cool at times like this :)
Aww I bet he loves it!! I love the snow, the 2 cats however are not so impressed!
OH just left again to see what the roads are like and I can see he has pulled back up in the drive now, so guessing he's definitely not going in now. Yay! Will try to make it to antenatal it starts at 1pm but I can see the cars sliding on the road outside and it's still snowing here.
I am really feelin like an elephant at the moment. Everything is becoming so difficult, sleeping, rolling out of bed lol, picking things up of the floor. I think I'm getting more clumsy too lol xx
Ahh ladies, hope you are all ok, its a real niggly time right now. Tiggy why will they not allow you to have a homebirth? I hope its ok and you get to have the birth you want. Have they spoke to you about injections for iron? My levels were at 95 then they put me on ferrous gluconate and a month later my levels are 96 :( Personally I think its to do with the omeprazole I am taking and absorption. I have to have more bloods taken this week and if they have stayed the same then I have to have iron injections.

huge love to you all, wont be long now girls xx
Demaris I think they won't allow homebirth with too low iron levels as I think they get concerned about if you haemorrhage and then need emergency transfusion and medical intervention. The advise on the royal college midwives is that levels 'should' be above 105 for home birth.

did they say why they think your levels haven't increased? My understanding if they don't improve (and your not loosing blood) they need to look into vitamin b12 deficiency.

I'm also on omepraozle so it will be interesting to know if my levels are no better and whether it could be that affecting the absorption. I did read that in the leaflet but I take my iron at least 4 hrs after the omeprazole?

I've had about 2hrs sleep! Up again with stomach issues/nausea! pj day today with my little boy!
Hey ladies! Has anyone had the health visitor round get?

Apparently in my area they are visiting before you have baby as a new thing.
A couple of girls from my NCT class have had them visit.

I've cleaned the house from top to bottom!

I hope it's not scary!!
Rachy I am going to my health centre next week to meet the health visiting team!!! I think its literally only a hello so that I know who they are etc xxx
tiggy 2 hours?? Oh dear! Will your little boy let you sleep? I don't know if I could stay upright at all if I had so little sleep...
We don't have a health visitor visit routinely before baby in this area. She is only just getting around to coming to do a welcome visit as we were new to the area 6 months ago! But they do a health visitor talk as part of the antenatal groups!

I'm not feeling too knackered yet! Not got anything planned today and there is hope my boy will nap later but he is pretty inconsistent with naps now and unless I don't eat for 5 hours then I won't be able to lie down and have a sleep, but maybe a doze sitting up if my boy does nap?

Hope you all have a good day. X
Has anyone heard from Mamamoo and how here lil one is doing?
Thank you ladies :-) it seems a bit scary as she is coming to my home! You could eat off the floor mind you, but it's still a bit scary!

I went to see my health visitor a few weeks ago. It was just a general chat and she gave me loads of leaflets to add to the collection. Ours pop over 10 days after baby is born to make sure all ok.
Has anyone had their antenatal classes? Mine are just the normal NHS ones, three sessions 2 hours each. Is it daft that I'm getting really paranoid they are going to make me do things I don't really want to do or stand up in front of the class and talk..... Xx
I think everyone contributing is an important part of antenatal classes, but if it's something you really don't feel comfy with speak to the midwife running it beforehand and explain to her how you feel. They do ask you to contribute and take part in activities.

It's nothing to be scared of though. Xx
Sarah, I agree with Nonabean - tell them in advance that you don't want to do those things and I'm sure they will respect your wish x
Demaris I think they won't allow homebirth with too low iron levels as I think they get concerned about if you haemorrhage and then need emergency transfusion and medical intervention. The advise on the royal college midwives is that levels 'should' be above 105 for home birth.

did they say why they think your levels haven't increased? My understanding if they don't improve (and your not loosing blood) they need to look into vitamin b12 deficiency.

I'm also on omepraozle so it will be interesting to know if my levels are no better and whether it could be that affecting the absorption. I did read that in the leaflet but I take my iron at least 4 hrs after the omeprazole?

I've had about 2hrs sleep! Up again with stomach issues/nausea! pj day today with my little boy!

Yes they are to test me for ferritia B12 and folate according to the blood request form :) xx
Thank you. I don't mind participating in all group things, or speaking on part of a group, I just hate standing up by myself im quite a shy person :(. I always worry myself which is stupid! Been the same since school lol xx
Sarah lots of people feel the same way (me including), so I very much doubt they would push someone to do such a thing, especially if they feel that they are reluctant.

I went to classes last time (non-NHS), and it was all very friendly and nobody was pushed to do anything they didn't want to do. I think we briefly introduced ourselves (without standing up), that was the most stressful part :) No speeches or anything like that.

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