*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it :)
Tiggy I guess it's just how you're carrying sometimes. Everyone tells me I'm huge but just all baby, which does surprise me when I wasn't exactly slim to begin with. I wouldn't worry as long as baby seems to be growing at a good weight and you have gained some weight, hopefully your midwife will reassure you :)
Enjoy your day tomorrow Rhonda :) and all the rest until your LO gets here. Xx
Sooo it's 5.40... Been up since 3, didn't go to sleep til midnight- gave up at 5.10 & got up as I was tossing and turning & Jay wasn't snoring so I know he wasnt really sleeping and didn't want to disturb him as he's got work all day (so have I but he's like a hormonal teenager when he's tired!)
I'm so bloody uncomfortable, big, tired and fed up. Every single day is just agony now and as much as I want her to stay put for atleast another 3 weeks- I'm so over being pregnant it's unreal! Went out for a meal to celebrate Jays parents birthday's- had a migraine all day, had to sit in a bloody uncomfortable chair with his nieces and nephews pulling me around trying to get me to roll around on the floor with them, & 15 people trying to rub my tummy like I'm a genies latern! To top it all off- Jay then ate my pudding while my back was turned and left me a mouthful in the bottom of the glass (despite having a pudding of his own and eating half of his mums!) I was so annoyed as my meal wasn't very nice & I hadn't had any chocolate all week! He found it highly amusing!
Ranty post- sorry girls xxxxxxx hope everyone else has had a nice weekend!! Xxxxxxx
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GF oh dear, that was mean about the pudding! I would not be a happy bunny if my OH did this to me!

Hang on in there hun... There must be some aspects of being pregnant that you do enjoy? Maybe try to concentrate on those? x
How is everyone this morning?

I think OC is starting after all... I keep scratching everywhere, including my hands and feet :( Some days are better, some are worse, but I'm afraid on the whole it's getting more serious. I have an appointment with my mw tomorrow, so will ask for a blood test. I'm worried :(

The annoying thing is that even if my blood test comes back negative, it doesn't mean I don't have OC, it just means that they will need to retest in a week's time. So I can only get bad news or uncertain news :(
Ahh GF sounds like you have totally had enough of being pregnant :( Hang in there, not long to go now. If I lived near you I would come round with the biggest gooiest yummiest desert I could find (then watch you eat it because I have GD hehe!!).

I.love, not good :( I know you half expected it but still horrible to have to go through it again. If you do have it again what will they do? Hugs to you xx
Feeling a bit weird today, my son (who has aspergers) is a nightmare to get up in the mornings. Even though he is 13 he has no concept of time so if I say he has 10 mins to get out the door for example he could still be sat there brushing his hair 15 mins later. Its tough at his age because I cant watch over him when he gets dressed or help him with his basic needs (tooth brushing etc) and apart from reminding him every 5 mins that the clock is ticking there is nothing I can do. He can be very direct and has little empathy, which is another asperger trait. Doesn't mean he doesn't care it just means he cant articulate or put into emotions how he feels. So this morning its getting frantic as they could have missed their train so i was hurrying him along when I tell his sister to carry on without him (she can get stressed as a lot is on her shoulders from my son). My son glares at me, so I tell him off (aspergers is no excuse for rudeness) and make a point of saying he shouldn't look at me that way. he then says 'i don't even want to look at you at all'. Those words I know will mean nothing to him, as he wouldn't have understood the full impact they had on me-or could have on anyone. Its what the autism does, takes away the empathy. But when i shut the door after they left I sobbed and sobbed my heart out. I feel like I am losing my child (this is a boy that hasn't cuddled me since he was about 5 due to sensory issues) as he grows older he becomes more direct and cold.

So, I had a meltdown this morning worrying that this little one will have aspergers too, or how will I cope with one aspie teenager and a new baby? It all got a bit much so I took myself off back to bed and slept for 2 hours. Now I feel better!

Sorry for the rant ladies, hormones all over the place!! xx
Awww Demaris this is very sad :( You must be so strong to cope with this... Why would you think that the little one might have it too though? Does it run through families (sorry I don't know much about this condition)?

If I do indeed have OC, then they will want to induce me early at 37 weeks. I would get additional stress worrying over risks for the baby, my parents wouldn't be back from holiday yet to babysit my oldest while I'm in labour, and I would have practically no maternity break before lo arrives: 2 weeks of babysitting, no real "me" time... And I also wouldn't get my natural birth yet again! :( Boo.
Aww Demaris! :( I know how upsetting it is for you (not on the same level - but my cousin has Asperger's). Is there no respite or support programmes where you are?
Don't get me wrong- I love being pregnant... Think Ive just hit abit of a mental bloke. With sevre SPD everyday is just agony! Xxx

Had what was meant to be my 34 week appt today.... Nightmare! Baby has turned- midwife not sure if she's back to back or breech! Because I'm not getting a lot of kicks/punches mainly hiccups & rolling from side to side it's difficult to determine what I'm feeling. Couldn't find her heartbeat for ages & for done reason I'm really tight under my ribs which is causing a lot of discomfort. She's sending me for a scan, but Jays panicking because it took her ages to find HB so he wants me to book a private scan. Xxx
GF oh dear that sounds stressful :( But why is Jay panicking? If she did find the HB after all, it doesn't really matter how long it took her to find it, does it? HB is a HB, and it obviously was there all the time she was looking, the fact that the mw couldn't find it straight away doesn't mean that the baby is at risk, does it? Or am I missing a point here (very likely, I am so tired today, can't think straight)?

It seems that the third trimester is suddenly becoming quite stressful for many March mummies... :(
Thanks Nonabean, thanks I.love :) No respite I am afraid, I know this may sound odd but he is far too intelligent for me to send him on respite as he would just feel like I am sending him away. he doesn't even realise these things upset me as it goes over his head, at the moment its coupled with him being a teenager too :/ I get days like this then I bounce back again :)

I.Love there is no official opinion as to why some kids get autism and some dont. Some say hereditary, some say enviromental and some even say vaccines. But its more prevalent in boys so its there at the back of my head. My son was a very sickly baby and only slept for 1-2 hours at a time, and he suffered many ailments and reached milestone alot later (yet now he is way ahead brain wise), so i knew something was wrong quite early bless him.

Im very lucky he is high functioning autistic and not the other way round it could be so much worse. xx
GF oh dear that sounds stressful :( But why is Jay panicking? If she did find the HB after all, it doesn't really matter how long it took her to find it, does it? HB is a HB, and it obviously was there all the time she was looking, the fact that the mw couldn't find it straight away doesn't mean that the baby is at risk, does it? Or am I missing a point here (very likely, I am so tired today, can't think straight)?

It seems that the third trimester is suddenly becoming quite stressful for many March mummies... :(

He's become abit more anxious because he knows it's not long til she's here. He got abit panicky because we discussed c-section & he's not good with stuff like that & then of course with the midwife not being able to tell position or find HB he's on tenderhooks now. It's not an issue- midwife not concerned about HB but is about position xxx
GF yes the position bit is worrying, of course :( would you consider manual turning if they suggested it? X
Ah sorry iLove about the concern around OC, must be a worrying time for you? Can you not ask to go on mat leave a bit earlier so you can have a bit of you time before baby comes if you need to be induced at 37 weeks?

GF I'm keeping my fingers crossed that midwive couldn't tell bum from head and that baby is the right way down. I'm sure it's difficult to tell sometimes but good if there is any concern around position that they are sending you for a scan.

Sounds really hard to deal with demaris, I'm not surprised you were upset this morning, I would have been v tearful too. But you sound like you can empathise and understand where your son is with his aspergers which I can imagine is hard to do. Big hugs.

I had my midwive appt, no concern about baby which is good, growing fundal height and heartbeat position all good. Unfortunately main concern is still low iron so more bloods taken! They aren't keen on home birth unless levels are 105 at least. I don't think I or they are gonna get much choice as I'll have to wait for childcare for my boy and I laboured quick first time so could be an interesting discussion about whether they agree on planning for emergency home birth lol with the view I'll go in if I am able to. I'm not prepared to deliver in the car en route!

Fun and games!
Tiggy yes I think I will try to move my maternity leave one week earlier if I will be told that I will definitely be induced... But this will be a very short notice, not sure if it will work - I have a project to finish and they ask for 8 weeks notice to change your leave dates...

Hopefully I will know more tomorrow! I start to really worry, can hardly think of anything else (least of all work lol). I probably worry more than I should, I know it's my hormones playing up a bit, but this is how I feel and I can't really control it :(
Tiggy what level are you I'm in the same boat. Last bloods were 101 but my 28 week bloods have been deliberately delayed till next week to see if I can get it up.
Luckily if my HB plans are shattered as long as it's over 90 I can go to MW led unit.
4 mire weeks at work woo hoo! ! Starting to feel very uncomfortable now but still have AGES left.
Finally bought some nappies. Still have so much to get x
My bloods were 90 at 28 weeks and I've just had more bloods taken today. Fingers crossed they are over 105 .....I feel fine and I'll be bloody annoyed if they force a hospital birth and I give birth en route! But have to be honest I've not been good at taking the iron tablets as my reflux is horrific enough without all the stomach cramps and extra nausea they bring me.

ILove I'm sure work will understand, a lot of people have to change their mat leave dates due to unforeseen circumstances. I know what you mean about work though, I'm not feeling it any more, literally counting the minutes down. Fingers crossed for you. Xxxx
I'm supposed to have another fortnight left at work but I'm off with the flu! :(
Don't know if I'll be back, but oh my, there is no way I could go to work. We've got a really physical job and generally walk several miles in a shift - I feel like shit just going for a wee.
Was at the doctors today though, and he's prescribed me some anti sickness tablets, so hopefully I'll start feeling better soon xx
Sorry you have been poorly nonabean. Hope you feel better soon and the anti sickness tablets help. What's making you feel sick? Is it the flu?

My last full day at work is weds then just going in Thursday morning then I'm done with work till April 2016 :-) yay!
Yeah, the flu has been making me seriously nauseous. These tablets seem to be helping though (only started them this afternoon). Xx

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