*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

We like Reuben and Isaac at the moment but we're waiting until he arrivea to choose one. His middle name will be my father's name, who died two years ago.

I hope when he's born he looks like a Reuben or an Isaac or we're stumped!
Good morning everyone! How are you all doing? I'm still at home, this cold seems to be getting worse and worse! :(

I also am rather itchy down below, so walk around the house covered in yogurt while hubby is at work :lol: Will mention this to my mw next week, but for the moment I'm hoping that yogurt treatment is not just an old wives tale!
Cakey same here - I do hope that James is really a boy! Will be a real shock for us all if he isn't.
Morning ladies-loving all the fab names!

Hospital was fine yesterday, baby was scanned and looking a little on the large side but not too worrying and my amniotic fluid is also on the larger amount which they will see again in 4 weeks for my next scan. The diabetic doctor was not worried about my sugar levels and said as I had a virus the week before thats why my numbers were showing high then and these are apparently 'normal' for me. So back on the insulin!

We went to see the cottage and its amazing! We are due to go to the office and hand our notice in here and hopefully move around the 20th feb-with a few weeks to spare lol.

I.love, I feel your pain! I have gone through so much canestan these last few months (apparently diabetes can make it worse as yeast likes sugar), it got to the point where I was embarrassed to phone the doctor for yet another prescription but at £15 a time for the due its flipping expensive! xx
Hey everyone. ... we had my OH nana cremation yestrday. . Cant believe shes gone. But she was suffering with cancer..

We thought for girl Orlaith and paudraig for a boy. But now not so sure.. it will be an irish name though. As mt other children and myself are all irish names.
Im off today but back at work tomorrow but im bit worried as were due alot of snow. And I sold my car and my new one isnt ready just yet.. so im on foot patrol..
Thanks Demaris, it is a nuisance! I've been having itchiness on and off for quite some time now, and scrathed myself so badly a few times I made myself bleed :( Not good.

Great news about the hospital visit results and the cottage!! So is the cottage definitely happening now or are there still some risky points ahead before it's all secure? x
Thanks Demaris, it is a nuisance! I've been having itchiness on and off for quite some time now, and scrathed myself so badly a few times I made myself bleed :( Not good.

Great news about the hospital visit results and the cottage!! So is the cottage definitely happening now or are there still some risky points ahead before it's all secure? x

I paid the transfer fee this morning (we are staying with the same agent) and as the cottage is empty we can give notice here and move a bit earlier if we wish. So 20th feb and we can move. I'm so excited (and relieved). We are country people at heart and living in a town has been tough for us, so cant wait to get back to peace and quiet! :) xx
Thanks Demaris, it is a nuisance! I've been having itchiness on and off for quite some time now, and scrathed myself so badly a few times I made myself bleed :( Not good.

Great news about the hospital visit results and the cottage!! So is the cottage definitely happening now or are there still some risky points ahead before it's all secure? x

I paid the transfer fee this morning (we are staying with the same agent) and as the cottage is empty we can give notice here and move a bit earlier if we wish. So 20th feb and we can move. I'm so excited (and relieved). We are country people at heart and living in a town has been tough for us, so cant wait to get back to peace and quiet! :) xx

That's fantastic! So pleased for you!! A cottage in the country sounds lush, especially for bringing up a baby :)

20 Feb is my last day at work, so I'll be celebrating with you ;)
I.love pregnancy and illness just don't mix do they. Hope you feel better soon xx

Demaris glad all went well at the hospital. All sorts can affect your levels. Think I'm very lucky cod I'm finding it quite easy to control. I'm panicking about next weeks scan tho I'm convinced he has grown too much but then I haven't put any weight on at all so I'm hoping that's a good sign.

Poor baby had a fright today when a bin in macdonalds car park exploded. Probably kids throwing something stupid im there but it was loud and I felt him jump then he wouldn't stop wriggling for an hour after that. It's getting harder to drive now. Every now and then he will stick out his body always on my right side I love it and we have lots of bonding sessions with rubs and tickles but if he does it when I'm in the car it's really uncomfortable and of course I can't lean back to give him room. Think when I've finished work I'll take the car to the father in law so he can do the MOT and just leave it there until either he brings it back or I can drive again.

Also I've been getting mild cramps like a period cramp. I'm assuming they are normal it's not as bad as a period. Anyone else had these? Xx
Congrats on the cottage demaris. Sounds lovely and glad you can move in soon :-) very exciting! Knew something would show up soon for you :-)

We are still quarantined with chicken pox here but improving slowly and given us lots of chance to catch up with things at home!

I get days where I have period cramps Rhonda and usually those days I can feel pressure on my pubic bones so I'm wondering if it's baby's low position! Think it's all normal though :-)

I've got four more days at work! Can't wait to finish :-) x
Aww Demaris that's great news about the cottage!
Hope everyone is alright. Have been feeling really crappy the past few days. Nearly told work to shove their job up their backside today. I have never ever ever had such bad management in all my life. All I keep telling myself is 6 more days to go! Whilst I'm coming to the end of my leave im going to look for another job, work the 3 months where I am at now and then go. All I can say is working for Nhs is super stressful, and im not even clinical!!! Partners job is at risk now, and it's nearly been a year since we wanted to move and still no complete chain. Ahhhhhh xx
We are all getting closer to finishing work now. I only have 3 more shifts tomorrow, thursday and saturday. Im nor ungappy at work but im ready to have a rest and not have to worry about being awake half the night and still have to get up in the morning. Althiugh ive had a good few nights in a row where ive slept very well xx
What do you do in the nhs Sarah? I work for the nhs and it's pretty bad morale and continuous extreme pressure and I think if they start messing with terms and conditions etc people will just leave and do locum work or something else? X
Exactly tiggy! I work in orthopaedics, elective, and book patients operations and all of that jazz. Love the job I do and love my consultants I look after. It's just far too top heavy. Too many managers, and everything gets put on you so their figures look good. Cancelling patients left right and centre at the moment, no staff and so many have left because they are sick of it all.
What do you do Tiggy? After I do my 3 months back after my mat leave im going to try and find a job in the private sector!! My manager at the moment used to work at our place then left, now she has come back and all she does all day is stand around talking to her favourites! Xx
Glad everything is on the up Demaris :) good luck with moving, make sure you don't do too much.
Sarah I hope you get a better job when you go back to work after your LO is born. I hate my job right now but it just doesn't seem that there is anything else out there that's much better. I hate getting treated like crap by management.
I have this week as holiday and then 4 weeks when I go back to work. I'm gutted that it's going to be so hard when I go back because my supervisor is off work sick for two weeks when I go back so we'll be short staffed and I'm going to have to rush around :( at least it'll all be worth it in the end, that's all I keep telling myself anyway!
Omg... heartburn. ...that is all...:(
Rennies will become my best friend tomorrow
TTC: try refreshers sweeties. You need to eat three or four at once and eat the whole packet, but they get rid of reflux, indigestion and heartburn! Xx
Haven't had a heartburn but I kept getting windy bury episodes yesterday which then would mean I threw up in my mouth a bit. Very uncomfortable :( Pregnancy is such a joy!

I also woke up in the night last night in agony, I was scared to move in case my waters went or something. Not sure what caused it but I couldn't get comfy for ages but then eventually fell asleep and woke up this morning feeling fine.

Have been speaking to my mum a bit this morning about delayed cord clamping. Has anyone else decided to delay it and have a natural 3rd stage?
Hey everyone. ... we had my OH nana cremation yestrday. . Cant believe shes gone. But she was suffering with cancer..

We thought for girl Orlaith and paudraig for a boy. But now not so sure.. it will be an irish name though. As mt other children and myself are all irish names.
Im off today but back at work tomorrow but im bit worried as were due alot of snow. And I sold my car and my new one isnt ready just yet.. so im on foot patrol..

TTC I'm sorry to hear about your OH Nana xxx

Love the names you have picked out, we thought of using an irish name (my surname is very irish!) but we stuck with Cornish as even though hubby has irish ancestry he is cornish (as I am). There are some beautiful names native to their areas around :)
I have my health visitor appointment tomorrow! Seems really weird to be doing this again, I remember the last health visitor from my first two and she was like an old school mistress lol. I'm hoping this one wont snoop around the flat like the last one did! But seeing as we are moving she should disregard where we live now.

I am though, expecting lots of things to have changed over the years so I have to put my 'open minded' head on and not my 'i will do it my way' head on! :D

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