*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Wee update for you girlies. Had what the medical team calls a "planned emergency section" on Thursday 22nd January. Our beautiful baby boy Donal was delivered into the world, all 2lb 7oz of him :) he's doing well in the Neonatal unit. A good strong lad :)

All delighted that he's here nice and safe. We are all doing well. My recovery is somewhat slow but I will get there :)

Hope you are all keeping well xxx

Bless him and bless you! Congratulations MamaMoo, hope your recovery gets underway so you can soon have lots of cuddles with your little man xxx
Congrats mamma moo. Sounds like he is doing fab, hope you both continue to do well and can't wait to see the pics. Xxx
So now two of the March babies have arrived! Woohoo! :)
Congratulations mamamoo!! What amazing news. I bet you're relieved he's here nice and safe and strong :) Can't wait to see photos.
Congratulations mamamoo.. Welcome to the world little man
Congratulations mamamoo!

I'm glad both if you are well and fighting fit!
Congratulations mama moo glad you are both doing well lots of love xxx

I'm feeling pregnant now. I can feel his head when he is low down. It's not all the time but I General either have a had in my pelvis or a foot under my ribs. He likes to stick his bum out and liked it even more if he gets a stroke or a tickle when he does it. I'm generally aching and tired but other than that feel very well.

Last day at work this coming Saturday. Woohoo!! ����
Aww RhondaLou. I feel like I have absolutely no idea what way round my baby is at the moment. At my last midwife appointment 31 weeks she said he was head down.... Going back to see MW this Thursday but I honeslty feel like he has moved around. At first I thought it was his bum sticking out on the right side of my belly, now I'm getting feelings higher up at the top of my ribs, and kicks on the left! Part of me thinks he is lying long ways as I haven't had that feeling I had before of his head being right down low. Eeeeek I'm sitting here now and he's doing somersaults.
How exciting you finishing work! I have this week and next to go and I can't wait! More baby clothes washing to do this week and then I think I am pretty much sorted... Ish! Xx
Yeah I need to do some more washing. I made a start then came to a standstill with it.

The last 2 scans he has been head down which surprised me at first cos I was feeling really strong movements to the left hand side down low which I thought were kicks and too strong for hands but on the scan I could see what he was doing when I felt it. He doesn't have to move much for it to feel strong xxx
Morning ladies :)

Hope you all had a nice weekend, these weekends are whizzing by now aren't they!

We managed to pick up a new car at the weekend and tonight we go to see a cottage so hopefully things will get going now! If we like it we have to give a months notice and that means moving with 3 weeks to go till baby comes eek! Fingers crossed :)

This morning I am off to the hospital for another scan and antenatal appointment. I'm going to bring up the issue of my blood sugars returning to normal despite my diet being 'normal' too-its all a bit weird.

Just wondering ladies if any of you have definate names for baby?

We have decided Jago for our little man, it is Cornish for Jacob xx
Good morning everyone! I'm staying at home today with a cold. I don't feel too bad, but I remember how I went to work too early after a cold a couple of months ago and ended up with sinusitis, which was not fun at all! So this time I'm trying to be more sensible.

Good luck Demaris! Really hope that you find a nice new home soon!

Yeah we have a name - James :) I hope hope hope they got the sex right, because my older boy is very used calling his baby brother by his name now. Would be difficult to explain if this would have to change.
Demaris hope you get on ok at hospital. GD is a mind boggling affair isn't it.

I.love hope you feel better soon. You are doing the right thing in resting up. Take it easy and pamper yourself a bit today.

So I got on the scales this morning and im still only 3lb up on my booking weight. Considering that Oliver was estimated to weigh 3.1lb 3 weeks ago and bump has grown since then I think that's pretty darn good. I haven't even been all that good with my food. My mum always said that my weight was hormonal and that pregnancy would help me. I always thought it was pizza and chocolate but maybe mum was right lol. Whatever the reason im pleased with how my weight is going as it means Oliver isn't putting too much on either xx
Great news about the house demaris! Hope all goes well and Jago is such a cute name!

I think we are going for Zachary but waiting till we meet the wee man to decide definitely.

So my work cover has been appointed (again) let's hope this one doesn't change her mind! 2 1/2 weeks left in work.

I'm 35 weeks today, 2 weeks to full term!! Eeeeek! Wardrobe went up this weekend so we are nearly there!
Rhonda Lou my scales are nearing the 3 stone weight gain! Just hoping it comes off easy enough! I'll be back to swimming and running as soon as I'm fit to after the birth.
We have decided on Oscar and I'm really hoping that he is definitely a he because I couldn't imagine calling him anything else!
Less than 6 weeks and still don't really have a definite name. The only one we really do agree on is Jake.... We shall see! We also like Oscar and Lucas, but I'm still sticking with Jake... so who knows lol xx

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