*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

GF arent men total twats at times. You should be comfy and if pajamas are comfy then stay in them. If housework gets left so what and if you dont want to wear make up then dont. Inhope he understands that his behaviour has contributed to your recent panic about movements and that he should give you a break and be more supportive. Im very lycky paul has been amazing. He did go through a stage of not helping much but then one day he looked at me and saw my bump and thought bloody hell she is pregnant lol. Hope you are ok great news that baby is ok xxx
Aww GF... ur OH is being really silly. . He needs hook up to one of those pg bellys to see what being pg is like.. With some sort of shots to show how spd affects you.. I never wear make up not in less im headin out for a meal or out for a night out which hasn't happened since became pg. U need look after number one. If u want wear whatever u want.its important be comfy. If my OH said that to me i wouldve told him to feck off. Hope u can have a chat clear things up so u can enjoy rest ur pg without feeling u have to make an effort to please and do everything. Xxx

I was at mw today measuring 31cm which is spot on. Cant understand how baby is measuring big scan wise.. I knw there only estimates but cudv understood it better if was few weeks ahead. Ah well . Be interesting to see what chunk is at next scan mid feb.
I managed get a bargain today.. was foe buying a new base for carseat at 110 but managed to get a second hand in excellent condition with instructions blooket for 25.. absolute winner.. made up about it made my day.
Wee deal on amazon too johnson extra sensitive wipes a box of 12packets 7.97.
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Had my 34 week appointment this morning! all is good, baby is head down (didn't say anything about how engaged he is). measuring a week ahead which I said doesn't surprise me as I was put back a week at my first scan...I knew they had it wrong!! fingers crossed if I go over they will work to my original date of 24th Feb instead of 2nd March or I could potentially go 3 weeks overdue!
back with midwife every two weeks now. yikes.
3 weeks today is last day in work!!!:dance:
Oh, iLove (I seem to remember we had this convo about milk / bottles somewhere but I can't remember which thread!) I asked MW about bringing milk etc with me to hospital, she said if you are planning to breastfeed don't bring any - if its a disaster they will provide milk as a one off but if you are planning to bottle feed then you need to bring your own. I suspect that will be quite standard but just ask them to make sure.
Yeah I think this might depend on a hospital... Will definitely be asking! X
Argh looks like my boy has chicken pox. This morning was fine went to friends to see her 7 week old baby noticed two spots on his neck at lunch. And now he is covered head to toe and some of them are filling with fluid! Argh. I feel awful about my friends baby potentially being exposed. I'll be taking him to see gp to diagnose him tommorow but I'm pretty certain.

Feel so bad.

And to make matters worse it appears this afternoon I have some tummy bug or side effects of medications but I've got horrific tummy pains, diarrohea and nausea! I've managed a slice of toast this morning and a few mouthfuls of pasta for lunch, nothing since.

Hope your all keeping well. My mum has gone off the rails and sending me abusive messages. It was my 30th birthday yesterday and she couldn't even be nice to me then! But I've got a plan in place for labour as some friends have offered to help out to look after my boy when I go into labour, fab friends :-) although all live a little way away so may be a bit touch and go if I labour quickly.
Oh dear tiggy! Some things can't be helped, I'm glad you have a plan sorted though. :)

I booked tours at the two nearest delivery units to us this afternoon so hopefully we'll be having a look round next week! One of them has 2 pools and one only has one, but because they're in the same hospital Trust my midwife said I can call labour line when the time comes and they will be able to tell me which one has a pool free and I can choose to go to that one! Very handy!
Tiggy happy belated 30th.... :)
Glad u have someone to look after your little man when the time comes.

Popie thats great.. our hospital only have one. But even if it was free at the time I don't think I would get using it as in tri one it was discovered I had group strep B. I knw I may not have it near labour but im getting antibiotics anyway to be on safe side. Would love water birth
Tiggy hope you had a nice birthday and you are feeling better soon.

Podpie, that sounds good. I'm thinking water birth at the mo but waiting for tour and antenatal on 7/8feb to get all the info.

Anyone else doing a bump to baby photo shoot? Hubby got me one for Christmas and just booked bump shoot for 8th. No idea what to wear!
TTC no2 I also got a positive for Strep did you have it with your other pregnancy? it worries me maybe we could chat via PM?

Hope everybody is well? I have already kinda finished work signed off with SPD then only back in for 3 days then off officially. I packed hospital bag for bubs yesterday need a few more bits for me but looks like I am going on hols for a month! Can't wait till my growth scan on the 4th as fundal height has measured 31 for the last 2 weeks, hope all is good.

Yes surely buttercup.. no this has been first time ever I tested postive for it.. I will give u a private buzz later if thats ok. Ive a million things to get started on. I dont want u to think I was rude and not writing back. Xx
Butterfly wow how do you feel about being on maternity? I can't wait for mine to begin, but still have 4 weeks to go....

I have a cold. Again! This is something like 10th time this season!! I'm so fed up with this.

Hope you all ladies are having a nice weekend x
Sorry you have a cold iLove, it's an annoying thing when your pregnant and can't take anything for it. Hope it passes quickly.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I'm feeling much better today but it seems to come in waves and I'll be good for a few days then the nausea and stomach cramps will start again for a few days!

My little one is really scratching now! Bless his heart! Hope it clears quickly.

I've got two more weeks at work till mat leave! Can't wait :-) got an easy couple of weeks really so it shouldn't be too bad! :-)

Hope your all having a good weekend! Next week we get our new oak wardrobe delivered then carpets fitted in the bedrooms upstairs the following week! Can't wait till it's all finished and then I can put the nursery together! But it does mean we have to move my boy into a bed which could be fun! Haha!
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Wee update for you girlies. Had what the medical team calls a "planned emergency section" on Thursday 22nd January. Our beautiful baby boy Donal was delivered into the world, all 2lb 7oz of him :) he's doing well in the Neonatal unit. A good strong lad :)

All delighted that he's here nice and safe. We are all doing well. My recovery is somewhat slow but I will get there :)

Hope you are all keeping well xxx
Aww MamaMoo! Congratulations. Glad your wee man is doing well. :) xx
Huge congrats MamaMoo!! Glad all is well. Hope to see some more details/photos when you get a chance to post again x
Oh congrats Mamamoo!! Hope you are all well, glad to hear you have a strong little boy :) xxxxxx

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