*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Great news demaris good luck with that.

I swear my baby is not only bouncing on my bladder but wringing it out with his hands. I'm peeing every ten minutes tonight and it's annoying me now.

On the plus side he keeps sticking his back and bottom out of the bump and I'll rub it then he sticks out even further I think he likes it xx
Rhonda I'm the same, it feels like Oscar is headbutting my bladder, and then typically when I go for a wee, it's just a trickle! So frustrating isn't it?
Also, just had my first case of fanny daggers and ouchy ouchy ouch!! :(
We went to see American sniper ilove, I really enjoyed it! Baby hardly stopped moving, I guess he could hear everything too!
Niknaknoo oh I haven't even heard of this one... Need to google :) I think we should try to do at least one more cinema trip before the baby is due!

How is everyone today?

I was sooo tired last few days. We went to see my in-laws and I fell asleep leaning on my husbands shoulder while they were all chatting. Also slept in the car and at home. And I was still knackered after 3 naps! This morning I also just couldn't get up, so ended up coming to work 1 hour later than normally. Sod it.

We did lots of exciting baby shopping on the weekend, now only need to collect my order from Next store and then wash everything, and I think we will be all pretty much set :)
Morning ladies :) 30 weeks today! 8 weeks to go!

Well last night showed me how important it is to have the hospital bag packed as I didn't have a clue whether they would monitor me overnight or not. Thank fully i didn't need it but its firmly packed now!

While I was on the ward last night (which is same ward as delivery) I could hear one lady 'going for it' sounded to me like she was at the pushing stage-really hit home to me whats coming and I must admit at one point I thought ok Ive changed my mind can i go home now please!

I think now is the time I am going to start practicing my breathing rhythm with hubby :)
Hi girls. I'm still hanging on in here at the hospital. I've got preeclampsia and baby will be delivered this week. So exhausted as I'm on ward where ladies are in early stages of labour and it's non stop. Trying to get rest when I can but it's difficult. I'm now 29+3. Can't believe this has happened to us again. Been told by docs this will be our last baby. I totally agree. My consultant will be round in the morning to give me a def date for delivery. Been in hospital for a full week now lol

Hope you are all keeping wellxxxx
Oh glad to hear from you MamaMoo! Well done for hanging on for so much longer, it must be so tough!! Really sorry about preeclampsia :(

How are things with your family and work? x
Aww MamaMoo! At least you and baby are in the best place to be looked after!

Keep us updated when you can xx
Sorry to hear you're still in hospital Mamamoo :( I hope everything goes smoothly with your labour and you get to meet your LO :) xxxx
Sorry to hear what u have been going through, wishing u lots of luck and hope all goes well hun xxx
Hi girls. I'm still hanging on in here at the hospital. I've got preeclampsia and baby will be delivered this week. So exhausted as I'm on ward where ladies are in early stages of labour and it's non stop. Trying to get rest when I can but it's difficult. I'm now 29+3. Can't believe this has happened to us again. Been told by docs this will be our last baby. I totally agree. My consultant will be round in the morning to give me a def date for delivery. Been in hospital for a full week now lol

Hope you are all keeping wellxxxx

Ahh mammaMoo what you have been through this week, really feel for you. We are all thinking of you and hope things go smoothly with your labour. xx
Oh Mamamoo what a rough time you've had! Fingers crossed for a safe delivery! Xxxx
Lots of hugs mamma moo. Hope the labour goes ok. Sorry it's happening again for you. Xxxx
Girls I'm so angry with my mum and I don't know what to do. Myself and hubby live a fair distance from all our parents (both sides are separated with their respective partners). The nearest parent is my mum whom is 1hr 20 mins away. It was all planned that she would look after our 2 year old when I went into labour and would leave as soon as I called, anyway she has just text saying she thinks that I should ask My partners mum as she doesn't feel able to do it as she has her own problems (that she won't say anything about) and thinks my partners mum would be better. We have just had her stay this weekend and she spent the whole weekend saying that my partners mum makes her feel inferior and she is jealous that she doesn't work and is retired etc!

I had a 2 and a half hour labour first time around so asking my partners mum is ridculous as she is 5 hrs drive away. And so is my dad! God I'm so stressed about what to do!

We moved in august to an area and don't know anyone locally that I trust and he knows that could look after our 2 year old.

So basically I'm gonna have to labour without hubby and probably get an ambulance if I have to go to hospital, hoping for a home birth but only allowed if I get my iron levels sorted and baby turns (breech).
Oh mama moo, I hope you are doing ok. In a way at least you know what to expect but that doesn't make it any easier. Hope all goes ok and best of luck. Keep us updated if you can!

Tiggy that sounds a bit strange, could it be something to do with work she is worried about taking time off or something? But it sure doesn't make sense to send your little on 5 hours away when you don't know when it will happen! Could your MIL come to yours/ could you tolerate that??!! Fingers crossed you get your home birth though!
Tiggy this is a very strange suggestion!! Surely your mum understands that this just won't work?? Sorry I don't know what to suggest, but this is really rubbish :(

My situation with babysitting is also a bit iffy as my parents decided to go to another country for two weeks when I will be 36 weeks. I hope they will be back before I go intolabour, but the timing worries me slightly. And this happened because my mum wasn't organised enough to get ready to go to a trip at the beginning of February, as I asked her :(
Mamamoo I hope everything is going OK for you! We're all here thinking of you and sending you our best wishes.

Tiggy I'd be upset too if I was in the same situation. Luckily this is our first and my mum will be at the birth with me, and she's already sorted out her work etc so she can leave at the drop of a hat! I hope you can speak to her honestly about how you feel and she sees she's being unfair. Good luck!

I spent a couple of hours in hospital this afternoon after no movement from little man all morning. Of course as soon as I was hooked up to the monitor the little trouble maker decided to put on a performance and all is well! He has moved though and is lying diagonally so I hope he moves again, we have plenty of time. My mum had the same problem with my sister and I that we were both lying diagonally and had to be c section babies!
I asked my partner to call my boss and say I wouldn't be coming to work tonight, because I didn't know how long I'd be or if there was going to be any problems and he came back in the room fuming. My manager isn't very nice and apparently her only question was "will she be at work tomorrow?" and didn't ask or seem to care how I was, he was or how the baby was. I think my OH is actually considering writing a strongly worded letter to the company director about how she's treated me throughout the pregnancy because he's not happy with it!
The first feb baby has been born! Scary! Just weeks to go now girls!
GF wow! Awesome.

Event though we already have our first March baby and looks like will have the second one quite soon... But yes, this is all becoming very real and very serious now!
so back up to hospital for me, my blood sugar has dropped low despite eating crap for the last two days and taking no insulin. Apparently this can be a sign of a failing placenta (with pre eclampsia) so i have to be monitored again.

To top it off we got a call from the housing association this morning to say the offer of the house has been revoked because the tenants have decided not to move. I am so gutted, how do you tell an autistic child we aren't in fact moving and we have to stay in this flat for longer? Its going to break his heart.

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