*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

I have 21 days left in the office :) and 4 days in London on a course, but at least that will be a bit of a change. Can't wait...

I'm also starting to feel rather big. I want to book a haircut as close as possible to my EDD, but am wondering how easy it will be for me to go to town by bus in March :-/
Nonabean you do know that officially you can take paid time off for antenatal classes, right? Just checking :) I have a class next Friday, and I'm not booking time off for it.
I went into town yesterday on the bus Olya and I was so knackered when I got home! I would do it sooner if you feel uncomfortable xxx
Well the idea is that I want the haircut to last through the first hectic month with a newborn for all those photos :) Getting it right now wouldn't really work... :-/ Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Well the idea is that I want the haircut to last through the first hectic month with a newborn for all those photos :) Getting it right now wouldn't really work... :-/ Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Maybe your hairdresser will come out to you?

I must admit I am finding it cumbersome getting around now, my hospital is a train and a bus ride away and i'm having to plan the whole day around one appointment so i can get a lift too and from the train station when my husband starts/finishes work in the car. He has driven me for the important scans and appointments but the amount i am going in and out for check ups it wouldnt be fair for him to have so much time off.

We need chauffers! :D
Oh you lucky ladies that are finishing in the next couple of weeks! I'm only sat at a desk so wanted to work up as long as possible really. regretting that a bit now! but its hopefully going to work out well as by the time I'm due to go back at the end of the year there are only a couple of weeks to Christmas and between the hols I have left,hubby and grandparents we won't need to put baby into nursery until next year which will save us a months fees - I get 2 weeks off at Christmas so would be pointless paying a full month!

Chrissie, hope the insulin is going OK - have they given you an induction date yet?

Tiggy, glad your boy is feeling better now. Understandable that he is getting clingy, kids have a sixth sense about these things! but hopefully he'll be the adoring big brother!

One week to my next MW appointment then we're at the every 2 weeks stage! I keep thinking time is dragging but I can't quite believe I'm this far along!
Demaris I should have asked her last time I saw her, but I didn't think then... and I can't just call the salon and ask her on the phone I don't think as they are not allowed to do this. I'll need to talk to her next time I see her I think!
Def makes sense working for as long as you can nik. I ve actually got four weeks leave to take before my mat leave so finish work at 34 weeks then mat leave at 38weeks. Last time I gave birth at 38 weeks so hoping for similar this time! I've got a fairly active job but have to admit I've taken on less clinical work and taking more non clinical work from colleagues. Still have a few patients to see and finish off though!

Perhaps maybe my little one is starting to realise things are happening and feeling a little insecure. He has been very giving of kisses and cuddles recently which is unusual but nice! Hope he likes being big brother!
I hope the time whizzes by for you ladies that are working. I was lucky (or unlucky!) that I wasn't working when I fell pregnant, just in the middle of a 3 year degree at uni! I have had to defer this year and hope to continue in Sept. Its been a struggle with just hubby's wages but also I am glad that I have been able to rest as this pregnancy has been hard work, it was definitely easier 15 years ago when i was in my late 20's!! And something tells me the worst is yet to come-roll on march! :D
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Hello!! Sorry not been around for a while I've just been so busy over Christmas and time has just slipped away. Hope you are all well? Not back tracked through the posts yet what have I missed?

I finish work on 31st jan can't wait. Had a growth scan and oliver has little legs and a round tummy. Diabetes still diet controlled and all looks great.

I think I might be experiencing braxton hicks tonight. Felt lower bump tighten for about a minute then it went away again. Had that twice in past 20 mins. Not painful but very bizarre. So I'm off to bed to rest up a bit.

Looking forward to finding out how you are all doing.

Much love xxx
No induction date Niknaknoo, insulin is going ok I guess, 2nd day of using it, have another scan next month so I'm guessing they will let me know what will be happening then, don't feel very well though to be honest with taking insulin and tablets plus I have been getting shocking stabbing pains right up through my bits (sorry tmi) but it makes my eyes water along with the strong braxton hicks :wall2:

Glad you are ok Rhonda, hope you other ladies are doing ok xxx
Not posted for ages. Hope everyone is ok. Getting close for you all now we're in 2015 :D

Little update on Aaron. He's doing so well, he's in such a great routine and is loving his little life, such a happy baby. I'm really proud of him for lifting his little head up and keeping it up for a few seconds :D We also went swimming today for the first time and he loved it! We shall definitely be going back often
I love: I'm only entitled to time off if it interrupts work hours, as I'm nightshift I still need to come to work.
It's just too much being up all day at antenatal classes etc then working at night. Luckily it's only one class that clashes with work, so don't need much time off.

Also, don't know if any of you guys get offered physiotherapy antenatal classes. I'm booked into a prep for labour class on Wednesday, and it was fab last time. You brainstorm different exercises/positions for labouring and giving birth and I thought it was fab last time I was pregnant.

Allthingsgirly: we're due date buddies!

Hope you're all doing good :) xx
Nightwolf great to hear from you and glad everything is going well!
Also rhondalou great to have you back with us!
RhondaLou, very glad to see you back :) I think the biggest thing you missed would be MamaMoo going into hospital a few days ago. Since then (I believe) there were no news from her... Really hope she is OK.

Nonabean oh I see, that makes sense.

NightWolf fab news! :) How are you both finding the parenthood?

Butterfly, happy 30 weeks to us :D
Glad to hear from all you ladies and that your all well :)

I am having an absolute day from hell! I have walked out my office once already crying. I hate working with lazy people who get away with murder. Problem after problem today. I can't even say thank god it's Friday as im working tomorrow for the extra money. Think I will treat myself to takeaway tonight xx
Hey all glad everything is ok I had a growth scan at nearly 29 weeks as fundal height is 2 weeks ahead but she was perfect right on track the pic was amazing! She even blinked at us have another on the 4th Feb . Off work until the 27th Jan though as have really bad hips been referred for physio can't sleep at all when I go back will only have 3 weeks hope I can manage that my desk is soooo uncomfortable! Can't believe 10 weeks left can't wait to meet my princess. Keep well everyone x x
RhondaLou, very glad to see you back :) I think the biggest thing you missed would be MamaMoo going into hospital a few days ago. Since then (I believe) there were no news from her... Really hope she is OK.

Nonabean oh I see, that makes sense.

NightWolf fab news! :) How are you both finding the parenthood?

Butterfly, happy 30 weeks to us :D

We're loving every moment of it :D So far Aaron has been a relatively easy baby to look after! Very chilled out little man heh
Oooh ladies I feel so icky today. I feel like babe is sat in my actual lady bits really low. It feels so pressurey(made that up?) down there. My lady bits look gross and swollen and I have a pain under my collar bone. I feel like if I had a big massive number 2 it would help but I don't need one and I'm not constipated. I just feel so "full" down there!!

Does anyone else feel the same?xx

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