*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

*8 weeks* pregnant today, can announce we're expecting twins! Gonna have our hands full with what'll be like triplets what with Aaron so young but we're more than happy about it as it was planned to have our children close in age. I can't wait to be a dad to all three, I'm loving being one every day, best thing I've ever done in life
Surely your baby is still in hosp? And how have you been allowed to take him swimming?
Oooh ladies I feel so icky today. I feel like babe is sat in my actual lady bits really low. It feels so pressurey(made that up?) down there. My lady bits look gross and swollen and I have a pain under my collar bone. I feel like if I had a big massive number 2 it would help but I don't need one and I'm not constipated. I just feel so "full" down there!!

Does anyone else feel the same?xx

I have that pressure feeling, think it's just the position she's in! I know she's engaged so I'm just expecting it to get worse! Xxx

*8 weeks* pregnant today, can announce we're expecting twins! Gonna have our hands full with what'll be like triplets what with Aaron so young but we're more than happy about it as it was planned to have our children close in age. I can't wait to be a dad to all three, I'm loving being one every day, best thing I've ever done in life

Wow, nightwolf congratulations! You will definately have your hands full there! Xxx
Also going by dates your son is only 8 weeks old? Sorry but something doesn't add up there...
Yeah Aaron is 8 weeks today, Riley is only 6 weeks pregnant judging by when we had sex but has been put at 8 weeks. Aaron was out of hospital around a month ago so we've been able to take him swimming this week
Im pretty sure they keep babies in longer than 4 weeks specially when they are as prem as your baby was?
It really depends on the baby and how well they do and if anything is wrong with them. There wasn't anything wrong with Aaron and he gained weight nicely and passed all his tests so was able to come home
Lovely to see u back nighwolf, I love reading all the little updates on Aarons progress and the pics u posted on FB, glad he is doing so well, he is truly gorgeous xxx
Ugh! What an evening!!! My bump has gone rock solid (constant - not tightenings) and was sore to touch. Then I realised I haven't really felt baby move today, which resulted in being monitored on labour ward (baby is kicking fine - although I still can't feel him) and a scan to check fluid around him (which is fine!)
At home now, and starting to feel kicks, but still need to phone the day bed unit on Monday to get booked in for a growth scan.
Feel totally drained and have decided as a result to finish work at 36 weeks instead of 38 - fed up of feeling exhausted xx
Hi guys - didn't realise there was a new thread wondered why I wasn't getting any notifications!

Wowzers night wolf. Congrats. Your missus is a much better woman then I. Couldn't DREAM of having sex 2 weeks post birth! Esp with all the worries of such a prem baby going round my head. But then I'm a wuss haha.

How is everyone - not got time to read through all the posts xxx
Wow nightwolf congratulations. You didn't waste anytime there did you lol.

Last night was the first night in a long time that I didnt keep waking up with hip pains heart burn leg cramps or needing to pee. So you would think that I slept well right? Wrong. Paul has spent all night snoring away oblivious to the jabs I've been landing in his ribs. I kept telling him to stop he would say sorry change position and start snoring again. He is lucky I didn't land him one on the bloody nose that would have made him snore xxx
Congrats nightwolf I didn't realise that ovulation happens so soon again after birth 2 weeks that is quick.

Baby has moved to the right today and I look all lopsided I don't like it! X x
Morning ladies!
What a crap nights sleep! I've been sleeping so well but last night was not great and think I'm getting a cold now too :-(

Congrats nightwolf, I'm sure it was a shock!

Oh couldn't believe it last night, one min he had his hand on my belly and it was rock hard, i think it was his bum sticking out, then baby moved and belly was soft again. Think it freaked him out a bit!
Hope you all have a nice weekend! X
Morning ladies, looks like the 3rd trimester niggles have really kicked in with everyone. trying to find a comfy way to sleep and then be woken by snoring Rhondalou is like flipping Chinese torture isn't it! I've had a cold and a stupid cough to go with it so I have been sleeping on the sofa (propped up with pillows) for the last week as lying down flat just made me cough. But last night as hubby didnt have work this morning I slept in bed and it was annoying to say the least. I think nature just wants me to have the whole bed to myself ha!

We had some amazing news yesterday in that we have been offered a house in the town where I grew up, where the kids go to school and where my (aging) father lives. The kids have been commuting to school on the train and it was becoming stressful for my son (who has aspergers). We had looked at a property just after christmas having saved the 2K plus to pay the deposit fees etc then the car broke down so we lost all hope of moving from this place before baby arrives. We are in a flat in the centre of town and its awful (we took the tenancy before I found out I was pregnant). So now it looks like we may be moving after all, and before baby comes! Such a huge relief.

Hope you all have a fab weekend :) x
That's awesome news Demaris! Hope everything goes to plan for you :) xx
Demaris, awesome news!! Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly! X
That's great demaris, good luck with the move!

Sooo, my hospital bag is now ready I think. We could certainly get by for a couple of nights with what is in there. I will probably throw a few more bits in as we go along but if it happened tomorrow I would be OK!

Date night with hubby tonight, meal out and cinema. Hope I don't fall asleep during film!
Niknaknoo oh cool! What film are you going to watch?
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Good luck Demaris :) Glad things are looking up!
Niknaknoo sounds lovely, enjoy yourselves :)

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