*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Good morning ladies!

MamaMoo how are you doing hun?
I did some hospital bag shopping yesterday in ASDA - got cotton wool, nappy cream, disposable pants and sterilising wipes. Nothing very exciting, but I enjoyed it very much nonetheless :)
Cakey happy 30weeks Woo hoo. .. :)

Yes I love I got pieces like that monday glad I made a start. I love asda little angel nappies so got some of there newborn ones too
Oh good, I never used Little Angel nappies before, but got a free sample in my Bounty bag, so will give those a go! So far we ordered a big box of pampers nappies of Amazon. And our cocoonababy is also ordered and is on the way - woohoo! :)
Yes I used pampers at the start with caoimhe then I seen other mum rantn raving about how good they were and u got 2of the economy packs for 10 I thought that was good so tried them and I hadnt looked back.. so going try them fron the start with this little one see how we get on. Was actually ment to look into reusables but havent got round to it yet
Has anyone heard from MamaMoo or RhondaLou? I dropped RL a message, no response yet.
Hello All

Sorry been a bit quite had a hetic xmas/new year! In the mist of house renovations too :o/

Just to let you know the Asda baby event starts on the 17th Jan, (Im planning on picking up some bits for my hosp bag...so might be worth holding on if ur after some stuff ) :)

Lorraine x
Well due to the hospital messing up, lack of communication and error I guess I have had two days without the correct equipment to test my blood sugars only a few needles left to inject insulin so I haven't been able to keep track. Its really annoyed me because the first midwife that showed me through the process of using the machine and pricking my finger to test was really annoying anyway (she was in her 20's and kept calling me 'my lovely' which for me at 41 annoyed the hell out of me!) and she whizzed through it so fast I was left thinking WTf?! basically she wrote the wrong prescription out and because of this I have been issued the wrong test strips now that my original ones have run out.

The diabetes 'helpline' is answered by an admin person who takes the sugar numbers sticks you on hold then relays a message back to you to increase or decrease unsulin. This makes me feel pretty uncomfortable anyway. So I phone up to say my prescription was incorrect and she spend most of the time telling me it was my doctors fault! It wasnt i had the peice of paper in my hand-to which i slowly read out to her. Why do people always fight to be right all the time!

So this admin person said she would phone my doc to get the proper prescription issued yesterday afternoon after admitting it was their fault. I ring my doctors this morning and nothing has been done!

So I phone my own community midwife and she is not happy and will sort it all out. I have had to stop my insulin because should I have a hypo I have no way of testing! Rant!

Rant over....sorry ladies....how is everyone? xx
Demaris oh dear what a mess :( and how annoying!! Have you thought about making a complaint?
Oh Demaris how annoying!!! hope you get it sorted quickly!

I just can't get comfortable today, getting a lot of pressure down low, not sure if that means baby is engaging??!! I'll not be impressed if next 6 and a half weeks feel like this, definitely waddling today!

Just had my first cup of Rasberry Leaf Tea, can't say I enjoyed it but its tolerable! (I'm not really a herbal tea drinker!)
Happy 30 weeks TTCno2 :) as if we only have (hopefully) 10 weeks left!
Sorry to hear the midwife messed up Demaris :( how frustrating for you.
Niknaknoo I'm the same, really feeling like he's pushing down. I get moments when I'm fine then suddenly need a wee!
I hope both Mamamoo and Rhonda are okay and just busy :)
People at work keep telling me that they thought I'm more pregnant than I am and it's making me feel like such a heffer! I'm sure my work uniform isn't flattering which doesn't help but then again a lot of people have said that I'm just all bump. And the next person to tell me I'm going to have a big baby is really going to get a mouthful lol xxx
I've not really had too many comments, but one woman I know was really insistent that there was no way I am going to March!!! Kind of hope she is right! although he needs to stay in till at least the 13th Feb as I finish work on the 12th:) but I do have stuff to do when I finish so need to keep him cooking a little longer.
Hope Mamamoo and Rhonda are OK, I had another diabetic check today and they have put me on insulin along with metformin ugh, sugar wasn't really that high but what can u do I guess :/
Oh I'm jealous Niknaknoo, I have 27 shifts left at work and it seems like a million right now :(
Chrissie, I know it's not what you wanted but it won't be for too long and your LO will be so worth it :) did you see someone different to who you normally do?
I've just sorted out Oscars clothes and now I know what he needs and what he doesn't so maybe I'll sleep better tonight :)
Hope Mamamoo and Rhonda are OK, I had another diabetic check today and they have put me on insulin along with metformin ugh, sugar wasn't really that high but what can u do I guess :/

Ahh insulin isnt that bad, you really dont feel the needles. I guess really the rest of the pregnancy will be spent adjusting the doseage as the more we progress the more our sugars go up :( xx
Well my jab didnt hurt too bad. Wasnt anywhere near as bad as when i had the flu jab!!
My bump seems to keep on appearing and my tiger stripes are coming along well too!!!
I'm the same as you Cakey: Meant to have 27 shifts left, finishing up exactly 2 weeks before my DD. Although I've put in a holiday for this Monday for my antenatal class in the afternoon, so only 26 days to go. xx
Eeeek I have 14 days left at work! How quickly has that time flown by! Got holiday to take so last day 6th Feb 4 weeks before due date.
I keep getting told I look like i have a football up my top! I am literally rounded at the front lol. It's becoming more and more difficult to go shopping etc as baby feels like he's right down low. The second I get out the car to walk i feel like I need a wee, even though only 10 minutes before I got in the car I went! I am going to get my last little bits for hospital bag this weekend as I really don't think I can go to town proper shopping again before baby is due - even my hips are beginning to hurt :( xx
I have 12 shifts left at work. Roll on mat leave....cant wait to start mine now!!!
10 shifts at work left for me! Yay! Can't wait! I'm already fed up of being uncomfortable, can't wait to have a few weeks chilling! (Hopefully)

Making a chocolate cake for my boys birthday today (his birthday was Monday) but as he was poorly we have decided to celebrate this weekend instead! He is going through a really clingy stage at the moment which is just typical as baby is due soon. He has never shown any sign of separation anxiety since going to nursery from 9 months but now he hates nursery and refuses to co operate getting ready! Makes me feel guilty already knowing that I'll have less time for him when baby comes!

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