*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Haven't heard from RhondaLou :(. Hope she's ok!
GF how do you know how engaged you are? My LO is having a party in my belly right now lol. Have just cleaned the house top to tail, sat down ate some food and chocolate buttons...oops..and now my belly is moving all over the place lol. My next midwife app is when I am nearly 35 weeks. She said she will take bloods next time, is there anything else she might do?! Xx xx

Had my (what was meant to be) 31 week midwife appt yesterday. She examined my tummy and said I was 4/5ths engaged... Just got to get her to keep coming down! Xxx
GF sorry I must be missing a point here - why would you want your baby to be engaged so early? I thought it would happen quite a bit earlier? Sorry just getting confused.
Demaris do you mind me asking why you are taking a thermometer?.. I would think they would have such things in the hospital if needed?

Ahh no I mean starting to fill up the nursery box. We have this; http://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-Us/Bathing/Coordinating-Bath-Sets/Winnie-The-Pooh-Starry-Night-Nursery-Box%280083846%29

I used one with my first two and they were really in fashion back then, i found them invaluable for storing things like cream, nappies, wet wipes, first aid kit, thermometer etc. All to hand with the changing mat (we dont have a changing station). So, no not for hospital :)

Its funny I was showing baby's bits and bobs off to my sister who has a 4 year old and she asked me what the box was for! I guess its not that common to have one? Im behind the times hehe xx

Oh sorry I read "baby's nursery bag" and assumed it was just a second bag for the hospital with baby bits :) Baby brain!
I never heard of or seen such boxes, but it does look lovely! :) Is it big?
I never heard of or seen such boxes, but it does look lovely! :) Is it big?

Its about 2 foot wide and 1 foot high I guess with a shelf inside for small things and a handle to carry it. I found it hard to find one, funny how things change isnt it! :D
iLove, I'll probably not put a bottle in, hopefully won't need it or the hospital can provide...if not, I'll send hubby home to get one!
Niknaknoo I think I'll do the same. I have some bottles, but they won't be sterile and the teats will not be suitable for newborns. Surely they will help in the hospital if needed?
GF sorry I must be missing a point here - why would you want your baby to be engaged so early? I thought it would happen quite a bit earlier? Sorry just getting confused.

I don't want her to be engaged early, but she is.
I'm being induced at 38 weeks so I really want her as low as possible because if she isn't it will result in a c-section.
First babies normally engage early.. Doesn't mean her arrival is imminent !
Water wipes are great for newborns rather than the other baby wipes. Here we are advised not to use baby wipes on newborns to use cotton wool and water just. So the wipes will be bit better than the cotton wool. U can get them from boota or amazon. Haven't tried them myself but again another recommendations from other mums on the mummy group im on. There bit dearer than the usually wipes but I will use them for wile
Demaris: I bought the same nursery box yesterday! It's one of the nicest I've seen!! :) we'll be keeping it in the sitting room once LO arrives. Xx
Demaris: I bought the same nursery box yesterday! It's one of the nicest I've seen!! :) we'll be keeping it in the sitting room once LO arrives. Xx

We have the bath and the little towels too, i just love the simplicity of it :) xx
How is everyone doimg?! I have my whooping cough jab tomorrow. Has anyone else had theirs?! Does it sting?!
Had mine last week Rachel. Mine had a tiny bump for a couple days and a big bruise round it :/. Apparently that's all normal though. So maybe expect a bit of an achey arm :) xx
Had my whopping cough jab too last week. It left my arm a bit achey for a few days but was all ok.

I had 3 hrs sleep last night between my reflux and my little boy waking at 4am and refusing to go back to sleep. Really refluxy tonight too so doubt I'll be having sleep before midnight! Ergh!
How is everyone doimg?! I have my whooping cough jab tomorrow. Has anyone else had theirs?! Does it sting?!

I had mine last week. Injection was ok but for 3days after my arm was sore to touch or lie on. So dont get it done on the side u fall asleep on.
^^^this! I had flu and whooping cough at same time and in different arms. Struggled to sleep on either side for a couple of nights! Ended up on my back which wasn't ideal. X
Good morning ladies!

MamaMoo how are you doing hun?

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